NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
Nothing new there.We know brian. We know.
Nothing new there.We know brian. We know.
I play League OT more than League of Legends.
zkylon for challenger tier league OTWe know brian. We know.
Stop replying to everything to pad your stats man.
You'll never catch the zkylon. He'll post in 3.. 2...
If Sion collides with an enemy champion or terrain, charges for the full 8 seconds, or recasts the ability, he will slam the ground with earth-shattering force, dealing physical damage and knocking up nearby enemies, while slowing enemies further away.
wait are they saying league of legends takes place on earth
The new splash art was the true fan art.We haven't had any dumb fanart pages to fluff the thread either. Who knows why it's going so fast.
The new Janna splash sucks. Chin way too pointy.The new splash art was the true fan art.
You are wrong. It's aerodynamic.The new Janna splash sucks. Chin way too pointy.
The new Janna splash sucks. Chin way too pointy.
You are wrong. It's aerodynamic.
2 Nami classic skins
I can't handle this.
I just try to carry you guys dodge if it is apparent someone is on tilt
like complaining a lot in champ select about past games
Hahaha. I just witnessed a dad apologising for his kid's behaviour and language in an after game lobby.
That kid is going to get it.
do you guys dodge if it is apparent someone is on tilt
like complaining a lot in champ select about past games
"guys, please don't feed and I carry. Last few games all lanes fed. "do you guys dodge if it is apparent someone is on tilt
like complaining a lot in champ select about past games
Phillip, where's the new thread already.
And what did you do to scy.
I think you're thinking too much into it
naughty costy
How do I beat Jayce mid?![]()
Also as Jayce I'm having trouble building the Muramana. Am I not spamming enough? Should I just be spamming abilities otw to lane or something like that?
Pd. Jayce is a lot of fun, thanks for recommending! It doesn't seem as complicated as I imagined? Like it's pretty straight forward. I just thought that abilities shared cooldowns between stances but it's pretty nice that they don't.
Even for that purpose you're going to have a bad time with Darius regardless: nothing in his kit helps him with soaking up damage and he's always easily kited on top of that. He's only going to be decent again once Riot decides to prioritize his pending rework again.But anyway, if you expect darius to do damage and carry team fights then you're in for a bad time. He's just there to reapply bleed, soak up damage and execute carries with true damage. Anything else, he is too squishy and will fall off tremendously after people start getting a single chain armour.
People going crazy for the last 1000 or so posts. Don't know why. Thread just rocketed in the past month.
Also as Jayce I'm having trouble building the Muramana. Am I not spamming enough? Should I just be spamming abilities otw to lane or something like that?
Pd. Jayce is a lot of fun, thanks for recommending! It doesn't seem as complicated as I imagined? Like it's pretty straight forward. I just thought that abilities shared cooldowns between stances but it's pretty nice that they don't.
1. End of season, silverinoes try to get gold
2. Watching Worlds makes people giddy to play.
people that challenge you to 1v1 after a game are hilarious.
do you guys dodge if it is apparent someone is on tilt
like complaining a lot in champ select about past games you guys dodge if it is apparent someone is on tilt
like complaining a lot in champ select about past games
I only dodge based on pre-game chat if I see people bitching at each other.
My uncropped avatar is safe for work - well, as safe as a bunny girl can be -, I assure youYour avatar makes me think of a certain picture with riven and peeling carrots.