Red Scarlet
Yeah, it's pretty hidden.
Red Scarlet said:Yeah, that's what they are. Chainsaw won the repeat vote; they'll go through 3 (each lasts Friday-Thusday), then have a vote on the favorite of the 3, then they repeat with a new set of 3.
Spl1nter said:Mutations have been bleh so far other then versus realism. This month was just horrible.
Volcynika said:I disagree with great intensity!
+1HK-47 said:Chainsaw and Headshot were awesome.
It was interesting. Certainly more fun and different than most of the game types so far.srenity said:+1
What did you guys think of Bleed Out? I wish I tried it when I had the chance :\
HK-47 said:Chainsaw and Headshot were awesome.
I'll try to get there in time... I'm grubbing ATMvertopci said:Come play some VS with us! We are starting in like 15 to 20 minutes!
Stallion Free said:They have just been surprisingly uninteresting. The idea is neat, but I just can't bring myself to actually play them for more than a map or two.
Whenever games crash for me at startup starting them in -windowed mode through launch options fixes it.dark_inferno said:WTF >.< L4D2 is broken. Cant play the game (it just crashes every time i want to play a game) >.<
Red Scarlet said:Neat, finally saw him in a regular game.
Bleed Out wasn't bad, and I'm a masochist so I liked Last Man on Earth, if only to try for 0 damage runs.
Blizzard said:Chainsawing on advanced worked better than expert realism. Unfortunately teammates get in the way and actually hitting exactly what you want to with a chainsaw can be a challenge even with 60ish ping...or at least not hitting teammates you can't see while standing still.
dark_inferno said:Contacted the steam support. I hope they can help with this Directx9 error >.< (L4D1 works fine... but L4D2 has graphic issues and crashes. Thanks Valve for selling me a broken game)
Nabs said:Oh please. The game works fine for everyone else, so there's a problem on your end. Start by updating DX.
Campaigns are pretty boring, most of the fun is in (realism) versus, especially with the new types of infected.evlcookie said:Picked this up yesterday during the $10 steam sale. I wasn't a fan of the original but for $10 i decided to grab it and see if they had improved it at all. After playing it last night for the first time through campaign 1, they certainly haven't.
This just isn't a game for me, I will try and play through the rest of the campaign over time but i can't see myself falling in love with it, sorry scarlet![]()
You'd be seriously shortchanging the game by making that call after only one campaign, on a single game mode no less. Keep playing and see if it grows on you.evlcookie said:Picked this up yesterday during the $10 steam sale. I wasn't a fan of the original but for $10 i decided to grab it and see if they had improved it at all. After playing it last night for the first time through campaign 1, they certainly haven't.
srenity said:Have you guys played map yet? Maybe it's because my buddies like to play it on expert, but there's a huge cluster of commons coming at you during hordes and special infected appear and recover more often. The map's also super dark so it's pretty frightening whenever you have to melee or reload.
We finally reached the finale last night and can't find the best place to camp after we summon the rescue copter. Anyone who played the map up to this point know a good camping area?
blackMamba1187 said:I played it a couple(?) weeks ago on advanced and thought it was great. Camped in the stairway of the house pictured during the finale.
Honestly, I almost never play on Expert for custom campaigns, as even for campaigns such as I Hate Mountains, which is an extremely good custom campaign, they all still seem way longer than any official campaign, resulting in getting worn down too quickly.srenity said:Have you guys played map yet? Maybe it's because my buddies like to play it on expert, but there's a huge cluster of commons coming at you during hordes and special infected appear and recover more often. The map's also super dark so it's pretty frightening whenever you have to melee or reload.
We finally reached the finale last night and can't find the best place to camp after we summon the rescue copter. Anyone who played the map up to this point know a good camping area?
evlcookie said:Picked this up yesterday during the $10 steam sale. I wasn't a fan of the original but for $10 i decided to grab it and see if they had improved it at all. After playing it last night for the first time through campaign 1, they certainly haven't.
This just isn't a game for me, I will try and play through the rest of the campaign over time but i can't see myself falling in love with it, sorry scarlet![]()
RyanDG said:So I just picked up this game and basically jumped head first into the online game and I'm glad that even for a completely new person to the series (never played the first one) it was relatively pain free to get into. I did notice that in all the games there was only a couple of people using mic which in a game like this seems to be rather counter intuitive to the whole co-op/team based experience. I'm sure as I play more - this is likely to change, but I can definitely see where a more organized event will make this game really, really good. Left 4 Dead 2's sale came up at a great time for me though since my Mount and Blade Warband games have been slowing down a bit now that the primary Warband server I played on is nowhere to be found since the last patch...
This is why I wanted to go to Advanced but my friends are like "C'mon, expert (realism, if applicable) is the only way we do it!" D: Even though it took us about two hours (and two different sessions) to finally reached IHM's finale last night; we're still enjoying it!RocketDarkness said:Honestly, I almost never play on Expert for custom campaigns, as even for campaigns such as I Hate Mountains, which is an extremely good custom campaign, they all still seem way longer than any official campaign, resulting in getting worn down too quickly.
Night Terror, definitely. It's a very clever campaign with some awesome setpieces.srenity said:This is why I wanted to go to Advanced but my friends are like "C'mon, expert (realism, if applicable) is the only way we do it!" D: Even though it took us about two hours (and two different sessions) to finally reached IHM's finale last night; we're still enjoying it!
Any suggestions on another custom campaign after we finish this one?
Nabs said:Oh please. The game works fine for everyone else, so there's a problem on your end. Start by updating DX.
Red Scarlet said:Neat, finally saw him in a regular game.
Bleed Out wasn't bad, and I'm a masochist so I liked Last Man on Earth, if only to try for 0 damage runs.