i hope costy wrote the aatrox patchnotes
dose cracked me up
Man, Lulu feels really strong this patch. I lost a 1v2 to a melee range Ezreal with Lulu there. She can really enable an ADC when played decently. I might start banning her, just for that invisible power.
What? Conversion therapy?
Kled is amazing but super annoying to play against. I am surprised riven and yas players don't play him top
If they wanted a meme dog, they should had made him a corgi.
Kled is amazing but super annoying to play against. I am surprised riven and yas players don't play him top
You can shut down kled pretty hard with frozen heart+randuins combo. He also has a lot of losing matchups
Not sure it's worth it anymore to do inhouses.Are we doing an inhouse this week?
Last week, we only had enough for a Twisted Treeline stomp.
going to try out support sion.
May I have your attention please:
You can't ban dank memes though
hes right
you cant
Me, Newt and Euler are safe
played with a first time Galio jungle and he basically carried.
game had me nervous. I was playing with my trusty morg support because someone picked nami. we rekted their bot lane.
worst part of the game is my toxic adc who yelled at me everytime I messed up. like dude I am clearly a nami main who hasn't played anything else in over 20 games.
Plus I was a morg going up against a Fiora/Malz/Olaf triple threat.
My support fallbacks in case Nami gets picked are now down to Naut or Thresh, since I don't really feel comfortable about going Lulu/Morg/Blitz anymore. Love how I can read all about Lulu being really good now but she's pretty awful in low elo, where helping teammates not-die doesn't help as much as landing hard cc on people.
you could literally climb to gold just by playing morg/blitz and nothing else. no I am not joking.My support fallbacks in case Nami gets picked are now down to Naut or Thresh, since I don't really feel comfortable about going Lulu/Morg/Blitz anymore. Love how I can read all about Lulu being really good now but she's pretty awful in low elo, where helping teammates not-die doesn't help as much as landing hard cc on people.
I dunno what to feel about Galio. In theory he seems utterly bullshit but I haven't seen one pop off yet.
Yeah but you can still just keep your teammates alive through sheer shielding and heals. Also, 2.25s silence at max rank?
Yeah but you can still just keep your teammates alive through sheer shielding and heals. Also, 2.25s silence at max rank?
you could literally climb to gold just by playing morg/blitz and nothing else. no I am not joking.
In lower elo Janna is probably the better "protect the X" champion since she can protect multiple teammates...which is nice because in lower elo multiple teammates will be idiots.
For the record I have the same experience playing with the shitters at my level as JulianImp.
Have you tried Zyra? She's great if you want to be more independent and still not only rely on hitting a single skillshot.Keeping teammates alive isn't that good in low elo because they tend to be idiots, so the couple extra seconds you keep them alive are often wasted. Meanwhile, most people know that piling onto the guy who just got Nami ulted + bubbled is a good idea more often.
I'm climbing support games on the back of Nami otp, but I seriously hate Morg and Blitz. Their kits are just absurdly boring, and I can actually land better bubbles than bindings or hooks nowadays, anyway. They both rely too much on their Qs to do anything, so once people group up you're a lot less likely to land your skillshots on their squishier targets.
I absolutely can't play Janna, Taric or other such supports with a peel-oriented playstyle, though. "Protect the X" is often really not worth it for me at the very least, because bronze Xes tend to not really take advantage of the extra shields/heals you give them. Like, I've had countless adcs who would start an all-in, I'd buff them with whimsy or Nami E and then they'd back off without taking advantage of the ability I just used, or who would actually turn back and try to fight (and die) instead of using my movement speed boosts to GTFO when in a tough spot.
Have you tried Zyra? She's great if you want to be more independent and still not only rely on hitting a single skillshot.
Skipped a division XD
May I have your attention please:
I would like to announce that I have achieved the rank of Gold 1, and am soon to reach Platinum. The following list of users are Gaffers (whom I outrank)
Am a pretty happy Nami otp so far, but I did try Zyra and did a couple things with her. But then support Malz was a thing and I spammed him until he got nerfed, and then went back to Nami out of habit. She's a reanny nice middle ground from having a strong early game with E and Q to harass in lane, and can then seamlessly transition into CC/healbot come the mid-late game.
Zyra's cool and all, but she's really squishy, which sucks since us bronzies still mess up on positioning and threat recognition more often than not.
Am a pretty happy Nami otp so far, but I did try Zyra and did a couple things with her. But then support Malz was a thing and I spammed him until he got nerfed, and then went back to Nami out of habit. She's a reanny nice middle ground from having a strong early game with E and Q to harass in lane, and can then seamlessly transition into CC/healbot come the mid-late game.
Zyra's cool and all, but she's really squishy, which sucks since us bronzies still mess up on positioning and threat recognition more often than not.