drkOne said:
GG indeed!
drkOne said:
Branduil said:Gator Village is so glitchy on survivor vs, every time I've played it the tank has gotten stuck somewhere behind the map.
Branduil said:Tonight's match brought us the miracle of human flight:
And somehow the axe magically transfers to his back, so he's swinging nothing.Concept17 said:The best part is nabs swinging as he flew away. :lol
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has issues with tanks and lag/hit detection. :lolBranduil said:Tonight's match brought us the miracle of human flight:
Do you mean how sometimes you'll not hit something as tank even though you're right in front of it? I've had that happen to me when trying to hit survivors, hit cars/dumpsters, and smash open doors. From my experience you have to aim low-mid at the objects so as not to miss.Blizzard said:I'm glad I'm not the only one who has issues with tanks and lag/hit detection. :lol
<3 you. I was just jealous that they got to hear your voice.drkOne said:Don't think Stall will ever want to play with us again![]()
I knowStallion Free said:<3 you. I was just jealous that they got to hear your voice.
drkOne said:I knowBlame vert, he's such a bitch he had to change you...
I like how you defend yourself by putting the blame on someone you know we never get mad at.vertopci said:Nabs: switch me with stall so we can hear him rage
morningbus said:I think we need to postulate further on vert being mad cuz he's bad.
Do you think we are just friends you can hang out when it's convenient for you? Like twice a summer? Because it doesn't work that way.SundaySounds said:Hear, Hear!
Stallion Free said:Nice fail on catching me on map 3 guys btw.
Proof that drugs really do save lives (I shot up before making my run).Nabs said:vert chased you as a charger ghost for half the map. i almost killed you in the safe room.
I'm gonna roll exclusively with Adrenaline shots. Nothing beats the thrill of shooting up.Branduil said:If a real zombie attack ever occurs there's going to be a lot of people overdosed on pain pills.
pretty muchStallion Free said:Do you think we are just friends you can hang out when it's convenient for you? Like twice a summer? Because it doesn't work that way.
Week 16
August 6, 2010 - L4D Team
Week 16: Gib Fest! If you only had one thing? If you dont play a mutation, why?
Gib Fest
Blast the infected to shreds with M60s.
Swords can slice up some fun. Chainsaws can tear apart the infected. But you need to get close for both and well chainsaws are really loud! Time to go with the ultimate gun, you and three friends armed with M60s and unlimited ammo. This is going to get messy.
If you only had one thing?
Last weeks question was - Ignore the game for a minute. This is real world zombie apocalypse. You fought your way to a boat and boarded. You are unbitten. You are heading towards an Island in the Keys you hope is deserted but you have no idea. If you only had one thing you could wish to be on the boat with you heading towards that Island - what would it be?
Since the numbers are similar on both platforms we combined them:
56% Zoey
22% Shotgun
13% Ellis
7% Health Kit
2% Defibrillator
While we would have taken Ellis over the shotgun ourselves, this voting makes sense. Almost. I have to ask the 2% who voted for the defib. If it was for you, who was going to use it on you? If it was for someone else, were you really going to walk around looking for a random dead immune Survivor to resurrect? Either way, you scare us.
If you dont play a mutation why? We did an update to our web blog this week about Mutations. While we go into more detail there, we are curious. If you don't normally play Mutations, what is the main reason why?
Next Weeks Mutation: Iron Man
With the first dozen Mutations out we wanted to take a minute and talk about the Mutations.
Overall the Mutations and weekly polls have been a great success and an amazing way for us to get feedback from the community. Donât worry we still have more Mutations coming and we will also be tweaking and bringing back some of our favorites.
The idea behind the Mutations was simple. Left 4 Dead 2 is played by many different players and types of players. Some players have 300+ hours played in almost daily games and some players only play in weekly casual games with friends. We wanted to create weekly events that mixed up the game rules to experiment with gameplay and made people look at the game in new ways.
Before Mutations, what got played the most? It really depended on the day. Versus and Co-op Campaign were tied neck and neck each with around 40% (80-85% total) of the players on any given day. The other 15-20% was split between Survival, Realism and Scavenge.
Some of the constraints we decided on when creating Mutations: It was okay if it wasn't something that you wanted to play enough to replace an existing game mode as long as it was fun for a short period. Not every Mutation was going to appeal to everyone. Some Mutations would be directly aimed at smaller demographics inside the larger player base.
The decision to make Realism Versus permanent was easy. 41% of the players that week tried it. It grabbed an impressive 22% of the player minutes the week it was featured. That compares to the similar but different Survival Versus which was tried by only 25% of the players and was played for 4% of the player minutes the week it was featured.
Chainsaw Massacre was the most tried Mutation with over 52% of the players that week giving it a try and it was played for almost 14% of the player minutes that week. The voting pattern for encore weeks became obvious; the most played Mutation of the four received the most votes. The results of those polls were often a surprise for the forums but with a sample size for some polls reaching almost half-a-million votes these responses, by statistical necessity, reflect a more stable measurement of player sentiment.
The top 3 Mutations based on percentage of players who tried it at least once:
52% Chainsaw Massacre
45% Last Man On Earth
41% Realism Versus
The top 3 Mutations based on percentage of players minutes during featured week:
22% Realism Versus
14% Chainsaw Massacre
12% Last Gnome on Earth
The You should have tried it because you would have loved it honorable mention goes to Hard Eight which was only tried by 26% of the players but hit 12% of the player minutes that week.
Hard Eight leads us to our last point. Not sure about a Mutation? Try it. Too often we see people dismiss a Mutation before they play it only to play it and then request it be made permanent. The only way you can be sure if running scared from multiple Special Infected is fun or not is to give it a try.
Branduil said:Gib Fest makes the game pretty easy.
Shit, can you get those achievements in the mode?ArjanN said:No kidding, they might as well have called it "here's-your-free-expert-achievements-mode."
ArjanN said:No kidding, they might as well have called it "here's-your-free-expert-achievements-mode."
:lol it took you 30 minutes. damn.Stallion Free said:Holy shit it works, I just got credit for beating Dead Center on Expert with bots. Sooooo easy. I didn't even have to heal once in the finale and I grabbed/put in every can myself.
Nope :/Ogs said:I take it doing the Mutation with Realism enabled isnt an option ?
Ogs said:For reals ? I was about to come on here and ask if this was the case :lol
ArjanN said:I was able to beat Dark Carnival on expert with 3 bots, which is otherwise pretty much impossible.
Branduil said:All the expert achievements except for the realism ones are now meaningless. :lol