Then you likely missed it. Check all your bags and boxes by right-clicking on them.
Then you likely missed it. Check all your bags and boxes by right-clicking on them.
No, there is only one in the game. You need to either backtrack or survive without it.Nope, nothing.Is there a chance to find another one??
No, there is only one in the game. You need to either backtrack or survive without it.
It's possible, but it's not going to be easy. It's probably best to turn back and grab it fromOh fuck. Where is it anyway? Is it possible to do it without it?
Well, if I don't have the exact position it'll probably take hours...
I'm about to loose fun in level 9. There are way too many of those fucking dinsoaurs. Who thought that this is fun? Are they respawning? I need like five minutes to kill one and the next one is already there.
Also what was up with Stage 8. Found a secret there but that's about it.
I found that after I had killed 3 - 4 of them by luring them back in the armory and shutting the door, none would respaw for a little while (or there would only be a couple raptors as opposed to 5 - 6 roaming about).I'm about to loose fun in level 9. There are way too many of those fucking dinsoaurs. Who thought that this is fun? Are they respawning? I need like five minutes to kill one and the next one is already there.
Also what was up with Stage 8. Found a secret there but that's about it.
Yes, they are, just don't spend HOURS wandering in the same area.I'm about to loose fun in level 9. There are way too many of those fucking dinsoaurs. Who thought that this is fun? Are they respawning?
Did you have an Ice Mage? If so, fucks you right good, don't they?
There's two spawn points for them which to your perspective entering this area from the trippy hall is left far corner and right far corner (they'll be filled with bones and gore). Fun thing is, they'll not respawn when you're in those rooms, plus if you clear out a side, the ones spawning from the other side will very rarely come to the other side. Plus, they don't respawn quickly at all. There's just ALOT at the beginning (7-ish), and they love hitting from the side.They're also a valuable resource...
Nope, nothing.Is there a chance to find another one??
Twice. At the hardest setting.Well, who did actually finish the game?
No, it doesn't.I think I'm at 10 now and it really becoms more and more frustrating.
No, they don't.They just throw so many enemies at you
No, it isn't.Is it a fighting simulation or what?
That's arguable. Classes are very uneven in their efficiency in combat and some schools of magic are clearly more useful than others, plus the class system is oversimplified and lacks variety, but I've the feeling that's not what you are referring to, so you're probably wrong on this point, too.The balanicng is totally off.
If it's boring for you, just quit it. What do you expect, exactly? People to beg you to go on?I'd really like to finish it but that's highly annoying. Is it worth pushing through it?
Yes, I am.Are you even serious?
No, they don't. There is a finite (and very self-contained) numer of enemies in the whole game, beside a bunch of spots where they occasionally respawn.So you are arguing that they don't throw four times as many enemies at you int he last levels compared to the previous 9 stages?
Yeah, it actually sounds like a SINGLE, UNIQUE battle to me, which is even less than "some combat".The part where I am there are three trolls next to each other with some saurians inbetween and then you fall down and there are like 5 or more slimes.
That's *not* "some combat added here and there"
"Insulting" sounds quite hyperbolic.Why are you so harsh and insulting? It's almost like you made the game and even then...
Well, who did actually finish the game? I think I'm at 10 now and it really becoms more and more frustrating. They just throw so many enemies at you, 3 trolls at once and one part. Is it a fighting simulation or what? The balanicng is totally off. I'd really like to finish it but that's highly annoying. Is it worth pushing through it?
antti said:Oh, and about the dungeon editor: we’ve reached internal beta! All the features and functionality is done, now all it needs is just a little bit of polishing and bug fixing and then we can unleash it into the wild. We’re getting close to the finish line, folks!
antti said:The dungeon editor is also progressing well. I know there’s a lot of folks out there who have been asking if using custom assets, like new environment graphics, monsters, sounds, items etc., would be possible and I’m glad to say that we have now solved all remaining issues with those! I’m sure we’ll see a lot of awesome new fan made graphics and other things of immeasurable beauty. There’s also a handful of usability improvements like better filtering of the asset list (no more scrolling, yay!) and we think we could call the editor pretty much feature complete. This means that it’s now possible to do everything necessary with the editor to create functional custom dungeons but there’s still a few improvements we want to make and we’ll also have to update the game itself a little so you can load the custom dungeons there. But all in all, we’re very close to the finish line here!
petri said:To join the beta right-click on Legend of Grimrock in your Library of games in Steam and select Properties. In the Betas tab opt into the beta using the dropdown there. The Steam Client should then automatically download the beta.
Will this now use Steamworks for user created content?
Yes, but you can also download dungeons through other means like Nexus.
The thread is here, and I will ask for a topic change when the final editor is out.
I am not proud to admit this, but having intended last weekend merely to create a party and play long enough to souse out the game's basic mechanics, I ended up playing a little over eight hours.
Amazing game. It might be one of the best purchases I've made on Steam.