Ghost is Bad
so you expect wins when you aren't playing better than the other team?
I mean that they play better than i do. I'm not above that adimitting that i'm getting outplayed quite often. And that Silver 4 player likely has hundreds of mor games played than me.
I've played in bronze 5 (through means) and I gotta say, bronze 5 is not fun to play in. Was like 13-1, got a penta and still had a hard time winning that game.This is where I feel like riots initial placement system really fails people. Most get placed b1/S5 in their first season and just don't need to be there yet. Then they get placed b5, where they actually should be, the next season and can't get out and are frustrated. I kinda think everyone should start at b5 but I guess that would fuck their games up. Idk
This is where I feel like riots initial placement system really fails people. Most get placed b1/S5 in their first season and just don't need to be there yet. Then they get placed b5, where they actually should be, the next season and can't get out and are frustrated. I kinda think everyone should start at b5 but I guess that would fuck their games up. Idk
I actually recommend playing ranked as soon as you hit 30, especially if you want to improve. Players who play normals all day can't really improve (unless it's like learning a champ or something) because normal games are usually just troll fests with super unbalanced teams.
Jump on discord when you do. It's about time for you to be knighted.Thats it im redownloading league
Later tody
they already do that by forcing u to have x number of championsMaybe make people have mastery levels on x amount of champs first? There's gotta be a way to actually make sure people are ready to play ranked before queuing up instead of just diving in as soon as they hit 30. I know it ultimately doesn't matter but I just think it would save some people a lot of frustration
This has been an issue ever since the start of S6, holy shit that took a while to fixQ - Switcheroo!
BUGFIX Runaan's Hurricane bolts now properly deal Fishbones's bonus attack damage to their primary targets
Ziggs is easy to recognize for me but Brand is just...??? One of the most egregious examples of a skin not holding the identity of a champ.those malzahar and brand and ziggs skins are weird
can't tell who's who
those malzahar and brand and ziggs skins are weird
can't tell who's who
Uh...Is that total armor reduction on his e? Wut?
yeah brand in particular was pretty badZiggs is easy to recognize for me but Brand is just...??? One of the most egregious examples of a skin not holding the identity of a champ.
I mean, why even play normals? Just do ranked lol.might uninstall soon, normals are unplayable with riot's garbage matchmaking and none of the other modes are worth playing consistently
and these patch notes are not helping either, akali needs nerfs to her early game if anything
he just said none of the other modes are worth playing consistentlyI mean, why even play normals? Just do ranked lol.
Zkylon can you remove the white background from my avatar, please?
Those champions are fine but if I were you I wouldn't worry too much about picks. Just play whatever looks fun to start player here
played hots and vainglory, enjoyed them but ready for something meatier
is this a good list for heroes to start with? i own some of them (morgana, eiko, leona)
The information in the article is wildly out of date so it's not even really applicable to the game now. Generally speaking just try whatever is free for the week that looks player here
played hots and vainglory, enjoyed them but ready for something meatier
is this a good list for heroes to start with? i own some of them (morgana, eiko, leona)
new player here
played hots and vainglory, enjoyed them but ready for something meatier
is this a good list for heroes to start with? i own some of them (morgana, eiko, leona)
Those champions are fine but if I were you I wouldn't worry too much about picks. Just play whatever looks fun to start out.
The information in the article is wildly out of date so it's not even really applicable to the game now. Generally speaking just try whatever is free for the week that looks cool.
That list so shit lol
Here's what I would recommend for a new player,
Annie - Support or mid lane.
Ashe, Sivir, Miss Fortune - ADC.
Malphite, Dr. Mundo - Top lane tanks. I don't play tank characters that much so, someone else can recommend more
Sona, Blitzcrank, Janna, Leona - Support.
All of them are pretty straightforward. If you are just starting out you might want to try out all the characters anyway, to see which characters you like the most.
thanks, appreciate it! will grind out some currency while trying the free heroes
is Vi a tanky hero?
Why would you make that your desktop background...
the game actually gives you a selection of champions to play for free during your first few levels so don't really buy anything until you like themnew player here
played hots and vainglory, enjoyed them but ready for something meatier
is this a good list for heroes to start with? i own some of them (morgana, eiko, leona)
Early Bird Guts the Worm
hextech exclusive shit is the absolute worstoh that hecarim skin is hextech exclusive, lame