Wolf Akela

I don't get it. What's with the win rate that goes UP over time and stays there? I thought Nunu was pretty much just a support that goes jungle except with abilities that hardly make any impact.
Thanks.it might be a bug with the region text and it actually pulls data from the region you chose
edit: nvm, apparently the only way to see regional stuff is from the statistics page, when you go into specific champions it no longer shows stats for the region you selected
you can use the stuff in the statistics page tho not as comprehensive
They only go on sale a few months after release. Maybe PFE will get a special discount due to the update but I wouldn't count on it.
hard to find this info but apparently lux ultimate will go on sale later this month? gonna wait maybe they do some kind of sale with pfe.they haven't gone on sale yet but they'll start going on early sales at least (elementalist lux should be this month)
idk about other sales, you could at least wait until pulsefire cait to buy ezreal
hard to find this info but apparently lux ultimate will go on sale later this month? gonna wait maybe they do some kind of sale with pfe.
Anyone ever tried mystery gifting themselves with a smurf?
I don't get it. What's with the win rate that goes UP over time and stays there? I thought Nunu was pretty much just a support that goes jungle except with abilities that hardly make any impact.
Bronze mentality.Just got autofucked support and instead of dodging as I normally do I just decided to ride it out with The Tree.
Reminds me of Malz rework after it was nerfed into support. The rework may not have made him feel good top (haven't tried him top yet) but fuck does it make him feel strong bot.
All that bush control ... all that CC ...
Doesn't hurt that it was a Ziggs/ Zil bot so MR was super effective.
Midseason patch still feels quite new, but I guess we're getting patch notes tomorrow.
I still can't get my head wrapped around these new Tank Items.
I just build what I always build on tanks, Spirit Visage for MR, Frozen Hear for Armour and Warmog for Health/ Regen. Maybe go RoA for AP tank once in a while
Damn, I've become super bad. I was Diamond 5 last season and took a long break. I got placed into Gold this season - I don't mind climbing but I'm generally losing my lanes which is depressing. I swear some of these gold players are mechanical gods. I saw worse Lee/Zed/Azir/Kata/Syndra 1v1/2v2s in my diamond games than this elo. I've resorted to easy mode champions like Annie and Vel'koz.
I'm still winning most games because these same people are complete buffoons after lane phase but I doubt I'll be reaching Diamond this season...
Bronze mentality.
Been looking at both HOTS and Dota 2 and wow ... they seem like night and day compared to LoL.
Dota seems to take it's self far more seriously and allows for a really complex spectrum of ways you can play. But it really does lack waifu material because of this serious nature :/
HOTS seems to take it's self more lightly than LoL and focuses on fast and simple fun. Far more Waifu material but not much in the unconventional waifu material (like Illaoi or Cammy).
Neither of them seem to have the production quality seen in LoL as of late in regards to character animations and presence. Lacking the impact and whimsy. Though some Dota heroes look majestic as fuck.
DLing Dota now, gonna try it and HOTS later tonight.
I dunno, I find every form but Light to be so much betteri might still use star guardian over it, it's a much better skin
all of the forms are good, i just like star guardian betterI dunno, I find every form but Light to be so much better
I still wish I could just skip Light or get first form right at 6 or something
Are you being serious??
oh that's true, i thought it was official overwatch twitter posting that
i like sfw citemer a lot more than nsfw citemer
Dota is boring and HOTS is shallow.
If you want a change just go Smite/Paragon.
Lol is unbeatable when it comes to RTS view. Too bad the community is a terminal illness.
I agree. If you want something new but familiar, go with one of the third person MOBAs. I personally find Paragon the more enjoyable of the two.
You'll just be frustrated with Dota 2 or bored with HotS.
idk what that is but i like this
Dunno if anyone else watches Little Witch, but what the fuck is this.
top 4 times in a row....
midlaner on my team is a support player that got autofilled...
little witch academia is awesome, but i have no idea what that's about
Probably just mid secondary. Playing support once makes you autofill immune for a couple of games, so he can't really get autofilled unless he's not been playing support for like 3 games in ranked anyway.
I really don't understand the level of disdain some people have against playing Support Once in a while. I mean, maybe the game isn't for you care about kills....
The average Lol player is a 16 years old edgelord/dudebro straight male. They like to kill things with edgy characters to show off their eDick.
You're surprised they don't like to play support? Lol.
Oh hey, Riot is fixing Kindred for realsies now. Took them long enough to get rid of her passive.Passive - Mark of The Kindred
No longer grants Lamb bonus % current health damage on her basic attacks
Now amplifies all of Kindreds basic abilities per stack as outlined above
Every 4 marks increases Kindreds basic attack, Dance of Arrows and Mounting Dreads cast range. The first 4 marks increase their ranges by 75, while every 4 marks after increase their ranges by 25.
Well, League isn't about killing though
Its about objectives and map control
Yeah, you tell that to my low-elo compatriots who'd walk from our fountain all the way into the enemy's chasing after a low-health opponent... at least body counts are now in the sixties on my average game compared to the hundreds I had in most of my games last year.
Besides, who care about the A portion of KDA, it's all about KD... or something.
Yeah, you tell that to my low-elo compatriots who'd walk from our fountain all the way into the enemy's chasing after a low-health opponent... at least body counts are now in the sixties on my average game compared to the hundreds I had in most of my games last year.
Support is often seen as a boring role because you spend your early gold on a sightstone and your not-so-exciting support item, get burdened with one of your slots being pink wards for the whole game, and in lower elos your teammates are pretty linkely to complain about having no vision and yet not placing any freaking wards, let alone buying any pinks of their own. On top of that, you'll often be empowering teammates rather than 1v5ing people, and people often want to be the Yasuo acing the enemy team rather than the Lulu who has to make sure Yas doesn't die as he goes for that play.
Besides, who care about the A portion of KDA, it's all about KD... or something.
Yeah you are 100%, but I can see dmg based supps like Brand or Zrya being populer with these lo, but again, what can I expect from Yasuo mains
GAF never holds anyone back.Stopped playing with my RL friends. Legit holding me back when using a split push strat and got me super triggered last night. Can't do it anymore if they're not willing to learn how to handle split pushes.
Oh hey, Riot is fixing Kindred for realsies now. Took them long enough to get rid of her passive.
GAF never holds anyone back.
I'd rather play with my friends and lose than randos and win.
Caring about your rank in 2k17 LUL