Even Nunu?
Does really well with Nunu when he can run into a lane really fast and the E for the slow.
Even Nunu?
Eh. She can shield saplings and stun after his root is cast and Q away. Riven can avoid a lot of the damage while taking no hits to any resource unlike Mao's mana costs.
I doubt they specifically designed it for it, but it sure is.Quick Syndra question, though I haven't seen anyone using her in my games yet. Is her skin actually designed so that the orbs are harder to see than the default skin? I thought I saw a note about that but I'm not sure if it was a joke or serious.
Quick Syndra question, though I haven't seen anyone using her in my games yet. Is her skin actually designed so that the orbs are harder to see than the default skin? I thought I saw a note about that but I'm not sure if it was a joke or serious.
Quick Syndra question, though I haven't seen anyone using her in my games yet. Is her skin actually designed so that the orbs are harder to see than the default skin? I thought I saw a note about that but I'm not sure if it was a joke or serious.
Throwing out random saplings to be E'd is a bad idea though. I only use the root for ganks with the jungler. Pretty much farm harder and stuff trades with Q. You can also setup saplings so they can't be dodged. The shield was never an issue in my experience.
I'll be honest, I barely ever see lane Mao's, and I've only fought one once, and beat him handily. I just had more presence then him because he didn't do too much damage outside of the saplings. So I'm speaking from limited experience, but even in my head, I can't imagine Maokai of all people to beat Riven.
Rumble is destroyed by any halfway decent Riven and is one of his hardest counters.
I rescind my earlier comments on Maokai top.
Jungle only.
I rescind my earlier comments on Maokai top.
Jungle only.
I'm not sure yet. DFG means that you want to initiate with it and then go into a quick burst rotation typically. So it comes down to whether or not you're going to try and play her where you're setting up the 6-hit ults or just going to try and single rotation burst down a target. Though, 19% CDR (39% with blue buff) does mean that you'll most likely be able to DFG + Q + W + Q + R + E which isn't exactly a bad setup.
My problem with putting Maokai against bruisers is that he cannot trade without blowing a ton of mana and his sustain is not that great.
>Vayne - Movement Speed is now 305 (Up from 300)
>Caitlyn - Piltover Peacemaker [ Q ]: Now deals 10% (Down from 15) less damage to each subsequent target down to a minimum of 50% (Up from 40%)
>Jayce - Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate [ E ]: Mana cost is now 40/50/60/70/80 Mana (Change from 40 mana)
>Miss Fortune - Bullet Time [ R ]: Now cost 100 mana (down from 150)
>Miss Fortune - Strut [ Passive ]: Now happens after 5 seconds of not being attacked (down from 7)
>Rengar Battle Roar [ W ]- Now increased by (+0.8AP) (down from (+1AP))
>Rengar Savagery [ Q ]: Now Deals 30/60/90/120/150 (Up from 30/55/80/105/130 )
>Rengar Thrill of the Hunt [ R ]: Now Gains 20/25/30 % Movement Speed (Up from 10/15/20 %)
>Vladimir Tides of Blood [ E ]: Now deals 60/85/110/135/160 (Changed from 60/90/120/150/180 )
>Wukong Crushing Blow [ Q ]: Now also gains 125 Attack Range.
>Yorick Omen of Pestilence [ W ]: Now costs 55/60/65/70/75 Mana (Changed from 40/45/50/55/60 Mana)
>Ziggs Mega Inferno Bomb [ R ] Enemies further away take 80 % damage. (up from 75 % )
Support Masteries?
AP runes?
So to improve Rengar they...nerfed his W? Were the people complaining about AP Rengar really that bad off?![]()
Don't believe Neki! I carried so hard
i tried him yesterday and the day before.So to improve Rengar they...nerfed his W? Were the people complaining about AP Rengar really that bad off?![]()
his scaling is not that good except his ultimate, easy to kite and cc very easily.Is there any reason to play anyone other than Darius top? All the ones I've seen built like one defensive item and boots and became almost unkillable and proceeded to destroy everything.
just started playing gragas today and i cant be happier for joining the dark side.
I'll drink you under the table, scrub
Am I the only guy that hates TSM's guts? They're good, but no eyebrows Reginald and pillow-fucker Dyrus bring the worst in me lol...
Am I the only guy that hates TSM's guts? They're good, but no eyebrows Reginald and pillow-fucker Dyrus bring the worst in me lol...
i hate them but i cant deny that they are the best team in NA by huge margin.
MA just kicked their ass
Apparently the special event/razer/holiday runes aren't working right now. If you have them in your pages, you may want to switch them out until they get fixed.
Yeah, they seem to outplay everyone except Azubu Blaze, but I really wish they weren't jerks about it.i hate them but i cant deny that they are the best team in NA by huge margin.
Darn, I have two Halloween movespeed quints, and I'm trying to save IP for the rune page sale. D:Apparently the special event/razer/holiday runes aren't working right now. If you have them in your pages, you may want to switch them out until they get fixed.