I'm still not convinced it was really a Vayne
Well, I was smurfing in Gold II (elo heaven).I'm still not convinced it was really a Vayne
I try not to.hey guys, remember Diana?
Well, I was smurfing in Gold II (elo heaven).
I don't try to keep myself at gold on that account, but ranking myself up isn't my main concern. Really I'm trying to help people reach their end of season goals, so I end up dodging a lot. I'm getting like 26 lp a game, so there is a big mmr disparity.Do you try to keep yourself in gold in that account? Seems like you would be able to get to diamond there too but maybe it's more difficult then I assume.
I try not to.
Diana came out right in the middle of Riot's champion every few weeks spree, and it really shows. She doesn't have much when it comes to her personality or gameplay, in large part because of her just being based on something abstract: the moon. The only way this really informs the kit is in the shape of Diana's skills, but it's hard to feel like she represents lunar mythology or ideology in any significant way.heretic
hey guys, remember Diana?
zed lvl 6 is basically a free kill in midlane for me so far. really loving this champ
does he get countered or banned often ?
never lost the lane in around 10 games now as him
zed lvl 6 is basically a free kill in midlane for me so far. really loving this champ
does he get countered or banned often ?
never lost the lane in around 10 games now as him
Gaf hates zed. You've made yourself a lot of enemies.
Diana is basically a textbook example of why Volty should never design a champion ever again.
Kha's original kit was overloaded to the point they needed like 3 or 4 mini reworks now.Draven and Kha are good designs. The rest could've been avoided.
So, how's supp Zyra nowadays?
So, how's supp Zyra nowadays?
Draven and Kha are good designs
Did an experiment in an intermediate bot game.
I got a few turrets and wanted to see whether my 4 team mates could end the game off that gold income.
Went to read a book for 7 or so minutes. Came back and it was utter chaos.
No-one pushed the lanes, people were just chasing after the bots for kills and dying to minions. Actually struggled to end the game quickly when the bots kept grouping up to stop my pushes.
Did an experiment in an intermediate bot game.
I got a few turrets and wanted to see whether my 4 team mates could end the game off that gold income.
Went to read a book for 7 or so minutes. Came back and it was utter chaos.
No-one pushed the lanes, people were just chasing after the bots for kills and dying to minions. Actually struggled to end the game quickly when the bots kept grouping up to stop my pushes.
trinity force/baron/new dragon 2 and 5 permabuffs/ally buffs (think old sona q, taric ult, and in case there ever make a new buffing spell like those)/blue elixirI have a question that people probably won't have the answer to
in what situation does riot decide to put an AP ratio on an AD champ's ability? like, yasuo's E has an AP ratio. why? why not just give it no ratio whatsoever?
Yesterday I played AP Sona bot and it was just a strange game.haven't seen a good sona in a while
arcade sona is still probably top 2 skins in the game
I understand. I kinda feel like taking a break from ranked for a couple days too and play some dominion or aram. If you change your mind before next weekend lmk.Maybe next weekend, but I'm done for now lol. Feel free to add me, IGN is monsterfracas
Leona and Vi banned nearly every game in LAN.
I dont get it.
Hexakill is next.How come there's no special mode going on now? They should always have one in rotation.
Leona and Vi banned nearly every game in LAN.
I dont get it.
Hexakill is next.
I'm done with this thread. I'm a nice guy but get shit on for no reason after saying "hey" in chat. Whatever.
I'm done with this thread. I'm a nice guy but get shit on for no reason after saying "hey" in chat. Whatever.
Got into my promos to get into Silver I twice today. Failed both times... FML.
Well If I win one more game, I'm back in my promos...
Are you duo queueing? That usually gives different results.Got into my promos to get into Silver I twice today. Failed both times... FML.
Well If I win one more game, I'm back in my promos...
Are you duo queueing? That usually gives different results.
God damn nightblu3 on a constant 20-40k viewership for a good 18hours.
Cashing in real good from worlds.