I like how the Mejai wielders have 9 and 10 deaths.
I was gonna say that Miss Fortune is why we can't have nice things, but the Sivir isn't much better.I like how the Mejai wielders have 9 and 10 deaths.
Only time I've ever bough a snowball item was as a support, and even then it was a Leviathan.
I'll buy snowball items on Leblanc sometimes, her and Soraka one of the few characters I think they're decent on.
I *hate* seeing a Lux with one. Lux players are notorious for being kill stealers, so when you see one on a Lux you know they're just saving their laser for last hits.
So no patch this week too =o.
I guess game is completely balance!
More Tryn!
Can't wait till they patch Garen so his spin damages towers.
Or given how towers work half the time, the tower would ignore him until you've taken 2+ seconds of damage. >_>::garen starts spinning next to tower::
::walks into garen::
::tower starts bashing garen::
I remember when I got my first proper rune setup.
It was a whole new ballgame.
What do you guys recommend for AP carry mid?
3x Greater Quintessence of Potency - 4.95 API remember when I got my first proper rune setup.
It was a whole new ballgame.
What do you guys recommend for AP carry mid?
I have flat 2 ap quints 1 magic pen, ap blues, mana regen yellows, ad reds (i run akali on this page as well)
helps with last hitting![]()
3x Greater Quintessence of Potency - 4.95 AP
9x Greater Mark of Insight - 0.95 Magic Pen
9x Greater Seal of Resilience - 1.41 Armor or 9x Greater Seal of Vitality - 19.44 hp at lvl 18 or 9x Greater Seal of Force - 1.8 AP at lvl 18. Can switch out a few for mana regen runes if your running a caster that eats up mana like LeBlanc.
9x Greater Glyph of Force - 3.06 AP at lvl 18 or Greater Glyph of Celerity - 0.9% cd at lvl 18. Mana regen runes also work here.
I had fun with Mokai even if I haven't really understood how the last ability works. I don't understand how to use it, in which situations and... which are the effects?!?\![]()
First time as Maokai, damn he is fun.
Whats with the face avatars
His ultimate? Use it to soak up damage in team fights or during baron/dragon. It's comparable to Galio's without the taunt effect.I had fun with Mokai even if I haven't really understood how the last ability works. I don't understand how to use it, in which situations and... which are the effects?!?
You should be running a dedicated Rune Page for Akali!
The effects are not very visible... I don't understand if its a usefull ultimate... is worth all the mana it sucks?Real Pic January!
His ultimate? Use it to soak up damage in team fights or during baron/dragon. It's comparable to Galio's without the taunt effect.
Only reason to go armor is if the occasional range ad champ takes mid. Otherwise I just go for the health per level seals.You don't really need armor during laning phase as you're against another AP caster 99% of the time. Later on you can get Glacial Shroud/Frozen Heart or Zonya's Hourglass to make up for your lack of armor. You're more dependent on mana early on (before getting blue buff and other regen items). Armor automatically scales until you hit level 18, so you might even be okay without extra armor for some time during the team fights.
His ult is pretty weak imo. If you have 500AP you'll do 850 damage maximum which is pretty pathetic. This is ofcourse only if you have enough mana to turn it on that long, have enough people doing damage inside of the ring etc...
Heh, playing on tilt is a pretty bad ideaLost 8 straight ranked games last night. I was raging so hard. It all started when we were ahead by 15 kills in this one game, and a teammate simply said "I gotta leave", and left before finishing the game. The opposing team came back to win it. Then all of my losses just snowballed from there. I refused to sleep until I broke my losing streak lol. Elo hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! >=[
Yeah, I need to have self-discipline to say that if I lose two games in a row (especially if I am frustrated), I just stop playing, get win of the day IP via bots if needed, and play again the next day (or much later the same day if time permits). Otherwise you will get like five losses in a row.Lost 8 straight ranked games last night. I was raging so hard. It all started when we were ahead by 15 kills in this one game, and a teammate simply said "I gotta leave", and left before finishing the game. The opposing team came back to win it. Then all of my losses just snowballed from there. I refused to sleep until I broke my losing streak lol. Elo hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! >=[
Forget the damage, 20% damage reduction for your whole team is pretty darn sweet.
Or take a break![]()
Lost 8 straight ranked games last night. I was raging so hard. It all started when we were ahead by 15 kills in this one game, and a teammate simply said "I gotta leave", and left before finishing the game. The opposing team came back to win it. Then all of my losses just snowballed from there. I refused to sleep until I broke my losing streak lol. Elo hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! >=[
I guess my break for lol is over on friday.Crimson Elite Talon (regularly 975 RP) will be only 487 RP!
I guess my break for lol is over on friday.
Think karthas might be my to go to ap mid now. I like the fact even if I'm stuck in lane I can still attribute to team fights and turn the tide.
Mean she is another Aki or Tyrd where even bad players who get dominated still will be a force after a certain amount of time.