Ghost is Bad
no they're just preparing for their late game carrying.
Oh man, that is brutal.[IMG][/QUOTE]
They should at least reduce the mana cooldown. :/
Oh man, that is brutal.
Scumbag ks sona
Oh man, that is brutal.
Scumbag ks sona
j4 isn't really losing hidden power as the aura doesn't give armor since a while ago. i'm confused why they removed the self armor while they kept the attack speed buff. or why they kept the armor shred. those are way more hidden than his own armor buff (which at this point just could be replaced by better base stats)Jarvan and Janna both losing some of that "hidden power". Seems ok, I guess.
I decided to queue up. Have a Yasuo in champ select saying that he thinks he can ult three per team fight. Let's see...
Edit: all my teammates are bronze, their entire team is all silver. :|
Edit 2: Lee Sin just asked what ability he should start.
had one of those let's all praise the support games
trying to bubble kalista so painful. specially when said kalista is challenger
also i really liked your sell spellthief to buy aegis "trick", leezard. ended up going frozen heart first item and kept it a bit longer but it feels like the gp10 is just no longer needed after one or two items
Glad it helped. It's a simple thing to do, but it's easy to forget.
j4 isn't really losing hidden power as the aura doesn't give armor since a while ago. i'm confused why they removed the self armor while they kept the attack speed buff. or why they kept the armor shred. those are way more hidden than his own armor buff (which at this point just could be replaced by better base stats)
i still think the tank route should be the one rito should go for him, just nerf his damages and i still think my "flag gives ms when running towards the flag" idea would be much better thematically than the attack speed thing that he has now[/QUOTE]
Fair enough, it's more proper to say that he lost a "ball of stats" spell. I think it's going to hurt his early game jungle clears. That's a lot of armor he's missing.
You're a grown person and can make your own choices. But, with all due respect, have you posted any positive experiences in the last several pages? Most everything I remember you posting seems to suggest that you're going down in ranking, have not enjoyed the game in a while, and yet continue playing. Possibly even playing a lot.I hate this game.
Oh man, that is brutal.
he has 100% pick/ban rate in competitivei dont understand these sudden kassadin nerfs what happened ?
AD jungle Fizz is so much fun
The best Vayne players rank W before they even get in champ selectNewt's status caught me off guard and gave me a chuckle.
The best Vayne players rank W before they even get in champ select
I've kinda wanted to try it but I've been spreading myself too thin on new champs lately. Saw Oddone doing real well on it. What do you build?
I went Devourer with Trailblazer into BotRK and Trinity Force and then GA
but I was hella fed. You could probably go Devourer in TF or something. It's a pretty expensive build
How are his initial clears? It seems like that would be really rough.
Actually tried playing something besides support against actual humans last night. Went Lissandra mid. I managed to die less than 10 times. That's a thing, right? RIGHT?!? T_T
I wish Sona's early-game wasn't so anaemic. It's poor to the point it's boring as fuck playing her until about 25 minutes in.
League of Poros |OT| Now with 100% more poro-snax, ty Braum.
I wish Sona's early-game wasn't so anaemic. It's poor to the point it's boring as fuck playing her until about 25 minutes in.
Fluff and dreams.I wonder what poros taste like