I just mean that no one else has the detection range, including Talon/Rengar ults and Twitch roaming. I'm not sure if it would be worth getting back Eve's temporary stealth for no automatic detection, but if they're going to nerf her anyway they might as well. Or they could just put her ult timer back where it was. Wasn't it something ridiculous like 3+ minutes before? The way I play, I probably can't really kill anyone without the ult, so increasing the timer to 3-5 minutes will drastically reduce the number of kills she gets.
Conversely, you don't know where Eve is unless she's visible on the map. The rest have to activate their stealth for some reason or another which limits how much ground they can cover undetected. Most activated stealths do not offer any kind of "where are they?" style plays. Generally speaking, they're more for disengaging/escaping or short-range initiates/positioning.
Eve, on the other hand, can use hers to roam and pressure lanes. I play a fairly offensive Kat so I try to push my lane up and roam bot when I can. This kind of play is just so much more effective with Eve's stealth. Disappearing from lane is kind of a scary prospect. She may be visible at close ranges but that opens up everywhere outside of that range as a place to hide; the activated stealths are the opposite, only truly missing at close ranges.
As for a nerf, they'll probably tweak her base values/scaling if they do anything.
Edit: Unrelated note, Syndra buffs are +Q base damage (+10 damage) and scaling (+.1) and +R scaling (+.05/Orb). Doesn't really address the issue of her Q range being short (and their AoE being too small / delay too long)

Maybe there's more to come! Maybe!