Is this even possible?
random question: anyone still using their original summoner icon?
I've been using the ol' pyramid trio since 2011 and I don't know what I'm waiting for.
I know she's not a great champ but,
man she sure is great for me.
Yea, not really sure what I'm waiting for. It just feels so iconic to me now. It has history, you know? All these other really nice icons I've picked up for free, that came with skins or that I earned...but none of them have a story. But I guess none of them will get a story of their own if I never use them. Hmm.I was using the Rose for my first icon back in 2009/2010, but I've changed it long since then.
MF is great. If you know how to bully with her in lane and position for ults she's really effective.
holy yikes, bye bye any respect I had for gleeb lol
holy yikes, bye bye any respect I had for gleeb lol
ex tsm support, left the pro scene for mental health problems after being replaced by lustboy
was working at riot as a playtester or something unbeknownst to most people I think until recently
I read it was a junglerIt's a top lane tank to go with the new items.
One of the tendencies I've seen over the years when it comes to balancing runes, keystones, and in some extent items is that you have a tendency to remove synergistic elements. For instance, Warlord and Fervor specifically worked great on certain champions innately because of the champion kit itself. Crits and heals works great on champions like Vayne that give the champion to do what it's meant to, be a duelist ADC that can truly hard carry. Unfortunately, keystones and items effectively are changed in regards to how they interact with specific champions or they are toned down drastically for everyone making them no longer feel like a meaningful, and in extension, a tool in your arsenal. Another example to cite is how Caitlyn's bolts no longer proc off of Runaan's (I understand this is items). The point is that your organization has a habit of making certain synergistic elements disappear when in reality, the interaction between runes, keystones, and items should be heightened on certain champions, and not so much on level playing field. Each keystone SHOULD in theory interact differently and it should show. How are you planning on making keystones feel like they matter and actually shows that it makes a difference than it is currently while maintaining balance?
EDIT: Oh this is runes. Nvm.
Trump nationalists crack me up for the most part. Still amazes me that he got irrelevant so i need to make some controversy look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me look at me
Oh wow. Thanks!!! I really appreciate it.Reinboom got back to me on this. Once we reveal more system details she'll have an answer for you on this, in about a week or soI'll follow up.
holy yikes, bye bye any respect I had for gleeb lol
cool, hopefully it's a midlanerNew champ is not a marksmen or a support.
Which means they can probably be played as a support.
Trump nationalists crack me up for the most part. Still amazes me that he got elected.
How did he even get 46%.
Pretty sure that's not a thingWait, the new Sejuani can be played as supp?
Pretty sure that's not a thing
Not really, most non supp specific tanks will have a hard time down bot, doubly so vs mage supports.
16-4 MF run in the last 20 outings. Carried sometimes, got carried sometimes. As is the custom, I suppose.
What I learned tonight: Gailo is really, really fucking strong. Will purchase with my IP immediately. The only time he didn't destroy my team (or destroy the other team when he was on my team) is when he was played as support. Didn't feel like a good role for him. Galio mid and top though? Tank or AP? Ridiculous game impact. Very scary hero right now.
Playing flex by myself for the season was an interesting experience, particularly the last few days. Team balance is really strange, but based on solo rank, my teams were almost always at a disadvantage. I'd have something like 2 plats and 3 silvers vs a diamond, 2 plats and 2 high golds. It was really weird. I'm really curious about how they're balancing elo in Flex.
Edit: as an example, I lost to this guy once
While I appreciate the opportunity to play against someone in the top .1% of the game...I mean I'm just trying to get to gold, not Masters. Chill out with this shit, Riot.
Pretty sure that's not a thing
Nah, I was playing with gold solo q players.everyone starts off in silver/gold for flex though. that is why you get high elo players in it.
Nah, I was playing with gold solo q players.
Congrats! I literally just made gold myself a couple days ago. Pushed through a six game win streak to get there. (Then immediately lost like 7 games in a row at 0 LP and still ongoing @_@)![]()
16-4 MF run in the last 20 outings. Carried sometimes, got carried sometimes. As is the custom, I suppose.
What I learned tonight: Gailo is really, really fucking strong. Will purchase with my IP immediately. The only time he didn't destroy my team (or destroy the other team when he was on my team) is when he was played as support. Didn't feel like a good role for him. Galio mid and top though? Tank or AP? Ridiculous game impact. Very scary hero right now.
Playing flex by myself for the season was an interesting experience, particularly the last few days. Team balance is really strange, but based on solo rank, my teams were almost always at a disadvantage. I'd have something like 2 plats and 3 silvers vs a diamond, 2 plats and 2 high golds. It was really weird. I'm really curious about how they're balancing elo in Flex.
Edit: as an example, I lost to this guy once
While I appreciate the opportunity to play against someone in the top .1% of the game...I mean I'm just trying to get to gold, not Masters. Chill out with this shit, Riot.
Is playing flex q good way of improving?
Is playing flex q good way of improving?
No, because you get people from all skill levels smashing into eachother. You have level 30s playing against/with Diamonds all the time.
I honestly think normal games are a perfectly fine way to improve up to around diamond level, that's what I did at least.
I have two questions of two champions I started playing.
How do I do stuff with Syndra? I mean, it takes practice but I do at most 10 opponents defeated and can just stay for one team fight cause I start running out of mana, and still only weak targets like MF and Lux go down.
Build is: Rabadon, Void staff, the Mana book and Magic pen boots, the other two items change depending on match, but mostly the white mask, forgot the name.
Also how can I be a better support with Janna, all her skills are AP but if I up AP with Rabadon (for example) people would complain that I'm not supporting. How many supo items and AP items are optimal?
any mode is good for improving, it mostly depends on your mentality.Is playing flex q good way of improving?
rush morellos every game, that way you won't run out of manaI have two questions of two champions I started playing.
How do I do stuff with Syndra? I mean, it takes practice but I do at most 10 opponents defeated and can just stay for one team fight cause I start running out of mana, and still only weak targets like MF and Lux go down.
Build is: Rabadon, Void staff, the Mana book and Magic pen boots, the other two items change depending on match, but mostly the white mask, forgot the name.