Snapshot King
Man, I think I shit the bed on my stats. I minmaxed my fighters Strength and Vit all the way, but now I'm constantly missing shit because I didn't put a single point into dex. Hrmmm...
Man, I think I shit the bed on my stats. I minmaxed my fighters Strength and Vit all the way, but now I'm constantly missing shit because I didn't put a single point into dex. Hrmmm...
Haha YES! I just started but on the safe side, I decided to at least get my fighters dex out of the negatives. Looking like I made the right call. #swerve
So, I'm standing outside a door with a chain, I pull the chain - the door opens - I see whats inside, think "OH shit!" and yank the chain again as fast as I can.
I lol'd because I imagined everyone else here doing the same on the exact same door![]()
Anyone on the 4th floor (or past) wanna throw me a hint on this? I'm hard stumped on it.
EDIT: Oh wait... I just had an idea.
EDIT 2: Ok commence hint giving. Argh my brain.
Stand on the plate until you hear the third chime, wait a second and throw a rock. With any luck, it'll go through the teleport that appears for a split second. You can also get a goodie by using that teleport yourself later.
Anyone on the 4th floor (or past) wanna throw me a hint on this? I'm hard stumped on it.
EDIT: Oh wait... I just had an idea.
EDIT 2: Ok commence hint giving. Argh my brain.
Stand on the plate until you hear the third chime, wait a second and throw a rock. With any luck, it'll go through the teleport that appears for a split second. You can also get a goodie by using that teleport yourself later.
Anyone found out a way to get to the platemail(?) behind a locked grate on the 4th level(accessed by a pit from the 3rd level)?
Maybe the thrower's strength affects how far the rock flies? I threw it with my warrior, and nailed the pressure plate perfectly. I think you can use throwing knives too, so you should try those.I've done that, the rock goes way too far and doesn't land on the plate on the other side. If I weigh the plate down a toss a rock from a distance it goes into the teleporter and just vanishes.
I wonder if I'm bugged or something.
My rocks end up here:
Do it, there's usually good loot down in the pits. Just heal up before trying, since the drop does about 20 to 30 damage, and there might be enemies down there.Anyone else feel compelled to drop down every pit? I'm always wondering if something good will be down there.
Maybe the thrower's strength affects how far the rock flies? I threw it with my warrior, and nailed the pressure plate perfectly. I think you can use throwing knives too, so you should try those.
Do it, there's usually good loot down in the pits. Just heal up before trying, since the drop does about 20 to 30 damage, and there might be enemies down there.
Anyone who could help me on the 2nd floor?
I am hearing an enemy behind a wall, which is a clue I suppose, but I cant figure out where to open up the next path.
Feel really dumb for asking this.. how the hell do I attack? I have a weapon equipped but clicked on the enemies doesn't seem to do anything.
I keep having to restart my maps cause I'm running into the border on the graph paper. This sucks.![]()
Dangerous Dave said:The game is great, but I'm more hyped by the engine and the next modifications (for example, with new game the only dungeon avaliable is Grimrock, but there is a selector to choose from other official dungeons and user-made ones) than the game itself.
Bought! Need to support a dev like this. Considering how much I love Etrian Odyssey I think I'll love this too.
Man, I think I shit the bed on my stats. I minmaxed my fighters Strength and Vit all the way, but now I'm constantly missing shit because I didn't put a single point into dex. Hrmmm...
Yes, graphing it out yourself does suck. That is why when automapping became a feature fans of the genre rejoiced and why people who don't use automap when it is built-in fit under my definition of "crazy people."
It is kind of cool in Etrian Odyssey because the graphing tools are built into the game and the game is turn-based.
I took Cartography in Might & Magic II with righteous god damned fury.
Kind of wish there was an option for it to have you take turns instead of real time combat though...hate having to quickly go to inventory to move potions around while trying not to die.
This. I played through both eras, there is no nostalgia for graph mapping, automaps were the greatest thing ever. I took Cartography in Might & Magic II with righteous god damned fury.
Not turns on movement (you won't be able to move fast to backstab), but clearly the constant real-time affects negatively the mages (maybe a hotbar where to put some prebuilt spells could help) and also the rogues when they try to use missile or thrown objects (maybe some ammo slots would help), because when you have ony a few ammo-items of each kind, you'll end with your rogue empty-handed after a few seconds, and moving the items of the inventory is time that you can spend doing more attacks with the rest of the party. I started specializing my rogue with arrows, but now I'm using melee weapons from back, because you can do much more attacks.
BTW, I realised that when you fall into a pit,into that room of L4 that you appear there are the enemies that you made fell on pits. First I found 2 snails and I didn't give any importance, but I loaded the game and later I faced some skeletons in a room with a pit, and I throw 2 of them. Later I fell into a pit and there were the 2 snails, and also the 2 skeletons, and I realise that it was the people that you were making fall into the pits
Fuck spiders.
This game got many times harder on floor three.
After playing EO, I can't imagine playing a DC without customizing maps; but so far, in the 2nd floor, it's very bare bones. In those, respawning FOEs, bosses, passages and doors with specific entry requirements, and gathering spots damn near necessitated sturdy mapmaking skill. I know of hte teleporters, so maybe they're going easy on us early. heh.
Ok phew, I feel less silly to know that I'm not the only finding the game a bit spooky. I had a visceral, revolted reaction the first time I encountered one of those crowverns when it lunged at my face with its nasty, plucked naked body.I gave out a bit of a scream when I encountered the first spearman.
Don't worry, I couldn't figure it out at first either. I looked through the in-game tutorial to no avail and only managed to figure it out through trial and error.Feel really dumb for asking this.. how the hell do I attack? I have a weapon equipped but clicked on the enemies doesn't seem to do anything.
I feel the exact same way, re: spending most of my time staring at the character portraits, and how nice it'd be to have hotkeys.I think the HUD in the game looks better now than the original, but I spend more time looking at portraits waiting for cooldowns to end than actually looking at the enemies. I wonder if they made attack hotkeys would it ruin the balance of the game.
Kinda mad I bought it on preorder at full price and it launches at a discount on Steam.
Etrian Oddyssey does 90% of the work for you by highlighting the areas you've been and providing the grind. You just have to draw some lines, it's not comparable to hand mapping with grid paper.