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Let's make a Monster Hunter 6 GAF Wishlist


Rule 1: Nobody argues MH6 being Rise or else I will play the long game, cozy up to EL, become a mod, and then ban you all later.
That's it for the rules.

Anyways, the next MH wasn't revealed at TGS, but I'm tired of not talking about it. What do you guys wanna see in the next Monster Hunter?

My short list:

  • Underwater combat returns, with lots of cool gimmick monsters like Gobul that you can fish up, and monsters that will gobble you up and run away underwater and spit you out to force you to fight there.
  • Environmental conditions effecting combat. Add some more dynamic situations back inio hunts.
    • You fight in a grass field. You can use Fire weapons to light the grass and create a whole zone on fire that does DoT to both you and the monsters.
    • It's raining, you use thunder weapons and can do AoE thunder attacks when you hit something wet.
    • It's snowing. You can use water weapons to "freeze/frostbite" an enemy to slow its movements. Enemies can use water to slow you down too. Jyuratodus spit becomes suddenly something to consider.
    • Dragon weapons are still effective vs. elder dragons and certain enemy types, but they also attract dragon monsters to come rally against you or maybe do collateral damage to your targets...
  • Roll back some of the streamlining from Rise. I'm ok with 1 click per gather for ore/plants, but you should absolutely not know where every monster is on the map immediately when you spawn. Spawn locations should be randomized to make speedrunners have their periods. There needs to be other mission types than "kill monster" or else it just feels like a whole game of boss rushes.
  • Wyvern riding? Gone. Wirebugs? Gone. "Softening" from world? Gone. Slinger returns. Suddenly, having 2+ monsters in the same zone is a wildcard, not an automatic 2 mins of free hits and a vacation for players. Positioning and spacing matter again instead of insta-recover into wallrun into double flip for style.
  • Hunter Arts or whatever term they want to use return. It's nice to have a big move that's ultra-high risk vs. reward. Feels very satisfying to land one.
  • Coastal town for the base. It's just time.
  • New weapon. Not Tonfa (sorry Frontier bros). Maybe 2, if Ichinose is feeling nayshty.
What do you guys think?


Still waiting for the comeback of the sea king

bigger and badder MHW basically; I'd also like more areas with multiple biomes and have that also tie into mechanics, like a fire monster being strongest around a hot area, but weakened in a colder one.
The dogs can return too, but I'd like to see them as a permanent travel option instead of having to choose between it and a palico and then make the dog more distinct as a companion so you'd actually want to switch between them.


I know people will fucking hate me for this, especially MH purists, but I'd like a cool singleplayer campaign (that you can also play in coop if you want to, of course).
What was the last game you tried, because any modern MH has a single-player campaign with cutscenes and story quests. They seem to always do some weird stipulation with the co-op part like "have to have viewed the cutscenes first, then you can co-op it", but it's there. If you haven't played World, its sounds very much like your ask here.


I know people will fucking hate me for this, especially MH purists, but I'd like a cool singleplayer campaign (that you can also play in coop if you want to, of course).
That is not what MH games are about though, I don’t know why are you people so obsessed with single player campaigns and cutscenes and have to push it into every game, some games are just about the gameplay and MH games are one of them


bigger and badder MHW basically; I'd also like more areas with multiple biomes and have that also tie into mechanics, like a fire monster being strongest around a hot area, but weakened in a colder one.
The dogs can return too, but I'd like to see them as a permanent travel option instead of having to choose between it and a palico and then make the dog more distinct as a companion so you'd actually want to switch between them.
For me, the dog/cat choice eventually just boils down to materials, like any endgame MH goal. Cats not only gather at ore/plants/mushrooms/etc but also have had the ability to steal monster parts in the last few games, sometimes nabbing even the highest-tier materials for basically free. At a certain point when you're only hunting for 1 more Elder Dragon Gem, the ability to ride a dog to get to an area is meaningless compared to a cat that can just boomerang steal one at random. If they gave that ability to dogs too, I think the split would be more fair. But yea, I'm a dog person and I prefer the dog companions for any reason other than material gathering.


That is not what MH games are about though, I don’t know why are you people so obsessed with single player campaigns and cutscenes and have to push it into every game, some games are just about the gameplay and MH games are one of them
They even already made MH games that focused on story: MH Stories


What do you guys think about the idea of skillchains being added?

Like give each "hunter art" or whatever a property or element, and then have extra free damage/reactions occur when you use them in specific orders in group hunts. I'm stealing this idea from Final Fantasy XI basically. But let's say I'm Charge Blade, and I use the big laser sword move (let's say fire element property), then a Hammer bro uses "ultimate bonk" within the next 5 seconds and it does earth element property damage, then you get a "molten core" reaction of Fire + Earth and it does a bit of extra damage on the monster. But it forces players to pay attention and coordinate their hunter arts to get it to happen.


Double down on the eco-system with small, medium and big animals hunting and doing their thing.

Keep the intricate maps but make them easier to navigate

Keep the insect, following traces feels like an hunt, ditch the rise system

2 new weapons

Better scars and visible damage on enemies

Streamline the multyplayer

Basically a bigger, better mh world.
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Double down on the eco-system with small, medium and big animals hunting and doing their thing.

Better scars and visible damage on enemies
100% agree on both of these. I like the capturing of wildlife they introduced in World too. Better than "take its picture" from Rise, for sure. It'd be cool if the "medium" monsters we could eventually train in another mode and turn them into combat mounts that could help us attack in single player hunts in the future. Extra battle damage and monster reactions are always welcome. I feel like the part HP is too high once you get out of low rank. I wouldn't mind seeing several "levels" of broken for parts (other than severed tails obviously) where you could keep damaging them after the first break.
Streamline the multyplayer
I think this is another thing they (mostly) nailed in world. The flares were a cool idea that you could do even in the middle of a hunt. The problem was the removal of rewards if you didn't join a hunt within the first x minutes. I think the rewards should have gone UP for joining hunts late, considering the chance of success goes down.


they really need to just learn how to uncomplicate the whole mp/co-op experience, if you are in a campaign story quest then no one can join and stupid things like that.

the more seamless they get the game to be, the better.
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I want a bit more streamlining.
Expand on the weapons, the movesets, give me longer combos, mor different monster sekeleton-types etc etc. but get rid of the giant pointless time-wasters like f.e.
- Give me an option to auto-disable eating or cheering animations, maybe even an option to automate the "hunt-prepping" in some way.
- Let me automate my ressource runs, my gardening stuff etc without having to run or teleport around the map to constantly manually restart and check on stuff all the time.
Those things are charming once at the very beginning and absolutely infuriating later.

I also think that it`s time to do away with the incredible material clutter like having xyz different versions of bones or scales instead of f.e. the higher tiers being able to completely replace lower end stuff. Every MH endgame at some popint gets waaaay too material management heavy.
The same goes for a major part of the gathering mechanics.
Instead of placing hundreds of boring resource spots on a map I`d much prefer more environmental traps, environmental destruction or similar stuff.
In short, more and more complex monster bashing and less of the surrounding time sinks.

And , oh yes, a modern seamless multiplayer functionality for once.
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But it forces players to pay attention and coordinate their hunter arts to get it to happen.
This would require palicoes to also be able to set up or finish such reactions, not impossible of course since pawns already did that in dragon's dogma


I have thousands of hours into Monster Hunter games and I really love them, I think Capcom will take the series to GaaS territory with the next installment, it could be the next natural evolution of the seriee

Lokaum D+

- A full new rooster of monsters to hunt
- No color swap monsters
- More focus on elemental weakness
- Keep the fast gameplay loop of Rise
- Easy Co-op
- Easy Hub Area like Rise
- Aerial Combat
- Dinamic weather
- More enviroment Interections
- Whirebugs or something similar to fast exploration.
- Better sense of scale like MHW
- Follow up/Combo attacks when in co-op
- its time for a Mecha Munster Hunter.
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Gold Member
Remove the clutch claw and remove all the gimmick late game boss fights. Shit was annoying.

I want even more environmental traps and opportunities too.

Weather variations would be cool too. Desert areas getting sandstorms, forest getting thunderstorm, etc.

Similarly a day/night cycle would be nice, but maybe just night/day emphasis for different hunts.

Less grind endgame by making it have more variety and fun things. Guiding Lands got boring fast too.

I wouldn't mind having wirebugs back, at least for non-combat traversal.

Bring palimute back and allow full co-op with every player having palico or palimute fighting.

An upgradeable hub/village/house section where you can customize it more to your style. Be able to mount armor and show off weapons.

More focus on elemental weakness
I also want this. Playing in multiplayer made the elemental resistance build up get to a point where it felt super weak, especially for something like poison.
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All the stuff from Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate with more streamlined gameplay like World, with a overworld like world except with many more biomes and different versions of biomes.

No handler.


Gold Member
What was the last game you tried, because any modern MH has a single-player campaign with cutscenes and story quests. They seem to always do some weird stipulation with the co-op part like "have to have viewed the cutscenes first, then you can co-op it", but it's there. If you haven't played World, its sounds very much like your ask here.
Last MH I've played was World. And while it was OK, I would like for Capcom to spend even more resources on singleplayer; make it even better. But I understand that that's not what MH is about.
That is not what MH games are about though, I don’t know why are you people so obsessed with single player campaigns and cutscenes and have to push it into every game, some games are just about the gameplay and MH games are one of them
I never said anything about cutscenes or something. I don't want to turn it into Nu-God of War. I like MH's gameplay and I want that to be the focus in singleplayer as well. Chill out.

But again, I understand that MH is primarly a MP game, which is why I started with "people will fucking hate me for this".

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
mh6 hyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyypeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

my body is ready!


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Rise is the true MH5. Can't wait for more of it in 6 :D

Make it Tri-2/nu-Tri in style/theme/monster roster of new vs old, etc. Roll back some of World's streamlining (that Rise also inherited) and faux-grit/realism. Remove camps and all that jazz, nobody should need to go get more items than you can carry or switch gear after starting a mission.

Maybe only keep them for something equivalent to the free hunting in moga woods so you can endlessly (pointlessly) stick around hunting whatever randomised monster comes along while you decide what to tackle next.

Underwater would rock again. Maybe wirebugs can swim and make underwater control mobile enough for idiots people to not complain this time. Seeing MonHun players complain about it being clunky and slow in Tri when it was SO good & cool was like non fans complaining for MH itself :messenger_pouting:
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That is not what MH games are about though, I don’t know why are you people so obsessed with single player campaigns and cutscenes and have to push it into every game, some games are just about the gameplay and MH games are one of them
Could you please explain what's the catch with mh? I'm genuinely curious as I've only tried World, didn't like it as I didn't understand a lot but I see it's popular and has many games.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Controls that don’t suck utter balls.
Yeah I agree. Only can play so much MH until you get tired of the stiff combat that receives a couple gimmicks each installment. As primarily a HBG player a little more engaging combat would be appreciated.

Although I'd just prefer more guns overall instead of small rifle and big rifle.


Could you please explain what's the catch with mh? I'm genuinely curious as I've only tried World, didn't like it as I didn't understand a lot but I see it's popular and has many games.
It is basically a Monster Collecting game, instead of training your monsters to fight other monsters (ala Pokemon) you basically chop them up and wear their parts like armor and make weapons to fight bigger monsters, hunting take skill and it used to be a very challenging game but in the recent entries they have been more forgiving.


Gold Member
It is basically a Monster Collecting game, instead of training your monsters to fight other monsters (ala Pokemon) you basically chop them up and wear their parts like armor and make weapons to fight bigger monsters, hunting take skill and it used to be a very challenging game but in the recent entries they have been more forgiving.

Or alternatively if you like collecting monsters rather than chopping them up.

Stories is overlooked and its a shame because its a great game.
- Do not bring back underwater combat, it was utter clunk and poo in MH3
- New Weapon Types
- Bigger sense of scale and larger world that feels more alive
- More of a realistic eco system with advanced AI
- No more wirebugs
- No wyvern riding combat, it made the challenge in Rise way too easy or at least tone it down
- Palumutes would be good but what would be cooler is being able to tame a lower class monster to use as a mount like a Velociraptor

- Bring back classics like Yian Kut Ku, Yian Garuga, Congalala
- No more stupid siege monsters that are a slog to get through and are just pure annoyance
- Skippable cut-scenes, I do not care for the helper or anyone in the fucking city, I am here to hunt and kill
- Connected city to the world. No loading in, completely seamless, same for multiplayer. No more weird friend code bs clunk.

- We been able to chop of tails off for decades but why not heads and place them as trophies that can decorate your room or give you small passive buffs on a hunt?

- More varied end game activities
- Include epic classics like Fatalis, Crimson and White as well in the base game.
- Bring in a kick ass Battle Pass.
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My only wish is it is not another boss rush game.

Bring back survival sim elements: hot, cold drinks, bbq, etc

Better yet, make it dos-2 with hunting seasons for my likes (not gonna happen obviously)
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My only wish is it is not another boss rush game.

Bring back survival sim elements: hot, cold drinks, bbq, etc

Better yet, make it dos-2 with hunting seasons for my likes (not gonna happen obviously)

Honestly I just wish for classic hunter. Generations Ultimate was the last time the series felt challenging. Either they made the monster stamina system more prevalent or they add things like the mounted combat which trivializes a lot of hunts.
I've been playing Frontier for the first time with a couple friends and its nice to have a return to form to classic hunter, Dos like mechanics.

I'll probably still enjoy what they bring out. The games are bad, but I've come to acceptance that what I want out of a monster hunter game stopped with Generation Ultimate.
Honestly I just wish for classic hunter. Generations Ultimate was the last time the series felt challenging. Either they made the monster stamina system more prevalent or they add things like the mounted combat which trivializes a lot of hunts.
I've been playing Frontier for the first time with a couple friends and its nice to have a return to form to classic hunter, Dos like mechanics.

I'll probably still enjoy what they bring out. The games are bad, but I've come to acceptance that what I want out of a monster hunter game stopped with Generation Ultimate.
You believe MH World was too easy? Why? Rise, I can see how it was too easy yes.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I just want to not have to grind for 40+ hours in order to play the game properly with my friends. Seriously, how do people have so much time on their hands?


Gold Member
Make Pre Order Bonus avaialble for purchase later.

Give me a Goth Girl Quest Giver with Big Tits.

Make the game less time consuming so i can have multiple characters

Don't have a Battle Pass
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I just want to not have to grind for 40+ hours in order to play the game properly with my friends. Seriously, how do people have so much time on their hands?
I never play MH with friends normally, but if i do its on a dedicated multiplayer toon. I enjoy it way more with solo. Playing with friends makes the game so trivial imo.
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Dogs need to come back. Makes traveling around maps much faster.

I would like to see underwater return.

Make the game multiplayer again - what I mean is that in the older games, 4and before, it was actually better to play with other people, but after World it was almost always better to just play solo. I’d like them to increase Monster difficulty, Hp, and damage and make working with other people a real thing again.

I’d like to see at least 1 new weapon type.
You believe MH World was too easy? Why? Rise, I can see how it was too easy yes.
Much of it boiled down to monsters having tons of downtime with their stamina system, then combine that with the new combat system. The ability to being able to go back to camp at will to replenish my consumables didn't help either. The new skill system where your decorations don't give negative skills made getting super builds a little too easy, at least compared to before where a decoration for "Attack" might come with negative of another skill that you would then have to work around. That provided a lot of strategy when building out armor sets.
It never felt like a challenge when I'm just smacking a monster around freely. Was it more challenging than Rise? Absolutely.
Don't get me wrong, its not a fault really. It's my own personal taste. World is the game I point to for all my friends wanting to start the series. I've poured tons of hours into it. Bought the game twice when they dropped it on PC later down the line. Just what I want from a MH game lies within the older titles.

My perfect one would be:
  • Old school systems and mechanics. Replace arts with the style system from Frontier. No Monster stamina.
  • Trimmed down world size. Maps in World I felt were far too large when you spend your time in maybe 2-5 areas of that map when you aren't gathering. Sure it looked nice and added to the atmosphere, but it could have been trimmed heavily.
  • The roster the size of Frontier or even generations ultimate. Maybe even 2nd G. Mix of New and old monsters.
  • Bring back Deviant Monsters.
  • New combat can stay, but Monster damages and AI need to accommodate for improved player skill sets.


- No more underwater combat, unless they can do it better. It's understandable that some monsters doesn't do it right out of it, such as Lagiacrus or Gobul.
- New ways to surprise monsters, fun ones, such as they did with Gobul in MH Tri.
- New weapons type.
- New additions to gameplay (closer to what Wild Hearts did with the karakuris, a pleasant addition, to me at least).
- Bring back some classic monsters such as Deviljho (I miss him in Rise), Qurupeco, Plesioth.
- New monsters.
- Dogs was a nice addition in Rise. Keep it.
- Make the maps less confusing. More like Rise, less like World.
- Bring back survival elements such as cold/hot water.
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I have thousands of hours into Monster Hunter games and I really love them, I think Capcom will take the series to GaaS territory with the next installment, it could be the next natural evolution of the seriee
I don't like that idea only because they would inevitably hold cosmetic equipment and features behind a paywall. I'm all for making MH a platform, but it would have to be a season pass worth of content or expansion packs, which would be even better. And with those passes it would have to be substantial content, not like 3 variants/recolors and a goofy meme armor. I'm talking entirely new monsters, new bones, new gear etc.
Haven't we had this exact thread before like a week ago?

Am I just going mad?
If GAF can house 2000 Starfield/MS buyouts/Last of Us 2 threads, I'm sure 2 monster hunter threads will be ok.

- Do not bring back underwater combat, it was utter clunk and poo in MH3
Well I don't mean to bring it back in its MH3 form. I'm sure they could make substantial improvements on it. But not having underwater arenas has been kinda sad after you know that it CAN be done. There's a lot still left on the table with underwater combat. But yea, a straight port from MH3 is not what I'm asking for.
- No more stupid siege monsters that are a slog to get through and are just pure annoyance
Yea and to add to this, toned down UI would be nice too. I hated almost everything about Rampage in Rise. Never again.

This kind of stuff shouldn't exist in MH:
- Connected city to the world. No loading in, completely seamless, same for multiplayer. No more weird friend code bs clunk.
To add to this, it'd be interesting if you could choose to go into an instanced mode where you see random other hunters out in the world and can choose to join them or maybe even screw with them. Player characters I mean. Kinda the same as doing a joinable Expedition but it's just automatic.

I agree with most of your other points too. Good stuff.
My only wish is it is not another boss rush game.

Bring back survival sim elements: hot, cold drinks, bbq, etc

Better yet, make it dos-2 with hunting seasons for my likes (not gonna happen obviously)
Seasons would be really interesting but a nightmare for farming for equipment.
Give me a Goth Girl Quest Giver with Big Tits.
It's most likely RE Engine, so mods abound.


I just want a evolution of World, bigger intricate maps with territories for each monster.
Nest sites that arent shared between monsters, things like dens and burrows as well.
Tracking being a mix of classic and World, you can still find tracks and signs of monsters but they are more consistent and you dont need to keep interacting with them.
Furthering on from that, Blood trails for tracking wounded monsters.
Like the OP elemental effects, more interactive elements in the enviroment.
Lagiacrus is a must to return.
Sailable desert ships, airships etc that can act as your camp.
More customisation to armour, such as being able to choose decorative aspects or alternate parts like shoulder guards/gauntlets/tassels/helms/visors/horn shape etc
Weapons look like weapons with Monster parts used for the blades and guards, like the Iceborne weapons.
More variants of Monsters
A iteration on the Guiding Lands
The farm needs to be back.
Different kinds of mounts, maybe Monster Taming of some kind
More combos per weapon, weapon arts or something similar
New weapon like Neros blade in DMC, Rev to charge weapon with elemental effects
More traps, maybe a weapon type that is exclusively geared around wearing out a Monster for capture.


No wirebugs, replace them with following traces like turds, footprints, smells, broken stuff they broke in certain way or hairs after they rubbed in a tree or wall etc. Modify some weapons or add new ones to make the action a bit more hack & slash-like, not that slow.

Make it more non-hardcore single player friendly with a great campaign that doesn't need almost grinding or MP to be completed. Dog companions like in Rise, and no loading screens.

Greatly improve the fishing minigame adding way more fishes/rewards, rods, baits, locations, etc.

Other than that make a better looking World 2.
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