Saying Happy Birthday in the thread for Zky so he doesn't feel bad that it's just in the discord...
Ivan Pavlov's a challenger Teemp otp and supposedly #2 main worldwide. Basically got a lot better at playing Teemo after watching the stream and watching his gameplan against different champions, as well as learning how to do a more flexible build order that caters to the enemy team more than just buying items in a set path every single game.
Except I consistently do most damage or 2nd most damage in my team despite going Mallet + BorK + Visage + Runaans/Nashors, while also not dying in two hits (which throws many people off since they expect the glass cannon ap build) and being decent frontline material. Seriously, on-hit Teemo's giving me really good results while not disrupting team comps by giving us another glass cannon. Like, at least Malz or Zyra can unload their whole kits for massive damage, while Teemo's shrooms are absolutely unusable in teamfights and your paper-thin defenses mean you won't be abusing your E either, so that leaves what, Q damage?
I hear you, but I use his shrooms in team fight all the time. Works good for me, but I'm only low gold. Usually end game with double the damage as the next highest.
That said, I don't think he is that great of a champ no matter how he is built. What region is this Ivan guy challenger in?
Happy birthday Zyk
I like this one
When I lane against a Teemo top and see him rushing Frozen Mallet, I die a little inside.
In what sense, "oh god the cancer" or "ezpz"? It certainly is one of the items that does the most work for me, since melee champs' life becomes hell when you factor in your W passive, W active and the constant slows from mallet, plus Q for when they actually manage to get in, all while you're building up keystone stacks.
It's probably the first, because I assume teemo building on hit works like on-hit kennen.
There's also the blind that makes laning a pain in the ass. I hate teemo.
Doran's Shield
+80 Health
Passive: Restores 6 Health every 5 seconds.
Passive: Basic attacks deal an additional 5 physical damage to minions on hit.
Unique Passive: Regain an additional 20 Health over 10 seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion.
Wasn't this a change they were toying around with for D. Shield a couple of PBE cycles ago?
They didn't give up on it, they just pulled it back to work on it for a while longer. Riot always intended to ship those DShield changes in some way.yeah and they gave it up back then why is it back for the changes they want to do for midseason
edit: also finally changed my league handle
Try mid vel. Honestly anyone in a slump should try mid vel. Very easy combo, can play safe against most other mids. Combo feels satisfying. I can't think of too many ap mids that I fear going against as vel. Fizz and......? idk. Most other mages if worse comes to worst you can stall and just farm up.Literally rock bottom
0 LP at B5
Feels badder
Edit: Happy Zky
Drunk in-house.
one day you'll do in-houses in a day i actually have a free slot -__-
thanks for the birthday wishes :>
Try mid vel. Honestly anyone in a slump should try mid vel. Very easy combo, can play safe against most other mids. Combo feels satisfying. I can't think of too many ap mids that I fear going against as vel. Fizz and......? idk. Most other mages if worse comes to worst you can stall and just farm up.