I don't want Gaf to disappear.
Dont believe her lies.
This is just an attempt to stop the bleeding.
Btw that Discord invite above doesnt work. Keeps telling me the invite expired or something.
Hey y'all - just asking around for a LettersGAF discord invite. :/
I know,got like 5 invites to another Discord and no idea how to get the thing to work at all so it seems i just lurk around here for a time. can only imagine mr. Cewyn, Kirby Crayons and the others are in a better place. 🌄Longtime lurker and occasional poster here, gonna really miss this place. =/
Is there a discord that's NOT currently on lockdown due to trolls? I feel like the Titanic just sank and I'm one of the ones who missed the lifeboats. Maytbe us drifters can make our own lol
I still don't have one, which sucks, because I could need some advice right now.I would love an invite to the discord channel if anyone has access.
I still don't have one, which sucks, because I could need some advice right now.
Can i be invited please?
I don't know if this can be answered yet but how is membership going to work for the new site? Like are they gonna migrate discord gaf members first or something?