What do you guys think of Quinn?
pretty great
quality waifu
would allow her to peck me
etc. etc.
What do you guys think of Quinn?
Fun character. The definition of mediocrity power-wise.What do you guys think of Quinn?
Underrated on ADC. Cheese toplaner.What do you guys think of Quinn?
What do you guys think of Quinn?
How so?Underrated on ADC. Cheese toplaner.
heh, tried to do a relic shield with janna too, didnt make so much impact I sold the upgraded itema nd went full AP
How so?
I've been looking at a third ADC to use.
Is it worth it for upgrading into Locket? I usually wind up with Crucible for defensive items on support, and occasionally Frozen Heart if ADs are putting a lot of pressure on me, not so sure about Locket, especially since tanks in my group sometimes get it, so haven't felt much need to look into it as an item to up defense.
How so?
I've been looking at a third ADC to use.
What do you guys think of Quinn?
Start with Rengar, Yasuo, Olaf, Syndra, Zilean, Elise, Gragas, Ryze, Zac and Shen.i goofed and gave them aniva....
i should probably learn about who the bad champs are
She's good against Jinx, that's the reason I would pick her ADC. Largely depends on the support though. Not gonna pick Quinn into like Janna/Jinx.
Maybe I can record a game if I get the chance. Max E, play lane super aggro IE-->GB, get fed and go ham on the backline during fights.How do you play Quinn?
Game starts
Rammus - fk new jungle what do i buy
jinx - im so stoned (35 cs at 20 minutes)
Why do you ranked? Why? Whyyyy?
Everyone "thinks" they can play Rengar. Show me the receipts. Ranked Rengar.
I gave up on my new mouse . Not only is it too hard to Get used to but it's almost twice as wide as my previous mouse so it hurts my hand to stretch my fingers.
Ordered another one as similar to my last one as I could find given that my last one is discontinued.
What mouse did you have and what do you have now?
I had a Razer Naga 2012 edition which allowed you to remove the right hand side and select from 3 different attachments to make the mouse ultrathin, thin, or thick for your hand.
Got a Logitech G600 and the size of it is larger than the Thick option on the Naga. The 2012 was discontinued, and the only other version of the Naga to have the removable sideplates is the old Epic which will probably be discontinued eventually, too![]()
Am I terrible if I just prefer to play casual ARAM these days vs the main game?
Well you're a casual player, but nothing really wrong with that.Am I terrible if I just prefer to play casual ARAM these days vs the main game?
Am I terrible if I just prefer to play casual ARAM these days vs the main game?
I've found myself gravitating towards aram a lot recently. So much less stressful
What's wrong with your face
What's wrong with your face
I find League to be stressful but at the same time, that's the appeal to it. Like when I have one of those "easy stomp" games, it's not as fun ?_? idk, might be my masochist nature lol.
That's the complete opposite of my experience.That's the thing. ARAM isn't always easy. It's not this big ranked main game deal so people's attitude about it all are just more chill. It's not like ARAM is just easy mode.
sanic i choose uWhat's wrong with your face
What's wrong with your face