Yep, still super strong. Nobody tell Riot. Her burst is insane.

If only the other team had a Quinn, they could have fought fire with fire!Yep, still super strong. Nobody tell Riot. Her burst is insane.
Isn't SR just Runeterra's legal system?
Kind of like that. They settle all disputes in SR.
Who gets the last piece of pizza? Better go to SR.
If only the other team had 5 people.
Best change this patch. Softens the blow to singedRestricted Chat Mode
In an effort to encourage active reform and shield players from toxicity, weve implemented a new account restriction that limits in-game chat for toxic players.
Certain players (identified by Tribunal and by Player Support) will have a limited number of in-game messages available and limited access to [All] Chat.
Restricted players that successfully complete matchmade games will earn their chat privileges back.
So it belongs to no factionIsn't SR just Runeterra's legal system?
Isn't SR just Runeterra's legal system?
He's okay. Other people kind of do his thing better but he's in an alright place. Your ultimate doesn't give you a lane advantage so he can really get stomped on after six by certain champions if you don't secure an early lead.So is Pantheon any good?
So is Pantheon any good?
he's got like the most idiotic early game ever and will destroy a lot of tops pretty easily (and mids). the thing is, you gotta get super fed to be useful in teamfights and his ult is kinda weird to use correctly for ganking.So is Pantheon any good?
he's got like the most idiotic early game ever and will destroy a lot of tops pretty easily (and mids). the thing is, you gotta get super fed to be useful in teamfights and his ult is kinda weird to use correctly for ganking.
in general I'd say he's a strong pick if the rest of your team has very good initiation but he contributes nothing otherwise.
what would you build on tank panth? if I can't blow people up I feel pretty useless with himYou press R to cut off the players from running back to turret. The circle covers the entire lane. You make them run up to river. I always buy mobility boots on panth so you chase them down and kill them in the river. If they are dumb enough to continue running towards their turret then they take the ult damage and will pretty much be killed right after you hit stun.
He tears up silver league. Gold gets a bit harder with the wraiths warding so I gank from base.
Rush a BT or black cleaver then a giant belt item. Kill everything and never die. He is a solo queue monster and I've found he can single handedly carry games.
If you don't do well in lane, build tank pantheon with 40% cdr. Act as an initiator and a stun bot. He can transition into a peeler/support for your other laners.
Be flexible with the build. You won't always do well. But he isn't in the category of being completely useless if he isn't fed like leblanc is.
what would you build on tank panth? if I can't blow people up I feel pretty useless with him
After stalking some diamond/plat level support players, I've been noticing that they are not rushing Aegis at all. I've been wondering if there is something wrong with my standard build and I think I can see their reasoning behind it.
I usually try to go:
Charm->Philo->SightStone->Doran'sShield/RubySightstone->Aegis(parts)->Boots->Shurelyia's->etc etc
The builds I'm seeing these guys go is Charm->Philo->SightStone/Kage's->Shureliyas/Boots. Some games they don't even bother to build an Aegis or just let the jungler build it.
I should probably start doing this in solo queue since disengages/engages would win more games than just flat resist and some HP5.
Maybe it was countering blade of the ruined king too well.Why did Riot feel the nerf to nerf Warden/Randuin hard?![]()
Welp, looks like I can't play League of Legends. I'm in Australia and I can't seem to get a ping below 700.
Soon mate, there will be aussie servers.
Fellow Australian, and that is not normal on a land based connection over hereWelp, looks like I can't play League of Legends. I'm in Australia and I can't seem to get a ping below 700.
Fellow Australian, and that is not normal on a land based connection over here
Welp, looks like I can't play League of Legends. I'm in Australia and I can't seem to get a ping below 700.
I'm on lux or feed mode right now since I'm just one win from having my 500s and I want it to be with my special girl, but will def try later.locket of solari, Sunfire/bulwark, randuins, then I'll usually get a last whisper as my 4th or 5th item since i want people to be hitting me, then i'll stack on some more cdr.
I always get the 4% cdr mastery instead of the AS mastery.
You'll still do a lot of damage mid game without any ad items if you've kept your levels up.
Then you can either peel for your carries with your 6s stun or stick onto the enemy carries so they don't hit your team for late game.
What I usually do late game when I play tank pantheon is dive into enemy turrets with my ult if my team has a clear advantage. Noone wants to be hit by the 1000 magic damage ult so they all back off and let your team get the turret for free. If they do initiate on you, tank it out with your 3-4k hp and die for your team to clean it up. Your ult+your attacks should do enough damage for your team to win.
yeah I've noticed that too and I've been trying to apply it, basically mimic edward and buy ruby sightstone and then a billion oraclesAfter stalking some diamond/plat level support players, I've been noticing that they are not rushing Aegis at all. I've been wondering if there is something wrong with my standard build and I think I can see their reasoning behind it.
I usually try to go:
Charm->Philo->SightStone->Doran'sShield/RubySightstone->Aegis(parts)->Boots->Shurelyia's->etc etc
The builds I'm seeing these guys go is Charm->Philo->SightStone/Kage's->Shureliyas/Boots. Some games they don't even bother to build an Aegis or just let the jungler build it.
I should probably start doing this in solo queue since disengages/engages would win more games than just flat resist and some HP5.
Yes. Riot doesn't actually give a shit.What do pro players do in this situation? Are they allowed to play on smurfs to practice or what?
Yes. Riot doesn't actually give a shit.
So is Pantheon any good?
wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwdoes that mean that they won't play lcs next week?
Are you learning a lot watching SV feed on Shyv?Just bought Kha'Zix and going to buy Syndra after I get another 600IP. The only other champ I've bought that I didn't refund was Singed, and he is getting hit with a nerf bat, so I wanted new ones.
On another note, wow am I bad at jungling. Level 26 and just tried it for the first time, and I feel like I need to get a smurf account and just go practice over and over. Went 1/16/12, got no kills during laning but picked one up in the middle of a team fight that I really just took from someone else. How does one get good at jungling? I'm watching Saintvicious' stream right now to try to pick up some tips, but anything else?
Just bought Kha'Zix and going to buy Syndra after I get another 600IP. The only other champ I've bought that I didn't refund was Singed, and he is getting hit with a nerf bat, so I wanted new ones.
On another note, wow am I bad at jungling. Level 26 and just tried it for the first time, and I feel like I need to get a smurf account and just go practice over and over. Went 1/16/12, got no kills during laning but picked one up in the middle of a team fight that I really just took from someone else. How does one get good at jungling? I'm watching Saintvicious' stream right now to try to pick up some tips, but anything else?
Just bought Kha'Zix and going to buy Syndra after I get another 600IP. The only other champ I've bought that I didn't refund was Singed, and he is getting hit with a nerf bat, so I wanted new ones.
On another note, wow am I bad at jungling. Level 26 and just tried it for the first time, and I feel like I need to get a smurf account and just go practice over and over. Went 1/16/12, got no kills during laning but picked one up in the middle of a team fight that I really just took from someone else. How does one get good at jungling? I'm watching Saintvicious' stream right now to try to pick up some tips, but anything else?
Just bought Kha'Zix and going to buy Syndra after I get another 600IP. The only other champ I've bought that I didn't refund was Singed, and he is getting hit with a nerf bat, so I wanted new ones.
On another note, wow am I bad at jungling. Level 26 and just tried it for the first time, and I feel like I need to get a smurf account and just go practice over and over. Went 1/16/12, got no kills during laning but picked one up in the middle of a team fight that I really just took from someone else. How does one get good at jungling? I'm watching Saintvicious' stream right now to try to pick up some tips, but anything else?
After stalking some diamond/plat level support players, I've been noticing that they are not rushing Aegis at all. I've been wondering if there is something wrong with my standard build and I think I can see their reasoning behind it.
I usually try to go:
Charm->Philo->SightStone->Doran'sShield/RubySightstone->Aegis(parts)->Boots->Shurelyia's->etc etc
The builds I'm seeing these guys go is Charm->Philo->SightStone/Kage's->Shureliyas/Boots. Some games they don't even bother to build an Aegis or just let the jungler build it.
I should probably start doing this in solo queue since disengages/engages would win more games than just flat resist and some HP5.
I thought Zac was this patch?
hey sejuani is free this week. now you guys can learn a good champion.
Seems like they've taken to just releasing champs in the middle of a week and not with a patch. Quinn was a Friday. Might see Zac this week somewhere.
I was really excited about this since I love her design, but the final conclusion after 3 customs is: My god jungling is just a whole bundle of bullshit.
-Camp timers
-Wandering every lane
-Lurking for ganks
-Cherishing every last bit of gold
Compared to the joys of warding and ruining the opposing carry's day as Soraka, or even just having fun as Renekton, it's totally unappealing to me.
Shouldn't you be used to that?