less popular games need more incentives..
idk, i get really random results no matter what time i playAlso, I think I should mention that time of day you play at really matters.
Now I play at around 3PM PST and I've been a lot more successful.
hardlyOri is disgustingly op tho
100% agreedOri continues to be Riot's best designed champion.
She's fun, she has counterplay, her kit is always relevant but not disgusting, and her actual concept is cool.
Sometimes she needs some tuning but Ori is what all champions should strive to be.
How is global shoving a con lol
It would be pretty much impossible to make rotation plays vs Anivia
Apparently HoTS unveiled their 2.0 update today.
Seems to me like it's just new monetization efforts piled atop the same shitty foundation.
Why did I level an account up to 40 again?
Goodluck to you and ghostMade it to plat promos. I can feel myself slipping up a little more than usual lately but I still think I can crush them.
Ill probably finish my games this evening.
Glorious Gold Promos here we go. Will blog about each game. Going into game 1 right now with Rumble against Gangplank. Strong gank threat for him with Xin Zhao and lots of magic damage late game with Viktor and Kog so I've gone for defensive runes. Here goes...
Glorious Gold Promos here we go. Will blog about each game. Going into game 1 right now with Rumble against Gangplank. Strong gank threat for him with Xin Zhao and lots of magic damage late game with Viktor and Kog so I've gone for defensive runes. Here goes...
Beat Horizon today, fantastic game, great ending.
Then I played a match of League.
So now I'm considering spending cash I should not spend on Nier so I don't have to play this while waiting for Persona (^:
Why yes, don't mind if I doRengar
Savagery (Q) damage and bonus AD scaling lowered.
Damage lowered from 35/55/75/95/115 to 25/45/65/85/105
Bonus AD ratio lowered from 30/40/50/60/70% to 20/30/40/50/60%
shaco deceive nerfs too, that's coolWhy yes, don't mind if I do
Do itBeat Horizon today, fantastic game, great ending.
Then I played a match of League.
So now I'm considering spending cash I should not spend on Nier so I don't have to play this while waiting for Persona (^:
Game 2: So champion select has an autofilled support desperate to switch to another role. He gets his way and swaps with the AD carry. It's evident my mid and jungler are duo queued as the pick for each other without speaking (Zed/Fiddlesticks). I'm laning into an Akali for the first time in ages, and there's no tanks on either team (unless you count Braum). Looks like it'll be a bit wild. Honestly, I prefer their draft with Ori and MF to help open up chances for Kha and Akali to go in. We're relying a bit more on Zed/Fid/Vayne to make outplays.
And unfortunately they don't turn out to be capable of it. I misplay during an early Fiddle gank and let Akali away, but manage to kill her shortly after. Kha'Zix, meanwhile, is having a field day with our Vayne, who keeps overextending and getting caught. It's a chaotic mess of a game where I can't find the chances to roam out of lane often enough to impact it much. No less than six champions manage to break 20K damage to champions in 30 minutes. While we keep up in kills, they are much more effective in taking objectives, protecting all of their towers, partly because Orianna lets them play more aggressively but largely because their Kha'Zix is up in our jungle and dominating Fid. He gets a sneaky lane gank off on me too. There's a section of the game where I end up laning 2v1 against Orianna and Braum (eventually they double flash on me and kill me) while my team gets slaughtered by Kha outplays across the map. Definitely one where if I'd been on old Maokai - my tank of choice - I'd have had more chance of influencing it. This was just too fast paced for ultimate reliant champions Rumble and Fiddle to keep up without building a large lead. 1-1.
It's certainly a start, makes him midlaner food.shaco deceive nerfs too, that's cool
i wish they went harder on graves. the mr thing is interesting but surely not enough?
but why.bmplux ult buffs
Hey, so I'm playing too and I just got to the point where I find outI feel like I'm close to the end of the game. Am I close?Ted Faro is an asshole that killed all the project alphas, and I need to stop Hades from getting the spire.
Do it
Nier Is good stuff
Yeah, you're at the end. You'll be given a point of no return warning if you wanna wrap things up before the final stretch... it's second point of no return in the game (the first one threw me off but this one's for real, heh).
Game still drops you right before the final mission after the credits to get anything you've missed so no worries. But I did all the side content prior to completing the game and I'd encourage you to do the same. It's not ME2 so you're not gonna get a shit ending or anything like that but there's a couple neat little optional dialogues and it feels much better this way.
Ending was def emotional for me.
I can't justify juggling too many games atm and starting next week I'm not sure how much free time I'll have.
Why yes, don't mind if I do
I've already done all the side content as far as I can tell. Can't find any more side quests. So I'm looking forward to the ending.
I have 21 side misisons done and 14 errands if that helps.
Regarding the sidequests, the important thing is that you get to(right before the point of no return) and theytalk to all the NPC allies you've met and helped in those. It was a very neat touch.participate in the final mission
Were you a bit disappointed by the power cell quest reward? The effect is cool and that shit is fucking OP but I expected to get the full thing lmao. Also what did you do at the end of Nil's quest?
Also, like in every game lately there's an extra scene after the credits. You can skip them when the prompt comes up np.
Yeah the power cell stuff was okay. With Nil I decided toI'm hyped up to see the post credits scene too. Horizon has been good from start to finish. Also I wishlet him live and not fight him.I could go back in time and punch Ted Faro, jesus christ. What an idiot. Thanks, asshole.
i hate this game
but i wont stop play
pls i'm doing my best to untilt you
ty but i prob need a soft break lol
bloodborne when
Must be nice to have a jungler.
We're going to go into your jungle, kill your boxes kill you and ward the entire place up. You're not allowed to do camps, and you're not allowed to gank.