Stop saying Sona is good, ugh. They'll nerf her for like the third or fourth time. Remember the days when her power chord had good harass?
Also, I think I almost had a Rengar pentakill in my second summoner's rift attempt playing him, but Akali took the last kill. =( I was playing support Rengar with Corki since I started top but traded with someone.
So far I have played top against Xin and Warwick, and I do not feel like Rengar can 1v1 either of them. I suspect it would be the same against Jax. Natural huge lifesteal, sustain, and/or attack speed boosts seem like they would outdamage the poke-with-E style suggested for Rengar.
Oh man, Sivir and Nidalee both in a tournament match. They're not usually picked, and now both in the same game? This means they'll both become flavor of the month, and there's a 67% chance both will be nerfed within 4 weeks, correct?

I just bought Nidalee, too.