Credit card.
riot pls
edit: wait I just took time reading all the drama.... really? triforce?
After gunblade merc deathcap you will need defensive item to be relevant, GA, hourglass/rylais, voidstaff.
There are simple no space for lichbane or triforce.
Just played Diana mid for the first time... it was pretty ugly. Had a deathcap at 14 mins.
Her poke with her Q is incredibly strong though. Need to capitalize on that. I also get focused like crazy. Zhyona's is being built earlier and earlier for me. Nothing like starting with 5+ kills to get the enemies to want to burn you down.
Could use dropping the Q ratio to 0.7 and a bit lower base damage. :/
I still think her passive is too strong for a passive.
I tried to run the numbers on that a few pages back, and it's not QUITE as huge of a buff as it appears if I'm understanding correctly: 165 + 0.66 AP, now doing 170 + 0.8 AP, but I guess the front-loading of the damage slightly reduces the downsides of increasing your attack speed too high, since as far as I know poison doesn't stack? What's the optimal attack speed on Teemo? I might also have the numbers wrong from PBE.Big buff on AP Teemo :O
To be honest I rarely use it in teamfights. Meaning, either the fight breaks off... or I die before it procs.... what.. 2 times if I'm lucky? It keeps her viable as a jungler, even lategame. Think that was it's main purpose.
Her Q is strong, but no stronger than say Ahri's.
I lost a game once where the other team first-picked Kat, we picked like 4-5 CC champions to counter, and still got wrecked. They might have a good combo with her but I'm not even sure, we might have just been bad.For Kat, at least you can consume a mark with a spell.
Really dislike the Shunpo nerf. Going to miss having her jump everywhere.
We had this one ARAM game with Kat, Janna (me), Orianna, Naut, and Kayle. Orianna ball, Janna shield, and Kayle ult on Kat just wrecked. It was funny because the other team had tons of CC and Blitz, yet they still lost.
2. What are you going to consume it with, an autoattack? Bam, you're in melee range of a mid-lane nuking champion.
3. What are you going to consume it with, shunpo? Bam, you're in melee range of a mid-lane nuking champion, now you have no escape unless they die!
I tried to run the numbers on that a few pages back, and it's not QUITE as huge of a buff as it appears if I'm understanding correctly: 165 + 0.66 AP, now doing 170 + 0.8 AP, but I guess the front-loading of the damage slightly reduces the downsides of increasing your attack speed too high, since as far as I know poison doesn't stack? What's the optimal attack speed on Teemo? I might also have the numbers wrong from PBE.
I've probably done my fair share of early level WQE or QWE -> run away, and probably sometimes got instakilled for it due to stuns or ganking junglers. I'd just like not to use E unless I have a good sense for being able to walk away afterwards...and sure, W might help with that now.This was kind of how a lot of high level Kat play worked anyway. At least now you can Q -> E -> W -> disengage as opposed to W -> Q -> E -> disengage. It wasn't just throwing Qs to harass, it was poking with Q and whittling them down with engage/disengages to set up the eventual all-in.
Edit: They did manage to find a way to make her Level 1 even worse. Somehow.
Whoa, nice. I didn't realize that had been changed.They already fixed the glitch where >1.0AS prevented the DoT from ticking. If anything, the increase on the on-hit damage actually makes AS more powerful.
Whoa, nice. I didn't realize that had been changed.
I've probably done my fair share of early level WQE or QWE -> run away, and probably sometimes got instakilled for it due to stuns or ganking junglers. I'd just like not to use E unless I have a good sense for being able to walk away afterwards...and sure, W might help with that now.
Ya they fixed that and CDR not working currently on shrooms.
Man I love AP teemo in aram so much, this'll be even more fun.
I made the mistake of thinking I had won my lane against a LB yesterday (was ahead on CS and level, same on kills, and she's a natural counter to pretty much every mid champ I play, so I thought I was doing ok) and she bursted me down in one combo lol.No more broken than leblanc.
I made the mistake of thinking I had won my lane against a LB yesterday (was ahead on CS and level, same on kills, and she's a natural counter to pretty much every mid champ I play, so I thought I was doing ok) and she bursted me down in one combo lol.
So fucking bursty...
I made the mistake of thinking I had won my lane against a LB yesterday (was ahead on CS and level, same on kills, and she's a natural counter to pretty much every mid champ I play, so I thought I was doing ok) and she bursted me down in one combo lol.
So fucking bursty...
Is the W range long enough to last-hit minions without getting nailed by the mid-lane person opposite you? I really need to learn to get my minions to attack other champions, since most of the time I feel like they kinda ignore them (or the other champion clears an entire wave in 1-2 abilities).You can consume a Kat mark with W.
I think Q+W would be okay for farming. She's manaless, so spamming W every 4 seconds should add up, and the small movement speed bonus should help her chase instead of always relying on Shunpo to gap-close.
I really need to learn to get my minions to attack other champions, since most of the time I feel like they kinda ignore them (or the other champion clears an entire wave in 1-2 abilities).
So, is the optimal set up for all games generally solo top, duo bottom, solo mid, jungler?
So, is the optimal set up for all games generally solo top, duo bottom, solo mid, jungler?
As of this time yes. It can shift in a game if someone tries to pull something funny, but usually breaks down to that.
....or if your whole pre made tries something funny. We have done double smite before and it worked wonders for random jungle stealing and invasions. Denying the enemy a leveled jungler is a very satisfying thing
I think triple AD mid worked once for me, but it breaks down if your AD ranged stop coordinating and split lanes. You've gotta form Voltron for maximum damage.I still want to try all AD range mid with surge tactic again.
So is new Garen a boss?
Yeah, I actually survived barely her burst and went back and bought myself a pretty Negatron Cloak. We still lost because our ADC went disconnect.Ya if you play a leblanc you go abyssal asap.
No, play Darius instead and do everything better.
A couple of us were posting earlier in the thread about how it seems 3-4 aspects to her are worse now. I've played a LOT of Katarina and the numbers don't sound better to me, but I guess I would be happy if she really is better. Do you mind elaborating on what aspects work better now? Does the W speedboost and damage make a big difference, compensating for the super high shunpo cooldown, for instance?New Katarina is TROLOLOLOL for me. I loved her before, she's even better now.
A couple of us were posting earlier in the thread about how it seems 3-4 aspects to her are worse now. I've played a LOT of Katarina and the numbers don't sound better to me, but I guess I would be happy if she really is better. Do you mind elaborating on what aspects work better now? Does the W speedboost and damage make a big difference, compensating for the super high shunpo cooldown, for instance?
Gonna stream LoL later tonight. Will yall watch?
Gonna stream LoL later tonight. Will yall watch?
Gonna stream LoL later tonight. Will yall watch?
So is new Garen a boss?