tier 3 yellow trinket has two charges like a sighstone, tho it recharges with time rather than going back to baseWhat did they change about the yellow trinket? Too lazy to open another window on my phone atm.
I could see sticking with a yellow trinket as a jungler early game. Especially in gold where no one wards. I like getting deep vision and the support just isn't going to do that. I usually buy 10+ sight wards in the early game that could instead just be an upgraded trinket. Later when the enemy support is roaming more maybe it'll be more handy to have the sweeper.
I could see sticking with a yellow trinket as a jungler early game. Especially in gold where no one wards. I like getting deep vision and the support just isn't going to do that. I usually buy 10+ sight wards in the early game that could instead just be an upgraded trinket. Later when the enemy support is roaming more maybe it'll be more handy to have the sweeper.
I could see sticking with a yellow trinket as a jungler early game. Especially in gold where no one wards. I like getting deep vision and the support just isn't going to do that. I usually buy 10+ sight wards in the early game that could instead just be an upgraded trinket. Later when the enemy support is roaming more maybe it'll be more handy to have the sweeper.
I hope you guys buy a pink.
Nothing else in the game makes me as happy as seeing 5 pinks on the map.
So how is Ahri after the nerfs?
So how is Ahri after the nerfs?
utterly unplayable, never to see the light of day again.
just like leblanc when they removed her silence.
i buy one or two per gameI hope you guys buy a pink.
Nothing else in the game makes me as happy as seeing 5 pinks on the map.
she should be fine but no longer freeloSo how is Ahri after the nerfs?
???The fox fires targeting speed is fucking terrible but everything else seems fine.
who wants to spam some normals tonight in my futile attempt to get used to this monstrosity of a mouse
nah if i play anything other than support i buy like 1 ward the entire game and then i get a sweeper and never get wards again.i generally buy 10+ wards as mid too
we all got support souls
Played a game as Supp Sona with an Ez. I got first blood by spamming my Q on the poor enemy Vayne. At one point my team was pushing mid (we were very much ahead), and I was defending bot, Vayne was trying to take the turret but the poor soul was so afraid of my Q Poke they'd rather give up farm then get tasered.
Maybe I misread it but are they actually reverting Sona's changes in PBE atm?
i actually think you're better than me at taht since i buy a lot of wards and don't get much out of them and could be much better if i spent my ward money more intelligently on less but more effective wardsnah if i play anything other than support i buy like 1 ward the entire game and then i get a sweeper and never get wards again.
oh wow you can buy a puppy in doto
i'm jealous
utterly unplayable, never to see the light of day again.
just like leblanc when they removed her silence.
oh wow you can buy a puppy in doto
i'm jealous
that's amazingand
it's an awesome puppy. it shakes itself off after running through the river. it runs away from enemy heroes. it chases its own tail. it howls when you pop your ult. it dog paddles in the river.
zkylon u dont understand i literally dont put down wards in laning phase until i buy one.
but i just wanna stay in lane and farm :<just do the doto thing and buy a smoke and lane gank.
it will but it'll be a whileDo you guys think Firecracker Jinx will go under 975 in the future or should I just buy it now before the price increases?![]()
with this you can get out bronze!!!
In what area is it 200 RP? It's 975 RP on the North American server.skin get
i'm guessing pull and freeze. just focus on not dying and scaling and let your support know you're just gonna farm. if you go even in lane you win, so all the pressure is on them to do something, which they'll fuck up cos you froze the lane and would have to dive you to kill you or overextend to farmAs an inexperienced ADC, how do you deal with cheese lanes? Yesterday a friend of mine signed up and he wanted to play, so it was a 4v5 basically if you guys get the notion. My other friends didn't want to log on our lower level accounts because "he would learn more" (I don't agree, because when they did that to me when I leveled, I still didn't know wtf I was doing well or wrong, or what to expect from the enemy team). Whatever, anyway.
I took Jinx because I've been meaning to main her my alternative to Tristana (since Trist is not that great in terms of matchups), and my friend went Soraka with me. We were versus Lee Sin/Gankplank (both with Targon's) and it was so annoying. ._.
I played it cool, died when I had to (Gankplank's venom shit does so much at the early levels and that double ignite...) and just played safe when I had to and farmed what I could. My ult got me like 2 or 3 kills which put me back into the game.
They were a Plat-something Volibear, Gold Garen, and a level 10 Nasus, along with GP and Lee, so their team was really kitable which helped us a lot, along with our really fed Yasuo and very good ults by our Kennen. I was just a damage over time basically! Yay teamwork!
Anyway, I hate these sort of games, I am not skilled enough on ADC to deal with it ._. At least we won, but damn it felt like pulling teeth.
ah, that's pretty nice. so basically everything is about 50% off.200RP is approximately USD4.50. I dunno the conversion for RP-USD.
And yeah, Garena.