Barack Lesnar
Find me another person in GD with 4 seasons under their belt + 1-2 more yeras before they had seasons. Someone with thousands of ranked wins. Someone who plays a legendary build all thought was dead. I am that man.
Find me another person in GD with 4 seasons under their belt + 1-2 more yeras before they had seasons. Someone with thousands of ranked wins. Someone who plays a legendary build all thought was dead. I am that man.
and still silver 2
maybe ad tf ain't that good after all
Find me another person in GD with 4 seasons under their belt + 1-2 more yeras before they had seasons. Someone with thousands of ranked wins. Someone who plays a legendary build all thought was dead. I am that man.
Invest in gold over time runes.Can only carry so hard.
Also, wtf do I do with all this IP?
Buy a single mana regen quint for your support mage pages.Can only carry so hard.
Also, wtf do I do with all this IP?
There was some talk in here bout morellonomicon a few days or maybe a week ago. When do you guys get it? Assassin AP? Support? I forgot what you guys said, but it was helpful..
I buy it on supports sometimes. Stuff like Lulu and Velkoz. The regen on it is a viable alternative to Chalice. If you can get value out of the passive and want to combine CDR + offensive power it's a good pick up. If you see stuff like Warwick, Fiddlesticks, or Swain on the enemy team it's worth considering.There was some talk in here bout morellonomicon a few days or maybe a week ago. When do you guys get it? Assassin AP? Support? I forgot what you guys said, but it was helpful..
and still silver 2
maybe ad tf ain't that good after all
ok. I changed my mind.
Lane Sion is not such a great idea. Mana costs are too ridiculous for the minimal damage you dish out if your shield is broken.
Maybe I'll try again with maxing W first.
Maybe I'll try again with maxing W first.
Mid, but never tell them you're going AD otherwise they'll rage.Maybe I missed it, but do you go Mid or Bot TF?
ok. I changed my mind.
Lane Sion is not such a great idea. Mana costs are too ridiculous for the minimal damage you dish out if your shield is broken.
Maybe I'll try again with maxing W first.
i almost never buy it unless i'm doing like a tear rush
like if i'm ori against like jayce or something i might do tear rush into morellos. or like against zed maybe tear rush into seekers into morellos
Mid, but never tell them you're going AD otherwise they'll rage.
Just a little edit to that build:
I've been getting longsword + 3 pots now instead of dagger + pot like it says there since dagger price increased so you can't get a pot anymore. Longsword + 3 pots works well. You just upgrade that to a vamp scepter after you get Shiv.
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Is it me or does new Sion's kit seem like one that shouldn't be using mana? Use health as the cost or something. Just the whole aesthetics and skills seem to be for a no mana champ.
ok. I changed my mind.
Lane Sion is not such a great idea. Mana costs are too ridiculous for the minimal damage you dish out if your shield is broken.
Maybe I'll try again with maxing W first.
Find me another person in GD with 4 seasons under their belt + 1-2 more yeras before they had seasons. Someone with thousands of ranked wins. Someone who plays a legendary build all thought was dead. I am that man.
Remember when thresh, lee, and lucian used to be in LCS all the time?
Yeah, good times.
well tear rush is cheaper, so you can wait for 1k gold and get like tear+cloth armor or something like that. like if you have dorans+chalice versus a zed with like brutalizer or maybe two long swords and a dorans he's gonna be dealing true damage to you (if you can always run armor yellows against ad mids) and you're gonna be feeling pretty miserableTear rush better than just doing chalice into seekers or morellos? Have never done a tear rush, but maybe that will solve my issues with laning against zed.
If you like Thresh play him. Some people preform well on him and are able to take advantage of the tool kit. If someone wants to roam and create picks I kind of just feel like Blitzcrank has more map presence, and Leona is more reliable.You guys really think Thresh is in such a bad spot? I still think he's really good, not as god-tier as he was but still damn good. Free Flash for a team mate and the rest of his abilities apply a sort of CC. Granted success goes through how skillful you are with hooks but that goes without saying.
I think in the right hands of someone that can use the entirety of his kit well, it can become a roam god, helping other lanes get going.
I wish I could practice it a bit more, recently I've gone back to Leona (the first champion I "seriously" bought and learned the game with) and left Threshie a bit alone. Maybe I should do some normals to get comfortable with him again.
He's certainly not weak. That being said, I'd take a Blitz over a Thresh any day. Blitz has way more reliable skills, and damage. Back in the day, Thresh could just chunk you with autos, but he can't really do that anymore.You guys really think Thresh is in such a bad spot? I still think he's really good, not as god-tier as he was but still damn good. Free Flash for a team mate and the rest of his abilities apply a sort of CC. Granted success goes through how skillful you are with hooks but that goes without saying.
I think in the right hands of someone that can use the entirety of his kit well, it can become a roam god, helping other lanes get going.
I wish I could practice it a bit more, recently I've gone back to Leona (the first champion I "seriously" bought and learned the game with) and left Threshie a bit alone. Maybe I should do some normals to get comfortable with him again.
Weird bug. I picked Fiora, and it kicked me out like I dodged, now her pic is on the right side of my client. It stays from screen to screen. It's also put me in the 5:00 penalty box.
Weird bug. I picked Fiora, and it kicked me out like I dodged, now her pic is on the right side of my client. It stays from screen to screen. It's also put me in the 5:00 penalty box.
That bug has been there since the beginning of time.
yea that bug is mega oldThis is my first season though. I'm still fresh and ignorant. But I'm also Gold, so I'm the worst kid of ignorant. Sorry.
This is my first season though. I'm still fresh and ignorant. But I'm also Gold, so I'm the worst kid of ignorant. Sorry.
Ok, so, like, I can't get into a match with similarly ranked players. I'm getting these shot caller Bronze players that rage because they jumped into a 1v5 fight as Katarina and then complain that nobody helped out. Yeah, buddy, that's not how you play Kat, but whatever. So then they refuse to fight and just steal my farm out of the jungle.
Then at the end of the game our Swain is blaming everybody for being "Ghandi" and not dealing damage in a fight (dumbest insult ever), and he's sitting on 50 FREAKING CS AT THE END OF THE GAME.
I put a freeze on Ranked when I hit Gold, but maybe that's where my actual good matches are going to be at. Might have to abandon Normals, because it's crazy town over here.
Jungle Fiora is still fun. Team was so heavy though. Essence Reaver on IE.
So, League has a 5-year anniversary on the 27th. Perhaps we will see something interesting around that time.