I love Edgar Wright’s work, but if that’s true about Hank, glad it didn’t go through. Hank Pym fans have to deal with enough crap with the comics. As not everyone may know, the one time early in the comics where he intentionally slapped Janet was not what the writer wanted, he meant for Hank to throw his hand out behind him (in a “leave me alone” sort of gesture) without paying attention to his surroundings and thus accidentally hit her. Not great, but clearly not deliberate abuse. However, the penciller misread the info provided by the writer and thus drew it so Hank is looking at her when he hits her and thus it’s flat out abuse, leading to a swift divorce and other events that cause Hank’s life to fall apart.
The writer did intend for Hank’s life and his relationship with Janet to deteriorate over his time on the book, but Hank was never supposed to have deliberately hit her, and thus Hank fans eventually started getting fed up when it was still sometimes brought up decades (in our time) after it happened, particularly the infamous Avengers Disassembled comic story arc, where among other awful things to happen to the team in that story, a “drunk” Tony Stark (actually due to magic; Tony had swore off alcohol after a low point he hit in the comics) yells at Hank, “back off, man! Don’t you have a wife to go beat?!” This was the 500th issue, what should have been a celebratory milestone for longtime fans, and we get reminded of that shit. *sigh*
Seeing Hank Pym as a flawed but ultimately heroic and sympathetic guy in the MCU was definitely one of the best changes from the comics to the big screen in terms of characterization.