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League of Legends |OT10| Botlane Was A Mistake, It's Nothing But Thresh

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Pretty much guaranteed
Nice. Doesnt sound like regular run of the mill champ (If I've been reading right), so I may enjoy playing him.

Also, saw a post on reddit about maybe making Rengar's ult make a global roar sound like sion/rek (idk if it was brought up here). I think that can be a good thing. But it sorta goes against his hunting angle by warning his prey.

Adds another thing for the rengar player to think about which sorta does go with the hunting angle. He has to decide how close to his target he would want to get before he pounces on them with his ult.

As someone he doesnt play Rengar, seems like it would be a nice change. But I dont play Rengar so don't know what negatives that would be for the player.


My predictions for the mage rework are Vel'koz, Lux, Ziggs, Brand, Malzahar, and Anivia. Maybe Swain, maybe Syndra, but they are both a little different. Maybe not Malz, he might be too much of a mess.

This is supposed to be an identity definition rework for immobile mages so I don't expect much for like Lulu/Ori/Heimer/etc. since they already have pretty clear identities and reasons to pick or not pick them into specific compositions or enemies. By contrast, I wouldn't expect to see Ryze/Cassie because their problems are not about identity but about fundamental design.

I like the idea of Ziggs being an anti-building mage but I worry a little that he would be just too oppressive if he were a super safe laner with good poke and global presence who also takes your turret if you try to roam on him. Not sure how to make that not aggravating.

Vel is already an anti-tank mage and I would kind of expect him to just be more of that. Probably means AP ratio on his passive and lower ratios/bases on his other abilities. That weakens his poke ability a bit, probably, but the Vel'koz dream is to land six abilities on one guy anyway and that would only get stronger.

Not really sure for the rest.


The worst feeling is when you rack up a 40 cs lead over Riven as Renek only for bot lane to feed 1/11 and lose the game. Can't pressure at all because the enemy Kindred and LeBlanc were roaming so much.
Nice. Doesnt sound like regular run of the mill champ (If I've been reading right), so I may enjoy playing him.

Also, saw a post on reddit about maybe making Rengar's ult make a global roar sound like sion/rek (idk if it was brought up here). I think that can be a good thing. But it sorta goes against his hunting angle by warning his prey.

Adds another thing for the rengar player to think about which sorta does go with the hunting angle. He has to decide how close to his target he would want to get before he pounces on them with his ult.

As someone he doesnt play Rengar, seems like it would be a nice change. But I dont play Rengar so don't know what negatives that would be for the player.
A global ult warning would certainly help but it wouldn't fix anything and I'm sure Rengar players will learn how to get around it in like a week.
Think meddler helped me understand the problem with Vel Zyklon was talking about.

He said something to the tune of how vel plays is unique/ok but what he offers to the team is what the problem is.

A global ult warning would certainly help but it wouldn't fix anything and I'm sure Rengar players will learn how to get around it in like a week.

Yea, a fix for Rengar overall would be difficult.


1) Heavy AD comp
2) Dive comp and you just trying to stay alive.
3) Your team has plenty of damage already and could use the extra utility. Like if you have Viktor/Azir/Anivia mid and a carry top laner. Where you have so much dps that you don't need to be the main source of damage.

I see. Appreciate it!


With Ezreal, are there specific team comps where blue build is better or ez players just do it for preference?

Actually, if you check probuilds, you'll see that blue build Ez is the standard Ez build right now. A big part of this is that the meta champs are AD, but it's also the huge buffs to IBG. Blue Ez probably does MORE damage once he's built out.

The problem with blue Ez really is that your first buy has zero combat stats (because it's Tear) so even more than other late-scalers you have a painful lane from like 10-20 minutes and can't fight much.
Current version of Blue Ez deals a fuckton of damage thanks to Ghostblade, Thunderlords and Reaver providing crit, don't sleep on it.

Also, Blue Ez makes it extremely hard for him to be bullied since as a ranged support, your job is to poke him out. I play Bard and enemy Ezreal built Iceborn Gaunlet first. My auto attacks did nothing to him.


So I finally find a match with a good team that does decently... and I have no better choice but to pick Thresh (as Nautilus was taken by our jungle) and proceeded to miss every Q and generally unerperform myself. Great.

A short summary of my ranked experience so far:
  • Nobody ever coordinates a strategy or composition
  • I've rarely been able to coordinate with more than a single teammate during the champion draft
  • Everybody's quick to jump on their teammates for any mistake, getting the whole team raging at each other and preventing proper coordiation
  • People whine if I don't have all four wards up at all times, but people rarely ward anything themselves
  • Perish the though of purchasing a pink ward. Only silly supports carry those
  • The lack of coordination and team effort means even teamfights and their outcomes feel really random
  • Made a mistake? Forget about anyone trying to explain what you did wrong and how to avoid that in the future, you'll just get flamed

So yeah, I'm sadly not really feeling any difference between ranked and the other game modes in terms of player behavior. I don't have enough friends to have a ranked team, so playing random people who throw shit at each other for over half an hour is getting tiring. Even the games my team wins often boil down to the enemy team having more awful players than us, which doesn't make for a fun and entertaining experience either.


I would say he's underrated yea, cause he can probabl stall better than anyone save maybe Heimer and can disrupt a lot in TF even if it's not hard CC. Wouldn't be the only champ, I just got carried hard by a godlike Shyvanna top (we were 3 v 5 for the first 12-15 min and still won somehow, I'm also with Dreams-Visions in I think Illaoi is pretty good too). But I also say that part of the reason he may be underrated is that his get is forgettable or doesn't see special compared to other options.. Special doesn't have to mean OP, but it's usually nice if it does matter.

Something along the lines of Caityn or Corki where he keeps most of his thematic kit but still has new stuff to play with based around his new title is probably best, whenever they decide what his niche is going to be.
yeah like i said, i think that's less of a problem of ziggs and maybe more of a problem of other champions

i'd be interesting to consider his spells damaging turrets as a unique thing to him but how could that work i have no idea

New champ may be on the pbe this week?
almost certainly the reveal is gonna be this week, not sure about pbe

My predictions for the mage rework are Vel'koz, Lux, Ziggs, Brand, Malzahar, and Anivia. Maybe Swain, maybe Syndra, but they are both a little different. Maybe not Malz, he might be too much of a mess.

This is supposed to be an identity definition rework for immobile mages so I don't expect much for like Lulu/Ori/Heimer/etc. since they already have pretty clear identities and reasons to pick or not pick them into specific compositions or enemies. By contrast, I wouldn't expect to see Ryze/Cassie because their problems are not about identity but about fundamental design.

I like the idea of Ziggs being an anti-building mage but I worry a little that he would be just too oppressive if he were a super safe laner with good poke and global presence who also takes your turret if you try to roam on him. Not sure how to make that not aggravating.

Vel is already an anti-tank mage and I would kind of expect him to just be more of that. Probably means AP ratio on his passive and lower ratios/bases on his other abilities. That weakens his poke ability a bit, probably, but the Vel'koz dream is to land six abilities on one guy anyway and that would only get stronger.

Not really sure for the rest.
oh are we doing this?

lux is actually a pretty defined mage and i think malzahard and swain are probably out of the scope of these updates since they need pretty big reworks

they're also focusing on mana building so tbh i actually expect ryze and cassi and anivia to 99% be on the list.

i expect bigger changes to velkoz, brand and veigar

minor changes to syndra, lux, viktor, xerath, lizzy, karma, ziggs and zyra

and probably stat changes to everyone else

Think meddler helped me understand the problem with Vel Zyklon was talking about.

He said something to the tune of how vel plays is unique/ok but what he offers to the team is what the problem is.
imo velkoz has a lot of fancy schmancy skillshots but in the end he's a dude that shoots aoe forward, sometimes cc, just like every other mage. he's fun to play tho

also it's zkylon, not zyklon you dummie -__-

armor has 0 meaning for poke

almost all poke is ap based
seekers is pretty good against ad poke


No rush to get back to uni, but at least the internet is better.

I get average 90+ with regular spikes of 200+ at home (wi-fi). Stable 40 at uni. I miss playing ADC.


So, this time I say I prefer support, but the second player picks Braum. I'm left the choice of jungle or top, and obviously decide to go top since I suck at jungling, and pick Nautilus since he's my only tank-ish character that I know can be played top (didn't want to risk it with Lulu).

The team aske me to dodge to avoid dragging them down, but I decided to give it a try.

Turns out I ended up 3/0/6 with a farily clean laning phase against a Nasus, with thunderlord's decree giving me one hell of an edge since my E made it much easier for me to proc it and keep his health low while mine was high. On top of that, Naut's W allowed me to cancel my attack animation for some burst damage (and often thunderlord's procs) while also shielding me a fair bit against incoming hits.

Halfway through the game Oriana tells me she was wrong for judging me like that since I wasn't half bad after all, and we did okay in the late game as I transitioned into a more support-ish role, marking people with my ult and CCing squishies to death for the rest of the team. I only managed to build lots of defensive items since I don't know what offensive ones I should've built, but it still worked out alright.

The game still ended at 45/16, so it was obviously one-sided (now that I check it, Nasus ended up going 0/10/5)... guess my golden rule of "the team with the least number of feeders/trolls/flamers wins" still holds.


Played against a lich bane support ahri today. She didn't even go with FQC! Pretty much ran out of mana immediately in lane after throwing out a couple charms and was next level useless the whole game.


I don't think many people in my elo understand how easy it is to just push and end the game when you take out 3 of their players. rather than going for that extra dragon or split pushing another lane. Just group and end.
lol @ the silly people I see thinking new champ is gonna be called virtuoso

that would be like if lucian was called purifier

whatever he is called, I can't wait to see more of him

fingers crossed his name is jhin though, that's a cool name
lol @ the silly people I see thinking new champ is gonna be called virtuoso

that would be like if lucian was called purifier

whatever he is called, I can't wait to see more of him

fingers crossed his name is jhin though, that's a cool name

Considering his awkward mmmm publicity I am not surprised


i see a lot more of newbie-er/low elo players checking out the thread these days so wanna ask any of u, anything you would like to see on the next ot? we should maybe have a bit of a section dedicated to ppl starting out

lol @ the silly people I see thinking new champ is gonna be called virtuoso

that would be like if lucian was called purifier

whatever he is called, I can't wait to see more of him

fingers crossed his name is jhin though, that's a cool name

we not doto

also jhin doesn't sound apropriate to me

he needs a grandiose name


Nami's pretty fun! Landing her bubble is super satisfying, though it's hard to get people to capitalize on it without like, voice, I guess. She's got a lot of stuff, though, which is cool, like her bouncing splash and her E ability, which did a ton of work during ganks. Managed to nail most of the enemy team in a jungle corridor with Tidal Wave and set-up for a couple kills off that, which was cool.
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