I'm meandering through the thread, and...
Bronx J. Man
Struggling Stanley (one of Retro's least favorite Mafia players) has baselessly insulted my play! Unfair! Gafia is a safe space for all!
Huh? Do people think I really dislike Stan...
Oh. I see what you did there, Mister Trump.
No man.
Retro gave me dibs.
I run Infamous Mafia.
Truth. Melon has dibs.
Zelda Fact of the Day #3: Did you know the only officially licensed Legend of Zelda games to be released on a non-Nintendo console were Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon, Zelda: Faces of Evil, and Zelda's Adventure for the Phillips CD-i? Or that they are also regarded as the worst Zelda games to ever be released and are not recognized as canon by Nintendo? Now you know!
*Bonus: Did you know Retro has beaten Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon? Yeah, we don't know why either.
I know nobody is actually asking, but the answers to this are:
1. Because the Game Grumps were playing it, and I was curious if it was actually that bad. (It is.*)
2. Because whenever someone talks about beating all the Zelda games, there will inevitably be that one asshole who brings up the CDI ones, and I thought it would be neat to be able to say, "Yes, I've beaten those, too."
3. Because it's there.
*Well, kind of. IF you could go back in time and fix a couple of things, like re-do the cutscenes in general, tighten the controls, and change the fact that Zelda doesn't get invincibility frames after getting hit, I think people actually would have loved it.
If you can get past those flaws, (and that's a REALLY big if) it's actually a really solid successor to Zelda 2. But the controls and the lack of i-frames make it hugely frustrating to play, and the cutscenes are laughably bad. (But they ARE voice acted. Take that, Fact of the Day #4!)