This game will never upset me
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Classic example of insanity.
This game will never upset me
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
in reality she does a lot of damage since all of her spells are damaging spells, her problem is that she's fairly short ranged so she can't really poke which means she can't really reach the backline unless she goes all inI feel like she needs someone else on the team to be doing a lot of damage because she doesn't do enough damage herself. Her ult and w allow another player to go to town on somebody..
This game is a complete joke. I just got demoted to Silver 4 because our bot lane, a duo, decided to come mid and triple mid. They were mad that I was going AD. Didn't even give it a chance. That was their reason. They trolled the entire game and I get demoted for that.
I don't deserve this. I had 81 point in Silver 2, just one win from promos to get to Silver 1 and I've been demoted to Silver 4 due to game after game of this type of garbage.
you went AD mid while having no AP top or jungle? Seems legit.
Have you even read this thread once in the past 3-4 months? Is this your first time in here?
That's no excuse for what happened. To start the game immediately trolling with triple mid, ruined the game. 22 deaths from those 2.Why would that matter? I'm gold 4. I get what you are trying to do, with your username and all, but you are obivously going to get people mad.
That's no excuse for what happened. To start the game immediately trolling with triple mid, ruined the game. 22 deaths from those 2.
Are you saying that the game is somehow still off on its MMR for you after ~450 games?I'm not playing it for the skin, I don't even play morg.
I'm not silver 4 bad. That's what bothers me.
Are you saying that the game is somehow still off on its MMR for you after ~450 games?
Don't play ranked for rewards. I play ranked because I actually like it.
You have like 60%+ of your ranked games on Twisted Fate. When it comes to getting the role that you want it's hard to really ask for more than that. Win percentage alone isn't really a telling factor, and it's easy for the number to look inflated if you start lower on the ladder. You've put in 36 games on TF in the last seven days and you've won fewer than half of them. The game is giving you a reality check by demoting you and instead of looking at your own play critically you are latching on to factors outside of your control.My TF is clearly Gold+.
i like free stuff and pretty borders :<Yeah I don't get why ppl only play ranked for rewards lol.
It seems it isn't the only thing doing that.You have like 60%+ of your ranked games on Twisted Fate. When it comes to getting the role that you want it's hard to really ask for more than that. Win percentage alone isn't really a telling factor, and it's easy for the number to look inflated if you start lower on the ladder. You've put in 36 games on TF in the last seven days and you've won fewer than half of them. The game is giving you a reality check by demoting you and instead of looking at your own play critically you are latching on to factors outside of your control.
If you belonged in Gold you would be there. Honestly, even if you want to play something bad like AD TF you have pigeon-holed yourself into an item build and skill order that are extremely suboptimal. Your understanding of the champion is not as high as you think it is.
It's hilarious building up a smurf account. Zed is in EVERY match.
LAN smurfing is strange. ww and xin zhao in every game, leona and vi permabanned.
Honestly, your know-it-all, faux-advice-giving, condescending attitude is getting tiresome. This part specifically:You have like 60%+ of your ranked games on Twisted Fate. When it comes to getting the role that you want it's hard to really ask for more than that. Win percentage alone isn't really a telling factor, and it's easy for the number to look inflated if you start lower on the ladder. You've put in 36 games on TF in the last seven days and you've won fewer than half of them. The game is giving you a reality check by demoting you and instead of looking at your own play critically you are latching on to factors outside of your control.
If you belonged in Gold you would be there. Honestly, even if you want to play something bad like AD TF you have pigeon-holed yourself into an item build and skill order that are extremely suboptimal. Your understanding of the champion is not as high as you think it is.
So after 250 games at 60%+, the last 36 have been a "reality check"? Statistically, that's impossible. It's absurd.You've put in 36 games on TF in the last seven days and you've won fewer than half of them. The game is giving you a reality check by demoting you and instead of looking at your own play critically you are latching on to factors outside of your control.
My MMR with TF is definitely higher than Silver 4. The win rate is proof of that.trolling happens everywhere. people throw, go on tilt, w/e in all elos. I've smurfed in low bronze and played up to mid plat and it happened in all of them. The master smurf I met last week says it still happens all the way up there.
i'm not gonna even comment on ad tf because there are plenty of one-trick ponies in high elo with unorthodox playstyle.
it's entirely possible to have a few games or a weekend of being on the receiving end of trollers/dc/afk/etc but if you're hovering around a certain mmr range and you've played dozens if not hundreds of games then there's only one common factor in all of them.
there's a trend where the better someone is the more critical of themselves they are.
My MMR with TF is definitely higher than Silver 4. The win rate is proof of that.
I gotta get better with other champs, bottom line.Then don't play other champs? Dodge when you don't get it? I dunno what to say. There are 5 positions in the game, ranked is a culmination of what you put into it. If you think you're a Gold TF but other stuff brings you down then dodge when you don't get it. Not much else to say.
It's in Annie's favor, actually
It's hilarious building up a smurf account. Zed is in EVERY match.
I have a 60% win rate with TF, 40% with other champs.
My TF is clearly Gold+. I've destroyed tons of gold duos.
i like free stuff and pretty borders :<
aphro streaming one of the funniest games ive ever seen right now
aphro on thresh adc, zion on blitz support, bjerg as ap naut
Its not absurd, it's Elo.So after 250 games at 60%+, the last 36 have been a "reality check"? Statistically, that's impossible. It's absurd.
Factually it is not.My MMR with TF is definitely higher than Silver 4. The win rate is proof of that.
Honestly, your know-it-all, faux-advice-giving, condescending attitude is getting tiresome. This part specifically:
So after 250 games at 60%+, the last 36 have been a "reality check"? Statistically, that's impossible. It's absurd.
I've had a string of bad luck with teammates this last week. I've screencapped a bunch of it. It's legit. These last 4-5 losses I'm basically done mentally. I don't even care anymore and my play shows it. But your "reality check" statement is a joke and statistically not possible.
My MMR with TF is definitely higher than Silver 4. The win rate is proof of that.
I don't really want to take part in this discussion, but that's not how statistics work. You don't look at it in a vacuum, otherwise you were supposed to be gold or higher already since you play a lot and have a positive win ratio, specially when 70% of your ranked games are with TF.So after 250 games at 60%+, the last 36 have been a "reality check"? Statistically, that's impossible. It's absurd.
I've had a string of bad luck with teammates this last week. I've screencapped a bunch of it. It's legit. These last 4-5 losses I'm basically done mentally. I don't even care anymore and my play shows it. But your "reality check" statement is a joke and statistically not possible.
Heavy said:Standing still attacking a turret and dancing around with attack-move has the same end result. Maybe a couple attack-moves but one after every single auto? Just silly looking
which likely means you don't do it on TF. If you're playing a below average range ADC and you start getting closer to decent ELOs without orbwalking then yeah, you're going to start to lose more. That's just one thing I can pinpoint that you could improve on instead of blaming teammates, because if you're getting higher in the ladder and you're not winning consistently enough to climb then I'm sorry to tell you but you need to improve. I got as far as Gold 2 and I have a negative win rate with most of champions I play, but since I suck I lost until I was back in Gold 5. That's just how the ladder works and blaming that one frustrating game isn't going to change anything if you're not winning when it matters. Everyone in gold or higher had to put with what you're dealing with and they still got out.Heavy said:Barely any benefits