Really, there is no need to be terrified. I'm pretty much a newbie myself and so far, the game is very enjoyable.
There is a lot to learn, but everyone is in the same boat. Games at low summoners level are full of people just as clueless as you are, which makes the games fun. You just need to practice a few champs, learn how to approximately build them and you can go from there.
In my experience, the community is quite good. I started playing PvP at level 7 (level 19 right now) and I encountered very few smurfs, almost no rage and one troll (on the other team).
SouthernDragon, nice OP!
Maybe I will give it a try later this week.
I don't recall ever seeing you on either (either chat channel or Mumble) -- what's your ingame name? Is there a different chat channel?
Am I the only one who thinks Rammus is OP?
Love close games that go in our favor.
I got cc'ed to
I think this is actually my first time to get merc tread for talon.
edit: holy shit, rizzle won 111 more game than he had lose.
Should we have a [neogaf name - In game name] section?
Saw alot more faces on the gaf chat today
I wonder if there will be a hidden passive between Viktor and Blitzcrank (allied or enemy).
"I am your father!"
I can't even watch these once they get to the Dominion stuff anymore.
I love LoL, bit of a noob tho, need more EU West friends, add Gowans007.
I'll be playing more over the next couple of months.
I can only play as Tris tho.
Earlier this evening we made the decision to temporarily suspend CLG’s Saintvicious following a game where several Riot employees watched him intentionally troll another player on his team as that player was attempting to jungle. Saintvicious followed the player around for over 20 minutes stealing experience and gold from the player as he publically stated his that his intentions were malicious.
He was not banned for attempting new strategies, but for being a toxic force in an otherwise positive game – and in front of thousands of other players.
Didn't know so many GAFfers play LoL. I've been looking for an opportunity to jump back in, so I guess this is it. I'm going to suck for a while so I'll wait a bit before jumping in with you guys. Looking forward to it!
EU could use this section. At least to see how many active players there are.I feel like adding a NeoGAF - LoL handle section, but if people join the chat channel, that won't be necessary. Then again, it's handy knowing who's who.
And that's for the compliments, fellas. Mudkira did a lot of work, too!
Annie 4 Life! So are those the new portraits for the champions or something? Played a few games with some friends. The community can really ruin it though. Did something happen to the community thread?
something tells me shes gonna get nerfed
Riot said something about not adjusting champions based on performance in Dominion although that's an impressive score! People are complaining about her slow movement speed right now.
Maybe we can get a comment from Nome if he's still around.
Bah, I just found out randomly from youtube that most of the champion dance are based on real dancing video.
Ahri (Pretty obvious)
Kog'Maw (lol)
So when's this behemoth getting moved over to community?
So when's this behemoth getting moved over to community?
"I made a failure" when he kills Blitz
Bah, I just found out randomly from youtube that most of the champion dance are based on real dancing video.
Ahri (Pretty obvious)
Kog'Maw (lol)
Bah, I just found out randomly from youtube that most of the champion dance are based on real dancing video.
Ahri (Pretty obvious)
Kog'Maw (lol)
Bah, I just found out randomly from youtube that most of the champion dance are based on real dancing video.
Yeah, I think I mentioned the anime (if that's what it was?) that Ahri's dance was from in the last thread. And Malzahar has the M. C. Hammer dance for instance.
Ever since the jungle and mastery change I don't CV enemy fountain anymore just because almost every champion can go any item for jungling. I rather save it for a little later to spot the enemy jungler and his defenders because it's cooldown has also been increased.The winter map makes me pay more attentionbecause by the time I realize the quiet music is music, it's too late for me to alt-tab in after loading and drop a CV on the nemy fountain
Ever since the jungle and mastery change I don't CV enemy fountain anymore just because almost every champion can go any item for jungling. I rather save it for a little later to spot the enemy jungler and his defenders because it's cooldown has also been increased.
How many normal wins do the lvl 30 people have in here? I have shamefully passed 500 recently, it feels like to many.
Yeah, I think I mentioned the anime (if that's what it was?) that Ahri's dance was from in the last thread. And Malzahar has the M. C. Hammer dance for instance.