Agreed."I have to go, if I afk don't blame me"
god, just
fuck these people
Agreed."I have to go, if I afk don't blame me"
god, just
fuck these people
What did he do?![]()
good feel
He sure is. He's getting banned a lot.Well, Ivern is still a pretty bullshit champ Leezard. Even from behind he does a lot, and from ahead he's just a nightmare.
Funny how much this Ivern did this game.
i definitely feel like inven is too deadly of a ganker for how well he transitions into a super support later onI kinda feel like all the champions Riot has released, Ivern is one of the worst. He just feels incredibly frustrating to play against.
Back to jungle deciding the game :/. Getting pretty burnt out of ranked.
Seems like in D3 the jungle problem is even worse. I wouldn't be suprised if up to master, games are like 70% jungler decided.
Honestly, jungle probably has to go back to the low econ role it previously was. Like what's your weakness if you have global map pressure and you still get to build triforce?
Looking forward to trying out new galio
Has. There been streams or players using him top?
I don't think new Galio is out yet. The most we would've seen is a gameplay stream from Riot.
I don't think new Galio is out yet. The most we would've seen is a gameplay stream from Riot.
Looking forward to trying out new galio
Has. There been streams or players using him top?
Some would've tried him in PBE.
Forgot that the PBE exists? hehehe
Just remove the first part of the tag :^).What tag will I get when I make it to plat tho
What tag will I get when I make it to plat tho
Ughh fine lol.You get Knight.
I don't understand why I'm still Knight though cause Newt's too lazy to think of one for Diamond.
What tag will I get when I make it to plat tho
Lee Sin skin...
Still better than a Yorick skin.Cool. Another fucking Lee skin. Just what everyone wanted.
So with Jungle Warwick is it worth rushing Hydra? Or the initial weapon that hits multiple targets to be exact, before completing the main jungle item?
I prefer rushing Tiamat then finishing your jungle item. Having Tiamat increases your clear speed. Then it's Cinderhulk -> Titanic Hydra -> Tank items. Be sure to have a Spirit Visage in your kit somewhere since it synergizes well with your healing.
Can't you just stomp them all with the gator>more juggernauts
Why does anyone want this
Can't you just stomp them all with the gator
Not only that, but it's been almost two years since the last Lee skinppl complaining about popular champions getting skins is so whatever for me
those skins make a lot of ppl happy, make rito a ton of money and don't really get in the way of ur niche skins, let ahri and lee sin fans be happy
rito should really make an illaoi skin tho
Not only that, but it's been almost two years since the last Lee skin
I only really whine about it because I don't want more Lees in my games because I'm in fucking silver and Lees around here think Insec is some kind of medicine.
If they're gonna make skins for popular champions all the time throw a bone to the rest of us and give us chromas.
They're super easy to make and would at least satisfy some people.
Seeing popular skins on popular champions get chromas is just ugh. I know why they do it (more people own the skins to buy more chromas, etc), but come on. Been sitting on the same Yorick and Illoai skins for YEARS.
yorick doesn't count cos he was in line for a rework. same with urgot, any complaints on those kinds of champions is immediately null (note how taric didn't get a skin forever, got reworked, and immediately got an awesome skin)If they're gonna make skins for popular champions all the time throw a bone to the rest of us and give us chromas.
They're super easy to make and would at least satisfy some people.
Seeing popular skins on popular champions get chromas is just ugh. I know why they do it (more people own the skins to buy more chromas, etc), but come on. Been sitting on the same Yorick and Illoai skins for YEARS.
opinions and viewpoints immediately invalidatedyorick doesn't count cos he was in line for a rework. same with urgot, any complaints on those kinds of champions is immediately null (note how taric didn't get a skin forever, got reworked, and immediately got an awesome skin)
illapee idk, rito just hates her or something
i think ppl have a lot of negative bias around skins, lots of less popular champion get skins, it's just that your unpopular champion hasn't gotten one, while ahri or lux or whatever get tons so u feel shitty
but lots of unpopular champions get skins, it's just that there's 130 champions, so it takes a while to get to everyone
would be nice to see the efforts of shitty skins like pugmaw go towards good skins but cant all be winners
I always liked how HotS always threw bones to the 'uglier' characters. Even Leoric(Who is kinda akin to Yorick in being undead) got a sweet as Space Lord skin.
DotA 2 on the other hand, they kinda crowd source the skins, but I think the majority of characters there have a semblance of collectibles(Except for Io and....that flying lizard thing because they're so inanimate?)
Shit, I made my name around here by complaining about the amount of skins certain characters have, and I'm glad more people are seeing that Rito keeps freaking doing it.
well ur complaint on someone like yorick really is irrelevantopinions and viewpoints immediately invalidated