I'm kinda lost atm as far as what to main/play.
I still enjoy support a whole lot, mind you, but I've gotten so picky that I rarely feel supporting someone that I can't rely on, and I feel that's pretty bad. Always on streams, people are saying that "you should not expect anything besides basic stuff from your soloQ partners" and I've gotten to the point that I think I rely on my team mates too much (since I mostly just play with friends).
And right now of all the supports I play, I am mostly using Nami, Janna, Annie and then my fourth would be Thresh. I'm scared that my pool of champions is too shallow, and I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable with Thresh in ranked as I either have god-like laning experiences or I just fuck it up if we are already behind. Same thing happens to me with Leona, if I am ahead, sure, but if I am behind it's ugh, bad. That never happens with the Nami, Janna, Annie trifecta, at least for me.
Also recently I've been enjoying ADC so much, but at the same time it's such a responsability, and relying on supports as well.. I've yet to play a single Normal where my support is not a friend of mine, and despite the friend that plays Sona might not be Lustboy, we have teamspeak and we can communicate properly if either of us fucks up.
For this position I have not that many picks available actually. I have Caitlyn which I've yet to use since I bought her, Jinx which makes me very immobile and then we have Tristana. I also have Graves/Lucian and Sivir but I am not that comfortable with those low ranges, because even though I tend to try to position properly, the whole "AD caster" thing I either go overboard and lack mana or end up just autoing to death stuff. I think what I enjoy the most as ADC is doing the little steps between autos, but idk if that can be defined into a champion besides Kalista though, lol.
Idk, this is not really a question post more like my ramblings sorry, I feel I am lacking something in the confidence department and idk how to shake it off. o.o It's kinda strange because I'm a fairly confident person in real life but idk.