Minamu said:Absolutely NONE of you guys seem very casual about this game AT ALL though :lol Geez.
We just chill and have fun while playing GAF matches, seriously. But it's true that even while just having fun, we're still able to have some good matches, we aren't just trolling.Minamu said:Absolutely NONE of you guys seem very casual about this game AT ALL though :lol Geez.
LOL, I don't even remember what you're talking about.vazel said:Literally. We don't need that shit in casual GAF games where anyone from the forum regardless of skill can join. They're just casual for fun and a way to build community on GAF. If he wants more serious games he needs to get a scrim team together he can have matches with.
I don't even understand why he takes himself so seriously he's not even that good his play style is too timid. I blame Stallion for pumping up his ego after he got that death charge in parish a while back(who were standing still because they were horded after I boomed them).
Minamu said:Absolutely NONE of you guys seem very casual about this game AT ALL though :lol Geez.
What are you talking about, vert never stacks teams, nor does he remove people from his friends list and ban them from his server because of game.Mr. B Natural said:I personally couldn't give two donkey...donkey teeth about whether I win or not. Winning and making sure Vert's stacked team doesn't win are two different things.
And I don't rage. My computer just slipped down the window, my monitor jumped at my forehead and I was hungry so I ate my mouse and tried to shove my keyboard up my rectum.
You completely ignore the fact that there are 7 other people playing, and that's what you don't take seriously.Branduil said:LOL, I don't even remember what you're talking about.
I also like how I'm getting accused of both taking it too seriously and not seriously enough at the same time.
Please back your shit up. It's not even vert that decides the teams so I don't see what you're implying...Branduil said:What are you talking about, vert never stacks teams, nor does he remove people from his friends list and ban them from his server because of game.
So why are you waiting until now to say this?drkOne said:You completely ignore the fact that there are 7 other people playing, and that's what you don't take seriously.
You do take the game too seriously. As posting that gif of the Tank proves... Everyone else would at most call hacks, but only jokingly.
You rage easily because of how seriously you take the game.
I make mistakes, but every single time I go "Sorry" instead of "This map sucks so much, that's why I have 0 points", like you actually did yesterday.
And after the first time you rage, it snowballs... You play worse and rage even harder.
You really had no clue?Branduil said:So why are you waiting until now to say this?
I don't see how I could predict that vert would flip out when he'd said nothing before.drkOne said:You really had no clue?
You actually thought we were having fun while you were playing the way you did?Branduil said:I don't see how I could predict that vert would flip out when he'd said nothing before.
I don't know how I'm supposed to know if other people are having fun or not, unless they explicitly say so.drkOne said:You actually thought we were having fun while you were playing the way you did?
vazel said:wth happened last game. brand meltdown seems like it was worse than usual. I wish I had played in that game. I got the invite from vert but I was too busy setting up xbmc.
We told you a bunch of times during matches and after matches that you raged too much.Branduil said:I don't know how I'm supposed to know if other people are having fun or not, unless they explicitly say so.
If you'd actually told me to stop, I would have.drkOne said:We told you a bunch of times during matches and after matches that you raged too much.
And you never changed...
Valve does some funky things with hitboxes online which can make things bad when playing with high pings(although apparently they do this as a form of lag compensation, but probably only effective to a point, it's all still a little confusing to me).Minamu said:That sounds just wrong man :S I'd love to join but even with my 8mbit connection, my ping is usually bad enough when I play with people on my own continent :S The netcode or something is really bad in this game![]()
You just have to realize that some people can be tough or clique-ish to play with. PillowKnight suddenly defriended me and was a seething ball of rage like...a year ago, saying something about how I'm someone who acts like I care but I really don't. I think Stallion or Vert, maybe one or two others have gotten REALLY upset once or twice. I think some of the L4D2 regulars told me that "no one" enjoys playing with me because I don't take it seriously enough, or I annoy them, or whatnot. I don't really think that's true. I have to think that SOMEWHERE there is some horrible person who would enjoy playing with me!Branduil said:If you'd actually told me to stop, I would have.
Or you can just try vert's method and not say anything and then suddenly remove them from your friends list. :lol
Tank McZombie for President of our Grand Confederacy.morningbus said:Is someone running for President again? Context has seemingly flown out the window.
Sounds good, where do I sign up?Nabs said:I think the servers we play on are usually located around the midwest. Might be far from you, but it should be playable. d. and Sanjay play with us from another planet.
The config removes health kits, defibs and tier 2 weapons. It adds pills, tanks and cheap ass hunting rifles.
Done. If I get the chance, it'll be interesting to see what kind of ping I'll get. It seems to be officially dedicated ones that give me bad pings, iirc.Nabs said:install mumble (and run through the wizard): http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=399065
and add vertopci on steam, and he'll send you an invite whenever we're looking for players. feel free to join mumble whenever. hopefully your ping isn't too bad
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:Goddamn, reads like a bunch of girls in high school in here.
:lol Did you ever add me on Steam? I seem to remember there being some other l4d2 vs. group and someone randomly added me, but I never heard anything further.Minamu said:vazel: Hello CS: Source. I've seen pictures from that, that looks exactly the same :S
Edit: You guys need to ly dow.
No, I don't seem to have you on my friends list. I rarely ever delete anyone from SteamBlizzard said::lol Did you ever add me on Steam? I seem to remember there being some other l4d2 vs. group and someone randomly added me, but I never heard anything further.
I'm actually a super nice guy, much like a large, huggable panda.
Wow, I forgot about that. :lol I thought that was for a few days instead of just an evening. Sorry to be stupid about that.RocketDarkness said:Ooh ooh, is it too late for me to join in on the drama?!
This one comes from some previous drama in the L4D thread, I forget what exactly. Anyways, Blizz and I apparently disagreed on something. We argue for a few posts, then I forget about it. I was posting via a laptop, while my desktop in the other room had Steam active. I came back to find THIS. :lol [/IMG]
You found out our secret -- l4d2 is just a secret cover for Fight Club!Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:Holy shit, Blizzard, you're like a beta male begging for closure after getting dumped. I mean, were you fucking these guys? That's the only way I could understand why you'd care that some dudes on Steam don't like you.
Because nobody plays co-op unless they're girls*. REALISM VERSUS OR GO HOMEFormless said:why can't we be friends
especially in a coop game :|
You already had Borderlands OMG, WHY ARE YOU LYING CON?Concept17 said:I made the mistake of buying Borderlands...damn steam sales.
You'll now get a PM from him asking why you hate him so much when he never even spoke to youLiu Kang Baking A Pie said:Holy shit, Blizzard, you're like a beta male begging for closure after getting dumped. I mean, were you fucking these guys? That's the only way I could understand why you'd care that some dudes on Steam don't like you.
Come on! We deserve some drama from time to time, or else this thread would be boring as hellduckroll said:Holy crap. Wtf is this? :lol
Week 18: Last Man on Earth Returns!, Bill?, Favorite Mutation
Last Man On Earth Returns
You will become legend to the infected as the last human left.
You are the only Survivor left in the world. No split screen help. No Survivor bots. But don't worry you aren't entirely alone. While there are no common Infected, Special Infected will hunt you down and become close, close friends with you.
This Mutation is available in Single Player Mode.
Last week we asked if you had a guess to how Bill dies. We wont be giving away the answer yet, you will have to wait for the final chapter of the comic for that. Until then, here are your guesses by platform:
28% Killed by Tank
24% Overrun by Zombies
20% Friendly Fire
16% Old Age
12% Killed by Witch
xBox 360
29% Killed by Tank
25% Overrun by Zombies
17% Old Age
16% Friendly Fire
13% Killed by Witch
Favorite Mutation?
While we still have more mutations to come, we are going to cycle through the first group for a few weeks. Excluding Realism Versus and Last Man On Earth, out of your previous favorites, which ones would you like to see come back?
To vote in this week's poll use the in-game blog.
Next week's Mutation? ????