So now this Ezreal says "we have 100% chance of not winning this game" when both him and I are both like 6 2 5 or something, so he feeds three kills like literally walking towards a group of enemies. I ask the guy if he's doing it purpose, says yeah and then disconnects.
I ask the enemy to report him since he had even admitted it and they're all like "lol u were feedin 2 lololo". I don't get why people do that, you'd think normal thinking human beings would choose to help weed out the trolls so they don't get trolled themselves, but w/e.
So yeah, fuck you Ezreals of the world, you know who you are
Next match we had a Varus, he went a solid 7 6 14 and you know, didn't intentionally feed. So Varus, you're alright, you're a bro, I salute you for not being fucking Ezreal.
Also it cost me my first defeat as Anivia in 8 matches T_T

(but play with friends/gaffers/gaffer friends or you'll regret it)
I ask the enemy to report him since he had even admitted it and they're all like "lol u were feedin 2 lololo". I don't get why people do that, you'd think normal thinking human beings would choose to help weed out the trolls so they don't get trolled themselves, but w/e.
So yeah, fuck you Ezreals of the world, you know who you are
Next match we had a Varus, he went a solid 7 6 14 and you know, didn't intentionally feed. So Varus, you're alright, you're a bro, I salute you for not being fucking Ezreal.
Also it cost me my first defeat as Anivia in 8 matches T_T
S'ok bro, LoL sometimes is shit like that. Dust yourself up and tryhard again tomorrowI really don't know why I play this game sometimes. I'm playing ranked cause I'm trying to get away from the idiots in normals and there are just as many in ranked. First two mins into the game Morde on my team wants to troll. Second game was better I'm legendary on fizz and carrying and my team is doing OK but we are being pushed into towers hard cause our trist was awful. Enemy is in our jungle and we have it warded, trist literally walks 2 inches from where they are just gets shit on, they push in and win. I hate this game.
Also been trying to just get my win of the day for the last three hours and I've carried every game and my team has just been awful. Ugh.
Sorry for this, just needed to ran. Oh leagues....
(but play with friends/gaffers/gaffer friends or you'll regret it)