NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
What is that image suppose to be of?just realized
is this closer's favorite item
What is that image suppose to be of?just realized
is this closer's favorite item
i dunnoI don't have an issue with Vayne's %HP true damage. She has a lot of meaningful tradeoffs to back up that level of damage, and it allows her to fit into a niche where she becomes this hyperscaling tank destroyer.
It's fine.
This pisses me off even more than people being toxic.thresh feeds 5 kills in 10 min
buys a sightstone and doesn't use it once
"i don't ward as supp, i poke"
goes afk after 15 min "gg adc can't farm".
i don't mind people playing bad, i do it myself but stuff like this makes me so mad.
i never type anything in chat in soloq.
This pisses me off even more than people being toxic.
No.i just leave the lobby and look at pretty pictures for a while
This pisses me off even more than people being toxic.
The key is to say those things in game about the enemy in all chat
Like demoralize then and put them so far on tilt that they seriously consider rage quitting
It can back fire when they kill you though
"You guys want me to report riven for you? Seems like she's intentionally feeding."
My go to line, works like a charm.
[All]Do you want me to report X for AFK? She's been gone for a long time.
[All]What I'm right here?
[All]Oh, I guess I didn't see you around the last few teamfights.
And then I watch the whole rickety structure fall apart.
I usually just go Lulu or Annie. Silver ADCs go melee mode so it's easy to get them low
Works best when there isn't a riven."You guys want me to report riven for you? Seems like she's intentionally feeding."
My go to line, works like a charm.
I used to be one of those "why?" guys but eventually the realization hit me that there was never a good enough reason and I was just being a passive aggressive asshole. Now I just tend to shotcall and ping everything
"Valor, to me!"I only rage at Newt.
I used to be one of those "why?" guys but eventually the realization hit me that there was never a good enough reason and I was just being a passive aggressive asshole. Now I just tend to shotcall and ping everything
Why? equals immediate tilt for me. Usually I know when I do something really dumb but then seeing that why just makes me mad because I have no good answer.
Why did you do something dumb though...
I mean, it's a valid question your team deserves the answer to![]()
That actually could help me! What kind of runes did you use on Annie? Sometimes I use m.pen. reds, armor/health yellows, ap quints, m.resist blues but I was suggested a tankier build? Sometimes I just become this terrible punching sandbag, though it could also be due to poor initition on my part/positioning.
ty in advance!
Also you guys are all psychopaths in the making, but you're still cool, so. The magic of League of Dongers.
I've been dcing for no reason the past few days, maybe they didn't mean to leave.Ranked ladies and gentlemen. I wish Riot would actually punish people for AFKing / Leaving.
I've been dcing for no reason the past few days, maybe they didn't mean to leave.
Ah ok, so basically 3 pots + 360 sword > Tear > (if not enough for tear sword) Brutalizer? > Pickaxe > tearswordwhatevername > cdr boots > LW?
I thought getting tear sword was better in order to get the stacks faster? Maybe I missunderstood! And I got boots because I kinda wanted to get out of lane and feel useful, but it was kinda lost by then.
And I agree, Yasuo warding wouldn't have helped anyone because he couldn't do much versus that Lux at that point. It's just idk, warding helps so much more than just your lane ._. Maybe it's because of my support background that makes me pretty obsessed with vision control!
Also my CS is atrocious. I was doing fine but then, I fucking hate when two minions far away from each other get really low on health -_- Like why.
Sorry if I sound whiney, I'm pretty tired and I am fairly sure I could have won at least lane if I had been clever. At one point I knew Kha and Malphite wanted to dive me and instead of just retreating I stayed in the middle of the two towers like an idiot! Or when I was really low on health and instead of popping my last potion, I stayed around enough for Malphite to flash Q me... Bleh!
"Press ult, you'll kill him