I go through my team's lolking if they have a Vayne. Always.
Never trust a Vayne or Ezreal below diamond 4. This rule has been serving me well.
But isn't it already too late by then? Just seems like you're already pre-empting the rage you plan on dishing out.
Those are the only ADCs I play in ranked. :c
As a silver player who often plays support; ban Vayne or dodge when picked by your team.
I check their LoLKing. If I don't see a 55%+ winrate and at least 2.0 KD ratio, I'm dodging.
getting fed and not winning typically means you're bad at transitioning your lead into team-fighting and taking objectives. in other words, you're a vayne player.My ratios with those two champs are higher, but my winrate in ranked in general is really awful.
getting fed and not winning typically means you're bad at transitioning your lead into team-fighting and taking objectives. in other words, you're a vayne player.
What is a good champion to use against Xerath? I have tried Ahri, but even with boots and/or Ahri's new Q speedboost, I cannot seem to dodge the big stun/slow/electric blasts from Xerath, they are so fast.
Panda and Deadnames?[9:09] ı Panda ı: lets
[9:09] darkinblade: i-it's my first time...
[9:10] ı Panda ı: i'll be gentle
[9:10] darkinblade: i d-don't know if im ready...
[9:10] ı Panda ı: dont you like me?
[9:10] darkinblade: i love you but....
[9:11] ı Panda ı: no it's okay i understand, i wont pressure you until you're ready
[9:11] darkinblade: thank you
[9:11] ı Panda ı: <3
[9:12] darkinblade: take me baby
and that's how i found a duo partner today.
getting fed and not winning typically means you're bad at transitioning your lead into team-fighting and taking objectives. in other words, you're a vayne player.
Yeah, usually I would get hit by the Q being so fast out of my range, and/or stunned if I tried to get close to use spells. Since there's a cooldown between R uses, even if you go in with that, he can stun between them. Also until you get a deathcap or two Ahri seems to have a lot of trouble clearing minion waves, especially if you start boots to try to dodge Xerath.there's not much else to him than that, dodge his spells.
ahri is probably the best champion against him, as she has good waveclear and good mobility to catch him and blow him up. someone like leblanc can do the second but has a bit more trouble with the first, at least safely (xerath can easily harass you while your mobility is down because you're clearing with w)
deadnames you've been cancelling so many autos that would have been game changers
edit: and you're blaming everything on irelia being "unfair". you got outplayed by a basic irelia play that if you would have just thought about you would've seen coming
you're cray, ahri has pretty godly waveclear. 280(+70%), half of it being true damage is nuts for a single spell. you can easily clear casters with double dorans + fiendish codex and finish up with w.Yeah, usually I would get hit by the Q being so fast out of my range, and/or stunned if I tried to get close to use spells. Since there's a cooldown between R uses, even if you go in with that, he can stun between them. Also until you get a deathcap or two Ahri seems to have a lot of trouble clearing minion waves, especially if you start boots to try to dodge Xerath.
also stop telling your teammates to stfu when you're in the middle of a come back when all they said is "come on dude".
also stop telling your teammates to stfu when you're in the middle of a come back when all they said is "come on dude".
"No idea why I get reported, all I say is gg ez. Thanks lyte"
Oh yes, because saying "come on dude" isn't on par with "stfu".
Fuck off.
Oh yes, because saying "come on dude" isn't on par with "stfu".
Fuck off.
God damnit Panda why u no link.
Oh yes, because saying "come on dude" isn't on par with "stfu".
Fuck off.
Yep no idea why you get reported, truly baffling
Oh come on. You make these passive aggressive remarks towards me and then get on your high horse when I retaliate? Please.
That game was a joke. If I wasn't playing on fucking 500+ ping the entire time it would have been a breeze.
a breeze but you still blamed other champions, k
it's super easy to not retaliate and escalate to someone. just ignore it or mute.
My support has teleport and our top has exhaust. :|
Nobody runs into more stupid crap in this game than I do. I just had a Thresh top and Singed support. Yeah, that happened. Stupid idiots refused to swap lanes and it was just awful.
Have you ever had someone AFK because the support had 17 cs at 20min?
well they're "solo carry" type champions, like zed or vayne or whatever. those types of champions usually attract people that hold the idea that it's not winning unless they carry, so they will miss the bigger picture every time if it's not them that's doing good.What is it about Riven and Yasuo players? When they're ahead, they think they're the only team member that matters. When they're behind, they'll try and surrender any chance they get, regardless of how well everyone else is doing.
she's on the low end of the damage spectrum, which is why i used to play her with dfg (rip). she's one of my favorite champions, what are you building on her?Anyway, I saw Lissandra was on sale so I bit. She's a ton of fun, but it always feels like her damage is just barely short of killing.
this is super broad... for what class or what champion?So any tips on positioning?
well they're "solo carry" type champions, like zed or vayne or whatever. those types of champions usually attract people that hold the idea that it's not winning unless they carry, so they will miss the bigger picture every time if it's not them that's doing good.
sometimes i think about picking teemo and shaco into riven and just torture her forever until she inevitably ragequits
but i'm too nice for that kind of thing
she's on the low end of the damage spectrum, which is why i used to play her with dfg (rip). she's one of my favorite champions, what are you building on her?
consider building abyssal before deathcap. it's less damage but really good survivability and the mr reduction is really nice for the rest of your teamI usually rush Morello and Zhonya's, then just build the usual AP stuff like Deathcap and Void Staff.
I have trouble using Zhonya's effectively.