really bad
Facing a zed. I went straight zhonyas, then sorcs, then morellos, then deathcap. Is that ok?
really bad
I had a Gold player troll us because he "didn't need the win," seeing as he already made it to the season rewards. That game was really painful.I was so close, promosThen it was a straight fall.
you may run into mana issues but it's an alright build. if you're being denied blue buff you're in troubleFacing a zed. I went straight zhonyas, then sorcs, then morellos, then deathcap. Is that ok?
you may run into mana issues but it's an alright build. if you're being denied blue buff you're in trouble tho
you can also do like zhonyas into deathcap into void staff and just try and oneshot people with low cdr. i really like that lux build.
or like get tear first item if the zed's not too aggressive, tho that probably requires double dorans or you'll be shoved under turret
generally not the easiest matchup for lux, tho, so if your build worked for you then it's ok. considering you're buying morellos after already spending like 4k gold you might want to swap that for athenes as it'll be teamfight time and the mr is not wasted anymore
I was so close, promosThen it was a straight fall.
My damage was like 60/40 phys/magical at the damage screen. So chompers did about 40% of my damage. The rest was the 36 cd on my ult + constant W spam.
Will say was the most fun I've had with jinx in an aram.
Am I too tryhard to be trying to work on my csing on custom games? ;o
My CS is so bad when I ADC, I want to improve ._.
15 minute queue timer for solo draft queue. Get into a game. Someone doesn't pick and game dodges.
Back into queue for another 5 minutes. Someone doesn't pick again.
Back into queue for another 4 minutes. Someone doesn't pick again.
Back into queue after 3 minutes. I hope to god noone bloody afks this queue.
27 minute queue time altogether. This is some shit.
There's no such thing as being tryhard when you're trying to get better at a competitive game. Set gradual drills you can use to practice CS - start CSing with no bots and no runes/masteries, add one bot (1v1 the bot will always go bot lane) and start trying to harass between CS, add 9 bots do the same, add runes and masteries and repeat, take it to normals, move between each drill once you can get most of the CS consistently and you're golden.Am I too tryhard to be trying to work on my csing on custom games? ;o
My CS is so bad when I ADC, I want to improve ._.
Edit: I try the 5 min-38 CS but, do you account the wave coming in? Because I got 27 only without counting that one ._. (this being bot, not mid btw)
Sometimes I cancel autos -_-
No, that is a good way to improve. For better training, play without runes and without items.
There's no such thing as being tryhard when you're trying to get better at a competitive game. Set gradual drills you can use to practice CS - start CSing with no bots and no runes/masteries, add one bot (1v1 the bot will always go bot lane) and start trying to harass between CS, add 9 bots do the same, add runes and masteries and repeat, take it to normals, move between each drill once you can get most of the CS consistently and you're golden.
You don't account for that oncoming wave. 38 cs is the max amount of farm you can have at the 5 minute mark in bot lane - mid max is 44. You don't need to aim exactly at 38 at first, start trying to get to 30 minimum and then improve from there. The early game is crucial for ADCs so improving that will help you a ton, the faster you get that BF Sword / Cutlass the better.
I'd recommend caitlyn if you want to practice csing. No real ad or AS steroids to help you and you'll still get the feel of being a ranged carry.
Plus she's viable in real games.
Remember. Pressing S is your friend.
Right click to cs.
Right to cs.
Or if you're really fidgety or when you get better at csing, you can walk back and forth in a line. You generally do this in games to avoid harass.
Yeah, I tend to move between AAs or to wait until the last moment to CS! My real problem is that sometimes I will cancel AAs because I am a fairly nervous person and insecure at times -_- or sometimes it hits, but doesn't register D;
The hell...
Harrowing teaser is up. I liked it.
Sure seems like the mist was just for the harrowing. That hexakill TT icon is called mark if the betrayer tho...
i feel like graves is a really underrated pick right now
i say that as someone who knows very little about adc
still, did the most damage out of everyone in the game in the 3 games i lost as him :\
That video is great.......
I made it to Silver I tonight. Looking at the tribulations this division has wrought upon Ferrio; I'm not looking forward to what it has to offer.
I'm going to have to find a niche pick to see me through. :/
Those Sion ults thoneko has a 9 loss streak without me, but stomps as soon as i return.
yay got my first hexakill =D
oh god, playing with ghost. rip me.
Oh right. Aram.
I was trying so hard to wrap my head around the damage in a SR game.
Neko is known for his moral more than his skill.neko has a 9 loss streak without me, but stomps as soon as i return.
Neko is known for his moral more than his skill.
I'd recommend caitlyn if you want to practice csing. No real ad or AS steroids to help you and you'll still get the feel of being a ranged carry.
Plus she's viable in real games.
Remember. Pressing S is your friend.
Right click to cs.
Right to cs.
Or if you're really fidgety or when you get better at csing, you can walk back and forth in a line. You generally do this in games to avoid harass.
Yeah, I tend to move between AAs or to wait until the last moment to CS! My real problem is that sometimes I will cancel AAs because I am a fairly nervous person and insecure at times -_- or sometimes it hits, but doesn't register D;
what is csing? I rarely use the S with cait so I am intriged
Creep score, aka last hitting.
I've never used S myself either, I thought league players just cancel with moving and not use S?
you've obviously never waited for 30 goddamn seconds while a blue buff wails on you with 10 hp left on it while you wait for your stupidass midlaner who said he was coming to finish getting that last bit of farm before they actually do come to get it
a flash player?Panda, you need to dodge when you see a Flash player in your team, they are really bad