MNC said:I hate GAF dramas
mainly because I never understand them and you asswipes always play at some ungodly time for GMTs.
MNC said:mainly because I never understand them and you asswipes always play at some ungodly time for GMTs.
Verboten said:Nah, in the finale of the No Mercy campaign, just before the first tank, the pilot says he'll be a little longer because he just "had an, uh, incident." It alludes to him getting bitten.
Twig said:i wonder how old vert is
Stallion Free said:Current estimate is 12.
Why you gotta have such a bad image of teens. 18/19 is a number too!Revolutionary said:Yawn. Stop bickering like children... and my honest-to-goodness estimate is around 18. His "lolol you're gay" and "fuckin faggot" bullshit leads me to believe so.
Mudkips said:I'm pretty sure this line was added in one of the patches, and wasn't initially in the game.
Whether or not it's Valve's typical "release a game with missing assets" and it was planned ahead of time, I have know idea.
I'm not offended. I am aware that it is a commonly used term for homosexuals, but that doesn't mean it's any nicer than calling a black person the n-word.vertopci said:Clearly you know nothing about setting the mood
Aww...someone's offended. QQ
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:This is the dumbest thing I've ever read about this game. You should read more about what's coming after the Passing. There's also a good, logical reason that they killed Bill.
Blizzard said:I'm not offended. I am aware that it is a commonly used term for homosexuals, but that doesn't mean it's any nicer than calling a black person the n-word.
This is the internet. It is made for people to be nice!
vertopci said:That reply was to botolf...not you :/
Everyone taking this seriously is a fucking moron
HK-47 said:srs bsnss
Revolutionary said:Yawn. Stop bickering like children... and my honest-to-goodness estimate is around 18. His "lolol you're gay" and "fuckin faggot" bullshit leads me to believe so.
Botolf said:Not meta enough. Now say everyone who takes the spoiler-tagged comment seriously is a communist!
You're right though, for some reason I read my name in Botolf's quote and misread it, my mistake.vertopci said:That reply was to botolf...not you :/
i feel sorry for your psycheBotolf said:It's okay though, seeing as Blizzard is actually a high-level manifestation of my psyche.
Pity it not, my psyche is a splendorous and many-flavoured thing.Twig said:i feel sorry for your psyche
it all tastes like bananaBotolf said:Pity it not, my psyche is a splendorous and many-flavoured thing.
There is no banana (but the one in your mind).HK-47 said:it all tastes like banana
Mar said:Didn't get much of a thrill out of The Passing. The geometry seemed really old school and boring too. A friend said it best when out of nowhere he goes 'this reminds me of Quake 2'. That's when I realised what was annoying me. It just felt... stale. Corridors of stair cases and sewers.
The interaction with the previous survivors was a let down too. I thought they'd be a lot more dynamic. Instead, they are completely static and even meeting them for the first time they are placed really awkwardly and the models look all wrong.
They should have included an achievement to finish it on expert as well. We went through at first on Normal to get a feel for the level and now there's just no incentive or motivation to go through on expert. Nothing to work for.
We'll cheese the rest of the achievements and wait for the L4D1 DLC I guess...
I wish they made HR4 more of a challenge (HR2 levels difficulty). It's a complete cake walk and anticlimactic after the two preceding stages.RustyNails said:I like Passing more than Swamp Fever, Dead Center and Dark Carnival. I like the fact that there are small but more than one routes/entrance to a place (like that pool place). It just feels natural. My favorite is still Hard Rain![]()
RustyNails said:I like Passing more than Swamp Fever, Dead Center and Dark Carnival. I like the fact that there are small but more than one routes/entrance to a place (like that pool place). It just feels natural. My favorite is still Hard Rain![]()
It's not hard if you just run back to the gas station and camp inside or possibly outside against the wallmarvelharvey said:On Realism VS HR3, has anyone ever got passed the cornfield tank? 3 games, 3 tanks, 6 teams wiped out.
Shake Appeal said:Did they tinker with the spawn distance cushion for Infected? We played two games of Realism Versus tonight and while the first (The Passing) was fine, on Dark Carnival we had to go miles away to get the "You are too close to the survivors" message to disappear. When they were at the bottom of the ladder leading to the slides, I had to go right to the top of the slide before I could spawn in. That can't be right, surely?
Shake Appeal said:Did they tinker with the spawn distance cushion for Infected? We played two games of Realism Versus tonight and while the first (The Passing) was fine, on Dark Carnival we had to go miles away to get the "You are too close to the survivors" message to disappear. When they were at the bottom of the ladder leading to the slides, I had to go right to the top of the slide before I could spawn in. That can't be right, surely?
Pandoracell said:Um, I just tried the commentary mode for the first time, and it froze my xbox. I just tried with a second disc and it did the same thing. This isn't any kind of known issue is it?
See that's the thing, I don't think the L4D2 staff regard the characters like that. These are quick stories about random survivors, not anything to get invested in. I think that is like getting emotionally invested in a TF2 character.Ben2749 said:Which isn't portrayed in The Passing itself, which makes it shitty presentation.
I heard that there's going to be a DLC campaign that shows what happened, but all that's relevant right now is what's currently in-game. If a film has a lacklustre story, it's not excused by elaborating on it in a sequel, or by making it necessary to read up on it elsewhere. It's no more excusable here.
If there is indeed a good, logical reason for Bill's death, then that should have been reflected in The Passing to actually do his character justice. I'm not saying they had to show how he died exactly, especially if they want to save that for a later DLC campaign, but as it is, the other original survivors seem underplayed in The Passing, and they barely even seem to give a shit about Bill dying (on one of my runthroughs, they didn't even mention anything about him at all). If Valve are indeed going to explore it in more detail later, then I'd rather they had just saved the original survivors entirely until then, as at least then the reveal of Bill's death would have been done justice. When a character I'm emotionally invested in dies, having that revelation dropped on me like it's nothing and then basically being told to "wait until later" before anything is explained simply isn't good enough.
UltimaPooh said:I remember this happening to me just a few days ago as well.
Dechaios said:See that's the thing, I don't think the L4D2 staff regard the characters like that. These are quick stories about random survivors, not anything to get invested in. I think that is like getting emotionally invested in a TF2 character.