I just feel like I should have to work *this* hard. Like, my shoulders are broad an all but come on.
how did you survive the 20+ kill kat
tfw you go 14-4 in your last 18 ranked games with a steady diet of MF, Jayce and Sivir :3
Nice to see my Jayce is still a solid pick. After all the years of playing him while he was mediocre, I always expect to see him nerfed again when I take a few months off of top/mid lane. 16/4/8 and 61K damage dealt means I can still play him okay.
imagine if rito hadn't been super lazy with this years' summer skins...
Whats the standard jhin build now?
is it still lethality? changes...probably another thing or two.So with the change to runes are champions the only thing I can buy with ip? changes...probably another thing or two.
Champion IP prices are going to go up.
Damn, champ prices gonna go up? My 100k IP reserve will definitely suffer.
I doubt they would raise prices on current champions.
according to riot just by playing but i haven't gotten any fragments either so maybe the system is busted atmOk so how do I get key fragments now? I haven't gotten any since the switch over and I'm level 2 honor
i guess we need to wait for details before sayingChamp prices going up would be bad for new accounts. 10 bans plus increased pricing would result in longer time taking to buy champions to participate in ranked. I don't think it'll happen but that'll be stupid of Riot to do that just because of the rune changes.
i guess we need to wait for details before saying
not having to buy runes is a big boost for new accounts so it makes sense for riot to tune up the ip economy so that ppl aren't like us with like a billion excess ip[/QUOTE]
It would suck for new players
Because whilst everyone who currently plays owns the crop of champions that they do, new players have to spend higher prices than older players and thus, this game becomes absolutely toxic for them to learn and play.
Unless they I dunno, make a pack of like 20 free champions and various options of which 20 champs you get, then increasing the prices would be fair.
He builds crit now.
Varus builds BoRK nowDamn........this 24 lethality run page only got one use for varus then.
Q spam varus still works doesnt it?
i is not that hard if you have been playing for years. i have tons of hours on this game and have been playing it forever and i still do not have all champs. for a new player i think the path to a larger champion pool is way too long.IP gains are a problem because you need to spend thousands upon thousands of IP on runes to be competitive. Between first day bonuses and chests its really not that hard to unlock champions if you don't have to worry about those.