I should pick up Bloodborne again. Father Gascgoine made me want to off myself though
Naisuuuuupdooted ps4 for the bb sessions
Just use my methods of attack. AFK while Dobe fightsI should pick up Bloodborne again. Father Gascgoine made me want to off myself though
I should pick up Bloodborne again. Father Gascgoine made me want to off myself though
Actually when he transforms and you are not good at stunning just run around and kite. The tombstones are a good way to cheese early.
Beat the game twice and still never quite figured out where the music box was.
On a Window lighted by a lamp (yeah that bad)
In fairness, all the interactable doors/windows are signified by a lit lamp. But that also means your tip isn't super helpful lol. I wish I could tell you where the music box is, but I'm sure a google search would show it.
You can hear the music box playing when you're near that window.Well that window is tricky since is the one right when you climb up the stairs from the sewers and open the shortcut to the fountain part of Central Yharman.
Good practice for the real gameBut people are seriously toxic out of their fucking minds. One dude was raging when I was doing the mandatory games vs bots, jesus christ.
Also people who make the girl characters in this game have no shame. It's ok.
You can hear the music box playing when you're near that window.
best grill
That too but I mostly play in low volume
That rek, need it as an avatar
I haven't seen a lulu in more than 20 games. which is crazy because her utility is perfect against the common in all champs you see picked.
Renek has definitely seen a boost in popularity. More people picking him in both pro and soloq.
Just like Janna, I hate playing against Lulu.
Her ult and polymorph makes me want to fight people.
"Maybe I can climb this wall"qt playing zelda is actually making my brain hurt
"Maybe I can climb this wall"
*jumps while grabbing wasting all of his stamina*
Lulu is starting to become a common ban in my games (not from my side). It's interesting to see when she has not received any changes this patch. Which adcs are strong have shifted a little bit, though.
like i said, i just think ahri is better in the sense that her kit is gated by cooldowns since she doesn't do all that much without her ult. charm is really strong but not in the same universe as like a syndra stun and her poke is weaker compared to like every other midlaner. as a champion she has mostly meaningful tradeoffs for her generalistness, which is more than can be said about many champions, and she's both easy to play and has a high skill ceiling, and she's cuteI don't think Ahri is really that healthy as she has a very risk adverse playstyle. Of course her damage is on the lower end, but if her team is winning she doesn't have to do anything as she's incredibly difficult to punish.
I think Ori is a fairly balanced midlaner.
Not enough people play her to warrant a ban. She's always been a champion Riot pretends is high skillcap, but when it comes down to it she's just broken because of base damages and her wall is used to mess up people's pathing than to block people off in smart ways.
Riot mage update really didn't work out very well, and champions like Annie, Syndra and Anivia should be looked at, not because they're strong, but because their kits could be so much better.