I'll never be banned. Recently I've been making an effort to be a better poster and my status has improved.
I'll never be banned. Recently I've been making an effort to be a better poster and my status has improved.
You know what maybe I should practice some more with Zyra, her Snare is sorta like Sona's Q range-wise :V
I'll never be banned. Recently I've been making an effort to be a better poster and my status has improved.
nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhI'll never be banned. Recently I've been making an effort to be a better poster and my status has improved.
Has anyone been watching the VoyBoy stream?
I'm watching right now. Not sure what the whole story is but holy shit, Voyboy's a good guy.
I'm watching right now. Not sure what the whole story is but holy shit, Voyboy's a good guy.
Yeah have seen people donating and talking to people on there streams going through tough times. I am glad that these people can get help.Basically someone donated saying that their life was horrible, and that watching VoyBoys stream made him happy(Sounded like a suicide note). So Voyboy reached out to him, asking him to send him a message or what not, and I guess he did contact Voy after all.
Voyboy's a good guy.
Nothing like two afks in a row to put a damper on the return to ranked. Sad part is we won the first one anyways and almost won the second one as well. Just sucks.
Seriously, dude's raised $4,500 in like an hour.
7k now
edit: holy shit, that 1k donation
Voyboy is so fucking awesome
Is this worthy of a thread on gaming side? I feel like this is a big deal and should get some more recognition while it's live
sure, would love to know more about the storyVoyboy is so fucking awesome
Is this worthy of a thread on gaming side? I feel like this is a big deal and should get some more recognition while it's live
sure, would love to know more about the story
throw a link here after u make the thread, if u can :>
Anybody else want to make it? I'm more than happy to but I'm at work on my phone so someone else could probably do it better justice
How to hit gold/plat in 3 easy steps.
1. Don't Pick Sona unless you're duo
2. Learn Nautilus and or Janna
3. Enjoy end of season rewards
RiotRepertoire said:If and when we ever get to do some work on Ezreal, his minimap will be disabled, but his sight radius doubled.
how about no.
how about yes?
you want to have his minimap disabled? pls no.
it's a joke on the whole "who needs a map" you dumbo
devourer shyvana is so broken holy
matchmaking pls
I rarely support and when that happens I pick leona. Since you're all saying Janna is very good, is there any good guide to start with?
sated so dumb, idk why rito keeps trying to shoehorn in feral flare type shit, so dumb
i don't think u need much of a guideI rarely support and when that happens I pick leona. Since you're all saying Janna is very good, is there any good guide to start with?
Vayne shits on her sadly.I haven't played against a shyv since sated first came out bc she is permabanned but i think she just becomes a god tier split pusher in theory and you have to invest an insane amount of resources to stopping her
I don't think anyone in the game can 1v1 her
I haven't played against a shyv since sated first came out bc she is permabanned but i think she just becomes a god tier split pusher in theory and you have to invest an insane amount of resources to stopping her
I don't think anyone in the game can 1v1 her
i don't think u need much of a guide
just stick with your carries and focus on peeling for them and helping them out. use your q defensively and don't blow your ult unless it's needed (but also don't be afraid of using it only for the heal)
and just build supporty items, get mikaels, aegis, zekes, that kind of thing depending on the game
I lost to a Jax which surprised me. I think my items were Tabi, Sated, BoRK, Cowl, Kindle. He had T2 Machete, Cutlass, 2 Daggers and a Warden's Mail. It wasn't even barely one. It was decisive. He left with around 25-30% HP left.
Pretty sure I actually walked out of the entire thing.Maybe his counter strike absorbed most of your damage?