Feel free to add me - ExcelBeyond. I'm always up for duo ranked.
I remember the days we used to play together... what happened?
Feel free to add me - ExcelBeyond. I'm always up for duo ranked.
PS. Ferrio making us all work so hard with jungle teemo.
How dare you, I'm the only one allowed to play Teemo around here. >=(For that game maybe, previous game? Teemo was the star baby, the star!
I'm guessing it's against everything to sell LoL accounts. I have every champ to date (including Viktor), tons of skins and several Legendary skins (Vlad, Trynd, Mundo, Olaf), 7 rune pages with assorted runes and basically no time to play anymore
Not saying I would definitely sell my account info ... but do people get banned over that?
Pretty sure you could.... if you got caught.
Feel free to add me - ExcelBeyond. I'm always up for duo ranked.
Sell it to Rayven.I'm guessing it's against everything to sell LoL accounts. I have every champ to date (including Viktor), tons of skins and several Legendary skins (Vlad, Trynd, Mundo, Olaf), 7 rune pages with assorted runes and basically no time to play anymore
Not saying I would definitely sell my account info ... but do people get banned over that?
Just watched the replay of my jungle Yorick earlier, full clear w/ hard pull on blue @ 3:22. Too fast
A pretty great post about bot lane comps. I learned a few things from it.
Fun moment I had while playing Trondomore:
Basically, a very long-drawn escape with nearly everybody chasing me![]()
Nooo Janna.Fun moment I had while playing Trondomore:
Basically, a very long-drawn escape with nearly everybody chasing me![]()
Alistar and Tristana are free (they're SO free) if you don't have them already.Anyone have thoughts on other killer combos or support heroes that throw off the other team in bottom lane? I will not be satisfied until the players on the other team have a look of total confusion on their faces.
Yeah I guess... But it would have been hell of a lot less entertainingJanna was a martyr. Should of just B'ed through your lane/jungle, instead of having all 5 chase you.
Support Nunu is pretty good for this.Anyone have thoughts on other killer combos or support heroes that throw off the other team in bottom lane? I will not be satisfied until the players on the other team have a look of total confusion on their faces.
They see you tro-lin'Fun moment I had while playing Trondomore:
I did it once to try it out and it went pretty well. The one thing I have to figure out is what exactly Zilean does in a team fight. Other than a well-timed ult on the carry and dropping bombs on some foo's, I guess all you can do is speed buff people?Zilean seems like a good support in some situations too.
I don't like Zilean as dedicated support at all. His late game is super weak already, without farm it's just awful.
Early on he's quite simple. I think even I was a reasonable Alistar in one game when I laned with you (stealing all your kills), and if I can do it anyone can!I tried Nunu once, and it was a total disaster. Maybe I shuld try my hand at Alistar next time a fellow AD carry GAFfer wants to walk me through it (I don't tank really ever)
I've never messed with WotA...does it max out at two?We should come up with a WotA team. Everyone on the team gets one, long as there's another person around you, you'll get the double effect.
The usefulness of his utility runs off the longer the game goes. He just doesn't play well with zero CS because most of what he brings to the table is his bombs. Even if you ult someone a lot of the time it would just be better to have a real champ backing that person up so they don't die in the first place.?
Late game isn't he pure utility?
I've never messed with WotA...does it max out at two?
Late game isn't he pure utility?
You can gain an aura from a person, and an aura from yourself. Same with aegis.
So if you and another person have them that's 110 AP, and 50% spell vamp, fucking broken.
We should come up with a WotA team. Everyone on the team gets one, long as there's another person around you, you'll get the double effect.
Riot talking about the support-AD bot meta, pretty much echoing what I said a few posts back when we talked about it.
I haven't played dota for years but yes, this was common in dota also but dota is much more fluid and adaptable from what I remember. You don't HAVE to have a jungler, roaming is common, you can build to suit your needs in game instead of a near identical core build almost every game etc.
The problem with dota is that it is very unforgiving and much slower paced. Did you stun the wrong person? too bad, you're dead and you just lost 400 gold. This goes on for an hour and a half until you lose.
Honest question.
Does DotA have a similar prevalent meta? What is the current meta for DotA?
Honest question.
Does DotA have a similar prevalent meta? What is the current meta for DotA?
I'm reading one of the jungle guides posted earlier. Shyvana is considered a top tier jungler? I know she's fast with her W, but how would you gank with her with no easy stun/snare?
I bought her back on release, but never found much use for her. But I wouldn't mind playing her some more, especially if she can jungle so well.
I dont think ive seen anyone run shyv in tourneys. Great clear times but if you want to gank with her you MUST lane gank or go through enemy tribush. river ganks are near impossible.
As shyv the strategy seems like it should just be outfarm the other jungler, control dragon and put only a little bit of gank pressure out. Maybe theyre running smite/exhaust?
Kennen, Galio, Nunu(jungle), Sona, Range carry(graves pereferably).
4 WotAs.
The line of ults would heal everyone back to full health (except for the poor graves).
Just started playing Teemo for something new, and am I just not understanding the mushrooms, or are they really basically just for vision instead of using wards?