Just tried out Maokai jungle. Really, really surprised Riot is going ahead with more buffs for him. He feels strong already.
Draven is from Noxus right? I keep forgetting that, and always thinking Noxus faction don't have an ADC.
So currently 7-2 in placements. Autofilled, but I don't really mind. I think the idea that support is a bad role to climb in low elo is a complete myth.
So currently 7-2 in placements. Autofilled, but I don't really mind. I think the idea that support is a bad role to climb in low elo is a complete myth.
Im a poppy.
How the fuck do you broadcast your ping and XP to next level? I tried alt+portrait in-game and it does nothing and I can't find any setting in the Hotkeys?
I mean, do you disagree?If you get good ratings, they'll cover you even if you have nothing to say.
- Donald Trump
I have a lot of high quality skin shards, but I don't really have anything for anyone I play. Well, Lulu, but I have too many skins for her already.
It's starting to feel like I should activate a couple of them since I have so many.
yeahDraven is from Noxus right? I keep forgetting that, and always thinking Noxus faction don't have an ADC.
dawnbringer riven is such a great skin
it's a depressing thought to know that yasuo side is winning ;_;agreed.
it's a depressing thought to know that yasuo side is winning ;_;
i don't think they've said what happens. probably nothing that bigwhat happens when the yasuo side wins? Do they get a new skin or something?
Obviously I'm a bit biased since I love Riven but I do honestly think her skin is much better than Yasuo's at least with all the effects and everything.
I guess the only reason they be winning is because there are more Yasuo players? I mean Yas does have two lanes to choose from unlike Riven's which is only 1 standard lane.
i got my yasuo orb so i'm going with riven next
aren't both orbs the same?
one has chance for hextech vayne
one for hextech annie
get read of cait, malz, trynda and lee at least since those are cheap and bad
for the sixth i'd go with aatrox since no one plays that, but that's actually a good skin so you could burn one of the other lamer ones like the project skins or star guardian poopy
the chances of actually getting something good from rerolling are minuscule but i bet you have already all the skins you want so at this point it's just pointless to do either thing hehe
Renekton players, why are ASPD runes and masteries picked on Renekton?
I don't like champion.gg anymore, the site really went downhill after the beta update. A lot of the highest win rate runes are cheese set ups designed to counter certain champs. The builds are extrapolated builds that players use when snowballing, the sample sizes are so small.
Use lolalytics or op.gg instead.
ye just sit on those until something good drops i guessYeah, I rerolled a couple of the cheap skins (for Butcher Urgot and Pharaoh Amumu, welp) and burned Trynda/Noct to get Project Ashe. Now I just have Mecha Aatrox/Project Yi/Project Zed/SG Poppy left as shards.
this is probably gonna suck but this month's loot crate is gonna have some league stuff so idk, maybe there's something worth having in it if $35 for a random assortment of useless garbage is not prohibitively expensive lol
The theme is champion
So itll probably be 2 league items and the rest "champion" related things.
D3 yay
One trick Jg yay.
Also of all the tanky champs that locket jg will be good on I found that Mundo is the best simply because he doesn't suffer from mid game woes.