They're both ranged champions with lower range.That would be my point, yes. They have the same range / same mechanics interactions.
The support can literally dash onto a team-mates, flash knockup charm the entire enemy team, and dash back into the safety of his team. Insane.
really??Oh. They added MIA lines.
They're both ranged champions with lower range.
Anyways, played some custom games with Naota, and these champs seem insanely broken together.
It's super easy to get the snare as the ADC, and the support has more mobility than Lee Sin.
The support can literally dash onto a team-mates, flash knockup charm the entire enemy team, and dash back into the safety of his team. Insane.
I feel like their kits are fine, but Riot needs add in some heavy nerfs before release.Yep. Frankly worried. Riot's champ design team has been really letting me down for the last while.
I feel like their kits are fine, but Riot needs add in some heavy nerfs before release.
Though, I've only been able to play Xayah, both of the champs are really fun to play.
is this the first time costy is credited on the patchnotes?
congrats costy
also my #1 theory why they released 2 champions at once is that rito got mad that no one called kindred "them" so now they've check mated us into doing so
well played rito
...well played
They're both ranged champions with lower range.
Breezy you don't even play the game, forget PBE lol.
How can you tell if they're fine.
They're both pretty overpowered right now.
Yeah, I thought he was a melee champ too before I saw him ingame.That was my original point, yes. Was just clarifying it for the series of "He's a melee" posts that, no, he's not a melee at all as far as the mechanics interactions are concerned (e.g., Relic Shield works but no execute assist).
How many times did it take you to actually buy the goddamn champs? I spent like an hour before giving up to store errors.
did they make u write the camille nerfs just to watch u sufferhaha yeah I've been writing on them for a while but this patch I wrote like half the notes and they were like "oh yeah we should probably add your name to this thing lol we should have done it ages ago"
was definitely a cool tingly feeling to see my name on those things, been kind of a dream for a while to be writing on them since before I even joined Riot
I was actually never able to buy them, but they're on free week rotation.
I feel like their kits are fine, but Riot needs add in some heavy nerfs before release.
Though, I've only been able to play Xayah, both of the champs are really fun to play.
I'm not really convinced it's strictly a numbers thing. Mobility paired with two strong forms of AoE that can be chained is overkill. At least he needs to get in close with all that mobility? Nah, fuck that, give him Thresh's auto range, cause that never caused any balance problems.
I despise when people say a champion on the PBE is fun to play. Yeah, OP overloaded kits are fun to play. Offers no more insight than saying the Sun rises in east, water is wet, and scratching my balls when they itch feels nice.
Riot's belief that it's acceptable to overload kits if it has lots of skill shots needs to die.
Also I feel like the Lux buffs are kinda disappointing.
She wasn't even that weak, and these kind of buffs are just making her less fun to play against.
His range is really low. He's prone to get bullied around in lane, and his Q harass and heal are actually pretty weak. Numbers changed could definitely fix up him and Xayah.
i want true sight somewhere in her kit, i think that's thematic and cool damn it lol
i really hope u wrote this costyIf Syndra's target dies mid-cast, remaining nearby Dark Spheres will continue to pummel their corpse
People have been asking for that sensible change for it seems like years now. May as well just give up. Join me in my sad corner. You can talk about true vision on Lux's kit while I cry that Tahm can't eat buff monsters.
i'll sign ur petition if u sign mine <3
I personally can't wait for half naked Evelynn with tentacles on her back
edit-also per Xayahs line, Rengar is a Vastayah
Didnt Vastayan is part of Ionia ? like suddendly a new continent was discovered like Pandaria
Kinda got carried this game, but I really think Ahri is way too much of a fuck-up proof champ. Probably needs a light rework.
This is how you play the new champs.
Ghost is FSN Rin.
You overestimate PBE playersPBE aka playing against Bronze players every game
Don't really have to worry about that sort of thing at my elo. There's a bunch of other stupid shit people do though.Props to Fid for acutally building a damn sightstone. Nothing annoys me more than seeing supports who "forget" to buy those and suddenly our team's at a huge disadvantage when it comes to vision control. The only way it'd be worse would be if they also swapped their wards for the red trinket.
Playing support myself I know the importance of warding in other positions (hate when people flame their supports because the whole map isn't covered in wards), but one of the cool things of going Teemo is that I do help a lot with vision (should drop my wards more often instead of just using shrooms, though).
don't worry, newt was complaining for about an hour and a half about not being able to connect to the store until i told him the notification said they were free to play![]()
I'm an idiot.
One down, two to go.
Let me know if you want to get boosted by your plat senpai, pleb.One down, two to go.
Let me know if you want to get boosted by your plat senpai, pleb.