You can tell none of these fucks have ever played ADC with a troll support that leaves you to 1v2.
If it worked and you could climb to high elo with a 50%+ win rate. Why not? I'm fine with riot deciding to ban stuff like counter jungle nunu support, but they need to stop doing it in a disengenous way by pretending they dont enforce the meta when they absolutely do, at least when it comes to lanes and roles.What's next for reddit to defend, a support that lanes mid all game and leaves the adc to die alone bot?
i like reddit as a news site, but we shouldn't care what they think or say
sadly the league community chose it as its hub rather than the rito forums
idk i used to like itThe league boards were way worse than reddit has ever been. Shit was absolutely awful.
Guy in question is d3 with a 56% win rate on smite support nunu. Issue is he does more counter jungling than supporting.I really doubt these people are getting banned for playing Nunu support. I've played so many Nunu ADC games, and haven't been banned. Sounds like these people are just inting.
Apparently he has a 55% win rate on Nunu because he's a jungle player and used to play him jungle a lot. Most of his supp Nunu games he just feeds hardcore.Guy in question is d3 with a 56% win rate on smite support nunu. Issue is he does more counter jungling than supporting.
You might as well go back to Senran Kagura.
He doesn't play support, he gets matched as support and just double jungles instead.Someone getting banned for playing Nunu support with Smite is ridiculous.
He doesn't play support, he gets matched as support and just double jungles instead.
I'm also not entirely sure where this "failing to communicate" thing is coming from. I have hours of VODs on my Twitch channel dating back to when I first theorycrafted this strategy that you can see here: . I type a paragraph long explanation at the beginning of every champion select. I answer questions and give champion recommendations if people ask. I communicate more than almost anyone I've played with in game both with pings and chat since working with my team is essential to my strategy's success.
His season 7 win rate is 56% with nunu and as far as i can tell from what he is saying and looking at his that is exclusively support. He plays ivern when he gets jungle and dodges if either gets banned.Apparently he has a 55% win rate on Nunu because he's a jungle player and used to play him jungle a lot. Most of his supp Nunu games he just feeds hardcore.
Cus you only play poke champs you fuck.
If he's getting reported enough to get banned then clearly he's doing something to upset other players often enough beyond simply picking some off meta stuff when he gets autofilled.What he does in the game doesn't matter as long as he's not breaking the rules. Not being in lane as a support is not against the rules because the 1-1-1-2 stat isn't an official League comp.
I'm not saying that I'm a fan of this guy, but he's literally just playing the game how he wants to, and he wards, communicates, and tires to win games. He's not doing anything wrong in a technical sense.
If he just instalocks the Nunu, and goes through the entire game without saying a word, that might be a "refusing to communicate with the team" sort of situation, but that's not the case with this dude.
idk the link but meddler was talking about different ideas they had for malphite cos they wanted to do him for the tank reworks, but they didn't find a solid kit they liked
how about a cool sona tho
He is negatively affecting his team by going double jgl. You screw the jnglr by messing up the xp. Screw adc because they are now 2v1. Screw the team due to the above adc behind, jnglr havin no pressure.What he does in the game doesn't matter as long as he's not breaking the rules. Not being in lane as a support is not against the rules because the 1-1-1-2 stat isn't an official League comp.
I'm not saying that I'm a fan of this guy, but he's literally just playing the game how he wants to, and he wards, communicates, and tires to win games. He's not doing anything wrong in a technical sense.
If he just instalocks the Nunu, and goes through the entire game without saying a word, that might be a "refusing to communicate with the team" sort of situation, but that's not the case with this dude.
If he is going to get banned he should actually have broken the rules. If getting reported too much is bannable then there is no need for manual audits in the first place. They need to either make a rule enforcing the 1-1-1-2 meta or leave it be.If he's getting reported enough to get banned then clearly he's doing something to upset other players often enough beyond simply picking some off meta stuff when he gets autofilled.
That I can agree with. Riot needs to step up and take a stand on this kind of shit. Either off meta playstyles in solo Q are ok or they are not, choose one and enforce it.If he is going to get banned he should actually have broken the rules. If getting reported too much is bannable then there is no need for manual audits in the first place. They need to either make a rule enforcing the 1-1-1-2 meta or leave it be.
If he's getting reported enough to get banned then clearly he's doing something to upset other players often enough beyond simply picking some off meta stuff when he gets autofilled.
There's a lot more to communication than copying a paragraph and pasting it in champ select. If he wants to play experimental shit, get a duo ADC that is ok with 1v2ing. Play flex with a premade. The fact that he wins doesn't mean he isn't making the game miserable for people having to 1v2 in a role that can't fucking 1v2 vs competent players.
He is negatively affecting his team by going double jgl. You screw the jnglr by messing up the xp. Screw adc because they are now 2v1. Screw the team due to the above adc behind, jnglr havin no pressure.
He is winning more than he is losing in high diamond and he provided statistics that he is setting the enemy jungler back in pressure and in average gold more than his adc is losing out. The adc also gets a lvl advantage and he gets way more neutral objectives then the enemy team. It's unquestionably working it's just pissing off his adc who has to 1 v 2.He is negatively affecting his team by going double jgl. You screw the jnglr by messing up the xp. Screw adc because they are now 2v1. Screw the team due to the above adc behind, jnglr havin no pressure.
He got pretty specific feedback on the riot forums and there is no mention of toxic behavior. He was banned for "lack of communication with teammates" which means playing off meta against your teamates objections.Nah, guy must have been a complete asshole to have been banned no matter what he says.
I just saw a really interesting interaction on QT's stream. Draven took thresh lantern, but got hit by Jayce E in the middle and the Draven just reappeared back where he had taken the lantern. Whoops? I wonder if that's a bug. I would've expected it to just stop him exactly where he'd gotten hit and not back at the start of the lantern.
Depending on how champ select chat went, I would report him even if we won. If this was a guy goin Leona top then meh w/e floats your boat as long as your not purposely feeding/trolling.If this guy was ever on my team, I probably wouldn't be thrilled about it, but like I said earlier, what he's doing isn't against the rules. There isn't anything in the rulebook saying that someone can't double jungle, or leave their bot lane partner to do stuff around the map and making it a 1v2. Riot can't punish people for playing the video game how they want to unless the clearly specify that all Summoners need to follow the meta...which is something I can't see happening.
If at champ select he goes "Im doing dbl jgl" and his adc goes " I don't want to 1 v 2" then he should just support him. There's a difference in going an off meta champ in a role ur assigned and forcing a 2v1 because you don't want to support. Everything can't be all roses if he was reported for it enuff to get banned.He is winning more than he is losing in high diamond and he provided statistics that he is setting the enemy jungler back in pressure and in average gold more than his adc is losing out. The adc also gets a lvl advantage and he gets way more neutral objectives then the enemy team. It's unquestionably working it's just pissing off his adc who has to 1 v 2.
He got pretty specific feedback on the riot forums and there is no mention of toxic behavior. He was banned for "lack of communication with teammates" which means playing off meta against your teamates objections.
If he just instalocks the Nunu, and goes through the entire game without saying a word, that might be a "refusing to communicate with the team" sort of situation, but that's not the case with this dude.
Welcome to Flex Bronze where people ignore Soraka. free climbing to Silver for me
So much this. It's okay to ignore that 0/99/0 tank that jumps onto you with not a single finished item on him/her and start focusing on actual threats instead, but Raka kind of works like Sona in that the threat they represent is kind of masked for newer players due to how they help their teammates in less obvious ways than chunking you or doing CC chains unlike other supports.
It's good that he's communicating with this team, but nowhere does he indicate that the team has accepted what he wants to do.
a single player forcing the other four to bend isn't acceptable either.
That said I'm not frustrated by this player, but rather by Riot.
This is why they just need a kick option in champ select.
If it worked and you could climb to high elo with a 50%+ win rate. Why not? I'm fine with riot deciding to ban stuff like counter jungle nunu support, but they need to stop doing it in a disengenous way by pretending they dont enforce the meta when they absolutely do, at least when it comes to lanes and roles.
The kid, the yeti is WillumpWait is nunu the kid or the wampa
It's actually "refusing to cooperate with teammates" and I hit people with this all the time when they throw some dumb fit and refuse to group/cooperate/do anything other than run down their lane and ignore the game going on.He got pretty specific feedback on the riot forums and there is no mention of toxic behavior. He was banned for "lack of communication with teammates" which means playing off meta against your teamates objections.
This is why they just need a kick option in champ select.
What he does in the game doesn't matter as long as he's not breaking the rules. Not being in lane as a support is not against the rules because the 1-1-1-2 stat isn't an official League comp.
I'm not saying that I'm a fan of this guy, but he's literally just playing the game how he wants to, and he wards, communicates, and tires to win games. He's not doing anything wrong in a technical sense.
If he just instalocks the Nunu, and goes through the entire game without saying a word, that might be a "refusing to communicate with the team" sort of situation, but that's not the case with this dude.
It's actually "refusing to cooperate with teammates" and I hit people with this all the time when they throw some dumb fit and refuse to group/cooperate/do anything other than run down their lane and ignore the game going on.
Totally baffling that so many people stand up for losers like this Nunu player when they'd whine about it if they ever had to play on the same team as him.