idk, the instant he appeared on the map he was pinged about 20 times
that hai stun just saved them a HUGE headache in the form of dade.
Uhhhhh but Hai is the one getting caught every time.Meteos appears to be the weak link for C9.
Morellonomicon picked up by Hai on Syndra instead of Athene's, that's to counter Maokai's passive right?
Sometimes I am not that great at itemization choices!
Meteos appears to be the weak link for C9.
Uhhhhh but Hai is the one getting caught every time.
Nah, Spirit is just too fucking good on Lee
I'm with you, as good as Sneaky has been this series that champ is not going to do them good the longer this goes on.imo graves was a pretty terrible choice
Nah, Spirit is just too fucking good on Lee
I'm with you, as good as Sneaky has been this series that champ is not going to do them good the longer this goes on.
imo graves was a pretty terrible choice
he buys it for a earlier damage spike (he got it against nidalee too)
i don't agree, he's been denied tons of blue buffs and had to base lots of times because of it
but it does make some sense since c9 is banking everything on early-mid game snowballs
ty Zky :3 you're always helpful!
Good effort by C9 but couldn't be this game, GG though!
C9 banning Zed so Hai doesn't pick him.
I think I'm just going to have to accept that North America will probably never win worlds. Probably will be an Asia team from now till LoL ends...