Wolf Akela
Nemesis feels like pre-20 picks but with plat+ players.
It's freaking fun. I can play AD Thresh and no one bats an eye.
It's freaking fun. I can play AD Thresh and no one bats an eye.
Welcome aboard, ignore the saltHey ladies and gents. Been playing league for a little over 4 years now. Addicted to the game. Who knows how much money I've spent on skins.
Just felt like it was time to join the community.
It's like playing in season 1 before the eu meta started to form. It's really nice as a change of pace.Nemesis feels like pre-20 picks but with plat+ players.
It's freaking fun. I can play AD Thresh and no one bats an eye.
Ashe mid?
Embrace AP/AD hybrid Ashe! Rush dat Gunblade and Nashor!
sounds cool
i like most of it. i think the face doesn't look great doeI dont know if I like it or I hate it. I'm conflicted.
The face doesn't even look bad, she just doesn't look like Katarina
that's trueNew Janna does not look like janna either.
The face doesn't even look bad, she just doesn't look like Katarina
Like the skin they just released, for starters.
Her chin is pointy, her nose is not that thin, her lips are not that full. It's not rocket science. New Janna was good because old Janna was basically a big bunch of nothing and she still needs an updated model, plus making her look scandinavian looked really good, but Kat's face has always been pretty distinct and iconic, and has been drawn in the same consistent way in pretty much every piece of official art and her in-game model.
i think varus is pretty hawtIt's not like the community gave Katarina impossible mesurements, it was Riot. That waist is impossible no matter how you look at it. I don't think we should take it so seriously. I just demand some man-candy on the side. Can't all be about Graves, you feel me?
I for one I'm glad Kalista didn't turn out to be a League Barbie, she's cool and fierce, and she need no- wait, she needs her oathsworn.
Damn Riot, what's this, a womyn can't be farming her own lane without a symbol of the patriarchy oppressing her and keeping her on check with wards?
I'm triggered!
i think varus is pretty hawt
only nev has the right to masturbate to league characters
too bad you missed gp's hairy primeYeah I kinda see it! I just like them a bit more "beary" and Graves has that delicious chest fur o.o/
Varus shows a promising bubble butt on his last skin though, I'll give him that.
exactlyVarus is literally butt-naked in his base skin
Rock out with your cock out
yeah, gp is kind of gross lolGP's old chest hair looked like it was rising from his crotch.
There's a "release the Kraken" joke to be made but I shall keep things classy and PG
i mean, i think nerfing it is deserved, so i'm all for them tuning it until it's good. i just want my lane dominance backAlso at this point just completely reset the nerf to Syndra's stun and call it a day lol
Does veigar's circle no longer stun you or something? Cuz I'd be OK with that somewhat >_>;
It still stuns but now there's a delay before the cage appears. Right now good Veigars have an instant, impossible to dodge stun that turns into death.Does veigar's circle no longer stun you or something? Cuz I'd be OK with that somewhat >_>;
Is there a sentence worse than "duo bot with _______"??
It still stuns but now there's a delay before the cage appears. Right now good Veigars have an instant, impossible to dodge stun that turns into death.
the jumps are really strong as they are, so probably can take the hit in order for her to keep some of the other unique things about her
Is there a sentence worse than "duo bot with _______"??
"Hey guys! Main Riven/Vayne. Please don't ban them."
Is there a sentence worse than "duo bot with _______"??
2020: I don't care, I have like 4 accounts
Lord Newt: Okay, you have 4 accounts, but does your buddy here?
Is there a sentence worse than "duo bot with _______"??
You don't deal with LeBlanc in lane. Quite the opposite in fact, you turn the lane into a stalemate. She's a slow farmer so as long as you don't feed her kills or let her roam you're winning.
That is, unless you're someone that can just murder her before she murders you and you just go ham on her.
alltheducks joined the room.
Aeolox joined the room.
TheStallos joined the room.
OMG SmallPomelo joined the room.
alltheducks: support main
OMG SmallPomelo: mid
OMG SmallPomelo: zed mid
OMG SmallPomelo: donr ban
Morg.Ok, I'll bite. Who can murder her?