Cyber Evolution, I think.MNC said:Just a normal question: What does CEVO actually stand for?
Cyber Evolution, I think.MNC said:Just a normal question: What does CEVO actually stand for?
drkOne said:Cyber Evolution, I think.
vertopci said:Balancing isn't subjective at all. It's been tested by and approved by the community. FrusMod for L4D1 was in testing for over 3 months where all the teams gave their input on how the balance was. Give me one reason how balancing is subjective when its been tested by the community. You can say you are competitive when you don't even participate in the tournaments.
No it's not competitive. The whole point of being competitive is to decide who the best team is. The larger the gap between good and very good, the better it is for competitive play. Getting kits everywhere is absolutely stupid because every team will survive almost every map. It doesn't prove who the better survivors are at all. Also it helps to erase any mistakes made. If you make a mistake, YOU should have to live with it, not erase it and pretend it never happened.
You don't know who they are because YOU know nothing about the competitive side of L4D. Which is why you should stop arguing these things with me. I have played vanilla L4D and the several mods, whereas you haven't. It's like saying how GameX sucks when you haven't even played it.
Also, guess what? The team I mentioned won the Frusmod tourney and right now they are doing good in the current VANILLA L4D team tourney which makes your one set of rules crap invalid. So my question still stands: Can you find me one team as good as them who prefer vanilla L4D?
Volcynika said:The "community" can be huge or large. I know a lot of people (relatively) who don't like the mod. But apparently majority rules and it doesn't matter what naysayers think. It's more that "here's a group of people that tested it out and they like it so they're totally the community."
You're again drawing imaginary lines of what's competitive and what isn't. The game is based on score. How do you win, score. No matter how many mods you have in the game, you win based on score. And your last sentence there is YOUR OPINON. Not a fact.
Also, pretty much the majority (or all, I'm not familiar with the online here) of 360 owners CANNOT ACCESS these mods. So they're not competitive at all, according to your rules. Or is it just how much they can work with? Because you can't backtrack, you said it's not competitive for the regular setup of the game. All those 360 owners are just non competitive and don't even need to mouth the word "pro" according to your rules. You need to accept that like said before, different levels of competition, rather than " my way or the highway"
That last part is a failure of an argument, I don't need to go to extremes to prove how useless it is. And this is a discussion forum, if you're detailing outlining points of these mods, I can talk about them. Shitty games get shitty review scores, but I haven't played them so I can't talk!11
Good for them. Also, I don't have to prove that last thing to you, it's not my point. Besides, I didn't say they WEREN'T good in all setups, I was stating a basic idea.
Twig may have been too insulting when he mentioned it, but you are totally being an elitist about the subject of competitive L4D.
PillowKnight said:The bottom line is that with med kits and no tanks every single competitive team would make it to the safe room after a jolly waltz. That fact makes the game very dull to play. We've been through this before though, you're gonna claim that competitive teams need to try harder and they simply need to reach some imaginary infected skill level.
Are there even any tournaments for 360 l4d2? Even so, i'd imagine you don't need to nerf survivors when you've got crane controls.
Volcynika said:The "community" can be huge or large. I know a lot of people (relatively) who don't like the mod. But apparently majority rules and it doesn't matter what naysayers think. It's more that "here's a group of people that tested it out and they like it so they're totally the community."
You're again drawing imaginary lines of what's competitive and what isn't. The game is based on score. How do you win, score. No matter how many mods you have in the game, you win based on score. And your last sentence there is YOUR OPINON. Not a fact.
Also, pretty much the majority (or all, I'm not familiar with the online here) of 360 owners CANNOT ACCESS these mods. So they're not competitive at all, according to your rules. Or is it just how much they can work with? Because you can't backtrack, you said it's not competitive for the regular setup of the game. All those 360 owners are just non competitive and don't even need to mouth the word "pro" according to your rules. You need to accept that like said before, different levels of competition, rather than " my way or the highway"
That last part is a failure of an argument, I don't need to go to extremes to prove how useless it is. And this is a discussion forum, if you're detailing outlining points of these mods, I can talk about them. Shitty games get shitty review scores, but I haven't played them so I can't talk!11
Good for them. Also, I don't have to prove that last thing to you, it's not my point. Besides, I didn't say they WEREN'T good in all setups, I was stating a basic idea.
Twig may have been too insulting when he mentioned it, but you are totally being an elitist about the subject of competitive L4D.
Volcynika said:Ah, the old "if this game isn't fun for me (aka dull), it isn't competitive!" Bad argument.
And of course the dismissal of the 360 version.
Try again.
Here's a fact: Trying to say this mod agreed on by the "community" (quotemarks are important) is competitive and vanilla isn't makes you an arrogant elitist.
So you're trying to say my argument is bad because it's bad. Okay.Volcynika said:Ah, the old "if this game isn't fun for me (aka dull), it isn't competitive!" Bad argument.
And some insults, i'm gonna go play some games.And of course the dismissal of the 360 version.
Try again.
Here's a fact: Trying to say this mod agreed on by the "community" (quotemarks are important) is competitive and vanilla isn't makes you an arrogant elitist.
vertopci said:No, it's more like the people who play the most and therefore know the most about the game and BALANCE are the community. And they should be the only ones suggesting changes for balance for obvious reasons.
If you don't like it, don't use it but the config increases the skill gap between tiers and balances everything out which is essential for competitive play.
A game where you walk thru a park is really competitive am I right?
I would say the x360 version isn't competitive for the simple reason that there are almost no tournaments for it. And funny enough, some teams on 360 for the original L4D actually did try to play without picking up any extra kits or tier 2. Coincidence? I think not.
Also there are not different levels of competition. They hold one tourney, not a tourney for lower level competition and another for mid level and another for high level. When it comes to competition, there is one level and everyone is lumped in there so competitively speaking, everyone plays on the same exact level/config.
Not it's not a failure of an argument. You haven't even given the configs a try and yet you are saying they are not needed and do stupid things.
Guess what? You can't be competitive and just straight up ignore the better teams. They are the ones who know the game the first and thus they know far more about balance than you and I. Saying their opinions on balance is just stupid of you UNLESS YOU HAPPEN TO BE ON THEIR LEVEL. Are you on their level? No, so your opinions on how to balance L4D2 competitively is wrong.
So you're trying to say my argument is bad because it's bad. Okay.
And some insults, i'm gonna go play some games.
Guess what? Without these mods, there wouldn't even be a competitive community for L4D.
Also thinking you know more then the community about balances changes when you clearly don't makes you an arrogant elitist, not us.
I can give clear reasons for most of the changes, but you can't give a single decent reason why most of those changes suck competitively. So why don't you go on and address that issue? Oh, right because you can't.
Volcynika said:bunch of crap i didnt bother to read
Red Scarlet said:Here's the .dem files, Sanjay: http://redscarlet.paragonsigma.com/L4D/011910vsSF.zip
xero273 said:poor AI tank doesn't know how to swim. pipebomb incapping vert was funny too.
vertopci said:1. There is one level of competition no matter what genre it is, from FPS to fighting to RTS. Like I said before, they don't hold tournaments for low level and another for high level. There is ONE tournament and the point of said tournament is to the find the best team. Therefore using a config that will create MORE tiers of skills is best from a competitive standpoint as that is the best way of attempting to find the best team. That is the point of the CEVO and confogl configs.
There may be different skill levels but in competitive play what skill evel you are on doesn't matter AT ALL.
2. Playing games with the same group is not playing competitively.
Volcynika said:"bunch of crap i didnt bother to read"
That's called conceding. You lose, nub!
#1: When do you set the rules where there is just one tournament? I want to get on that committee.
(also tournies here don't always have the same group, that NYXes point # 2)
vertopci said:Last time I checked, CEVO, Newegg, Alienware, L4DComm, and god knows how many other sites have only one tournament.
Are you seriously trying to argue there are separate tournaments for different skill levels?
Volcynika said:Are you seriously trying to argue that more than one tournament cannot be held? Because that's what it seems like.
vertopci said:More than one tourney can be held technically.
But name one group that does? CEVO doesn't, Newegg doesn't, L4DComm didn't, CAL didn't. EVO sure as hell doesn't for it's fighting games. All the skill levels are lumped into one tourney.
vertopci said:Gee once again great argument :lol
vertopci said:And whether you like to admit it or not, you can't be included in the competitive world of L4D without these configs because these configs help balance the game out and these configs ARE the competitive world. Try to find a single team that is as good as say blight.dpv and plays on vanilla only. You won't. EVER.
vertopci said:Because CEVO and the couple other L4D2 tourneys are VANILLA. The only one that isn't is the newegg one. .
notsol337 said:Like I said, arguing with you goes nowhere. I tried to argue with you and you completely ignored me last time. You seemed to think I am Twig. When we DO give you reasons, you literally ignore them and pretend we don't.
"Twig and co" is pretty awesome though, I'm keeping it.
Honestly, I have better things to do than behave like a child on the internet, and I'm sure you do too. I think we'll just have to agree to disagree as opposed to shitting up this otherwise decent thread. No hard feelings!
Daigoro said:how does this quote not contradict this one:
vertopci said:Fucking awesome game tonight guys :lol
vertopci said:Kind of hard to balance things out when you don't know what needs changing from the vanilla version isn't it?
morningbus said:Yeah, I really wish there was a mod that would like, kick a person in the head when the tank spawns on the second round of a map.
Then it'd be fair and more competitive.
Daigoro said:how the fuck would i know?
im not in the competitive scene, man.
morningbus said:Yeah, I really wish there was a mod that would like, kick a person in the head when the tank spawns on the second round of a map.
Then it'd be fair and more competitive.
dragonlife29 said:Sooo...how's that weather, guys? Blindsided by Tanks in Hard Rain recently?
Stallion Free said:Honestly, the only reason we we won that was because of being completely prepared for the tank in map 2. That ending was fucking wild.
Red Scarlet said:I didn't discover it, but I tried it out and it works okay: skip the roller coaster event/~65% of it.
Red Scarlet said:I did fraps the Swamp Fever vs we played if people without the game are interested in seeing the changes to the game in action:
morningbus said:Whoa, that is some Metroid-level sequence breaking. Though I don't think it'd work too well in Vs.
vertopci said:I hope you highlighted panda bear making us lose the game
I still <3 you panda
SundaySounds said:When the game autokilled me as tank during the finale, that was some bullshit.
vertopci said:I'm not in the competitive scene either, but it's pretty obvious.
Stallion Free said:It did try to make it up to you by giving you the next tank :lol
Daigoro said:maybe obvious to someone who is seems to be so wrapped up in it.
it was not obvious to me. thats why i asked the question. seemed like a contradiction until you explained why it was that all of the tourneys were vanilla.
no real reason to throw the whole "it should be obvious, DUH" in there unless you're just trying to be a dick about it.
I got a virus shortly after clicking that first link. Dunno if it's a coincidence or not(the file played fine)Red Scarlet said:I think whenever vert mentions 'the competitive scene', he is talking about the players/teams that actually play in the various tournaments for money/prizes. The CEVO tournament used the default settings so at least one tournament would, and there weren't any completed mods or anything. Newegg uses a different one, but that tournament recently started..CEVO's started a couple weeks after the game came out.
I didn't discover it, but I tried it out and it works okay: skip the roller coaster event/~65% of it.
I did fraps the Swamp Fever vs we played if people without the game are interested in seeing the changes to the game in action:
http://redscarlet.paragonsigma.com/L4D/L4D2 New Cevo Config First Play-Swamp Fever 1.avi
http://redscarlet.paragonsigma.com/L4D/L4D2 New Cevo Config First Play-Swamp Fever 2.avi
http://redscarlet.paragonsigma.com/L4D/L4D2 New Cevo Config First Play-Swamp Fever 3.avi
http://redscarlet.paragonsigma.com/L4D/L4D2 New Cevo Config First Play-Swamp Fever 4.avi
Red Scarlet said:Well please stop being so abrasive in your arguing. This goes for everyone.
Hmm...PillowKnight said:I got a virus shortly after clicking that first link. Dunno if it's a coincidence or not(the file played fine)
PillowKnight said:I got a virus shortly after clicking that first link. Dunno if it's a coincidence or not(the file played fine)
Stallion Free said:It did try to make it up to you by giving you the next tank :lol
vertopci said:Ok
Diagoro, forgive me for being a dick. Let's go eat cookies and milk sometime. But only if the cookies are Chips Ahoy. The blue bag one. Not the crappy red bag ones.
SundaySounds said:Which I failed.
You buy cookies that come in bags? tha fuck?
vertopci said:![]()
I don't know what to call that! Bag is the only word at the moment I can think of for it!
SundaySounds said:lmao. I wonder if anyone actually buys cookies on amazon...
morningbus said:Dude, I can get a 48-pack of cookies for 19.23 if I sign up for automatic, recurring shipping?
Someone fetch me my wallet, I think it might be buried under 40 pounds of ass fat.