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Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth |OT| - Aloha, is it me you're looking for?


I finished the game yesterday. As always the last levels are great and full of epicness. I was just a bit disappointed as I was expecting a much longer ending sequence.

But damn that episode was amazing, another solid 9+.

My favorite are still 0 and 6, but tbh they are gonna be very, very hard to top, especially 0 which is one my top 10 GOAT.

Now, I am finally gonna play Persona 3 with the remake, I can't wait. And next month Unicorn Overlord.

Sega / Atlus are on fire this quarter.
Oof, going from Yakuza to Persona is wild, I couldn't do that, I will get around to P3 Reload (maybe one day will finally do 5R as well)

For me once this is done, its right into Final Fantast 7 Rebirth, so I'm taking my time a bit between this, Tekken and Helldivers 2

On this, on Chapter 9 and found the Vocational School, so now the next few hours are going be focused on unlocking the new jobs and maybe doing the next part of the Labyrinth, I have some nice weapons waiting for me on some jobs as well, though I'm not sure how the skill inheritance stuff is supposed to work

On the subject of Kiryu....

I do wish they'd either left him out of this and gave him 1 last game to tie everything up, Chapter 6 made me not want to go back to Ichi at all and instead have that 1 last game as Kiryu instead
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All Jobs levelled now and only one more Labyrinth to go (which is like level 60 so not yet)
Just got to chapter 5 and haven't seen the job system yet. Is this something that's integrated into the story or is it easily missable as a side story?


Finished in 80 hours. Most of it was griding levels and jobs and running around for remembrances stuff. I do not plan to go for platinum or, god forbid, NG+.

Overall, not really impressed. My main gripe is that
Kiryu story is front and center again. Kasuga is a great character, he does not deserve to stay in Kiryu's shadow this much.
The recent Gaiden was a much better sendoff to Kiryu than this, IMO. They should have snuck the remembrance stuff into that game and kept the Hawaii story as the only one.

The story itself is eh. Looks like the authors do not really know how to write a story without yakuza in it, so it always circles back to old characters and old tales.
Second dissolution
, eh? Will there be a third one?

That said, the new locale and new characters are actually great. Their backstories are interesting, the acting is always on point, really good stuff there.

Pokemon and island stuff I dropped at silver rank and 2 stars. It's fine, some ppl may like it more. The tutorial part for the island could have been shorter though.

RGG, please, do not
put Kiryu into the next game. Maybe as a cameo or something. I absolutely do not want to see him miraculously cured and kicking again.
However, if you cannot come up with a story without yakuza, maybe go back in time, create a new game back in the 80s again.
I will gladly buy Yakuza Minus One.

Just please,
let the old man die
, ffs.
Even in 7 is already perfect, Kiryu is only a cameo

Just got to chapter 5 and haven't seen the job system yet. Is this something that's integrated into the story or is it easily missable as a side story?
It's later on chapter 5. I just unlocked the job system. Just play the story first if you want to unlock it faster.


Where is the dating app? I did the mission tens of hours ago and just remembered it existed only to realize I have no idea how to do it? It doesn’t show on the phone.


Where is the dating app? I did the mission tens of hours ago and just remembered it existed only to realize I have no idea how to do it? It doesn’t show on the phone.
It's not actually on the phone. You have to go back into the Berries Pancake resturant and actually sit down with the old lady Miss Match. You can then use the app with her. You can easily find it on the map under Miss Match I believe


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Finished Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth after 84 hours. I didn't grind the dungeons or anything else but probably did most of the side content just by roaming around to complete all the bond stuff and explore all the areas. I'm still missing things like Sujimon and Dondoko stuff and I didn't level any but the default jobs. The combat was fun but it was still all easy like most JRPGs where you barely have to use any items you've been hoarding or more than a few attacks and skills, strategy wise. I lost 2 or 3 times to some crowned enemies I shouldn't have attempted yet and never at a real boss or other segment meant to be tough. The final bosses in particular were pushovers, I never even crafted the top tier weapons for my characters, always postponing it as too expensive previously and after wasting materials to upgrade lesser stuff to +15 or +30 I wouldn't be able to upgrade them.

Epic game, 9/10 but I kind of expected the ending to go more all out, Gaiden's ending was much more moving despite the smaller stakes. Sure, thinking about all that happened and how some characters old and new grew it's got huge impact on many but presentation wise they could do more and they should show way more of that impact and the consequences beyond the main cast's eventual return to normal life. Also, Haruka looks so weird here, between a child and small person, something's way off with her model and with her son she looks like a sibling, not a mom in her late ~20s.

I'm disappointed in aspects but I still played it nonstop for 84 hours and it did not feel that long at all so yeah, it's an epic game.
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Gold Member
I got my 100% on Steam after 90 hours. Pretty much skipped all the cut scenes for my 2nd and 3rd play through.

Legend difficulty was pretty rough, I had to grind to level 90+ to have a chance (maybe I'm just bad).

God-tier game


Oof, going from Yakuza to Persona is wild, I couldn't do that, I will get around to P3 Reload (maybe one day will finally do 5R as well)
I have a shit ton of free time these days with, almost nothing to do at work (and I work almost exclusively from home). The girlfriend is also away most of the time, so I can afford it for once.

Buy yeah after P3R I was gonna play FF7R2 but I think I will have a break and just play smaller games: I have PoP and I want to buy some PSVR2 games.

Oh and you should definitely play P5R, its amazing.


Gold Member
From the pages of “How do you know Vyse loves Like a Dragon/Yakuza? Don’t worry, he’ll tell you!”

How beautiful is this game?!? Maybe it’s the Kiryu flashbacks making me feel nostalgic. This is an amazing achievement!
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From the pages of “How do you know Vyse loves Like a Dragon/Yakuza? Don’t worry, he’ll tell you!”

How beautiful is this game?!? Maybe it’s the Kiryu flashbacks making me feel nostalgic. This is an amazing achievement!
Damn right.


Gold Member
Holy shit these guys put Open your Heart Instrumental from Sonic DX in the game.

I loved that game and track as a kid, damn.

Just cleared the first floor from Hawaii dungeon. Felt way more accessible and less tedious than LaD's dungeons.
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Saw the ending last night. Great game. I didn't like the story as much as the first like a dragon, but it was still enjoyable. Don't think I'll go for the platinum this time. I'll just play around with the post game content for a bit. Lot of great games to play at the moment so gonna move on.

Cowboy class was really good. I made that my first ultimate weapon upgraded to +50 after just having a lot of fun using the cowboy moveset. The 2nd lasso ability where you swing the enemy around actually does pretty great damage to other enemies who get hit by it.
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At the tail end of Chapter 10 (I think) and done most of the side stuff now, the game is, like most RGG games, starting to get a bit long in the tooth but still intriguing enough to finish
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At the tail end of Chapter 10 (I think) and done most of the side stuff now, the game is, like most RGG games, starting to get a bit long in the tooth but still intriguing enough to finish
Theres a 2nd Underground Dungeon!!!!

Fuck me I can see why they said 200 hours to 100%, we're approaching Persona 5 levels here
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Gold Member
What a hell of experience! Folks outside were obsessed with all kind of crazy news but I just sunk 140 hours over the past 3 weeks!

Okay, now here are my final thoughts for the game. As a fan of Yukuza specially all those memorable characters, I expected the game to be best in every aspect in the series to give Kiryu a flawless finish. In many facets it indeed is, but I was underwhelmed by some parts.

The story:

I always come to Yakuza (and Judgment) games for stories so this will make a great deal for me experience.

What I like: The overall plots are set written, suspenseful, and the pacing are not too bad. What the game does best is the paying all homage to all Kiryu's past sagas. Those memory are so vivid and touching, chapter 12 is the climax of the nostagia yet made my blood boil at the same time.

What I don't like: Is Kasuga a good character? Of course, I liked him in 7. As the in game characters all said this many, the time has changed, it is not the era of Yakuza anymore. And the game's story has shifted from Yakuza Gang War to more of issues of the society. I think switching the protagonist to Kasuga makes sense here.
But man, when I was playing I couldn't help but saw way too much Deja Vu of Naruto on Kasuga. In this game he kinda became a " hero stereotype": Act clumsy in usual time then become wise in critical time; always trusted ones he decided to trust for no reasons; as long as the villains have some background stories, then they are redeemable; the list goes on. I honest don't mind all of those in a actual Dragon Quest game, but in a Yakuza game, a protagonist needs to be more in depth, more layered than this for me. There are way more to expand but I'll just wrap up and say I think Yakuza 8 story is great, but the character depicts was not as good.

The gameplay:

When Yakuza 7 firstly switched turn-based, it was refreshing for a while (especially those over the top wacky poundmates, lol), but the RPG system was not deep enough to support engagement of a 100+ hours long playthrough. And I am so glad Yakuza 8 made a full evolution over its systems. And this made me first time playing a Yakuza game for gameplay over its stories. The combat now has way more playability: the position, the synergy, and the character builds are all engaging. Not to mention all jobs are just so fun to play and you don't have to worry weather they are underpowered. And many quality of life change such as fast travel at any point on the map, quick battle over underleveled enemies, able to eat at restaurants even HP is full, etc, all make the experience of this RPG Yakuza very pleasant. The only thing I hope to be added in the future is a party member hot swapping mechanics, that would make the combat even more engaging.

My overall thoughts:
Yakuza 8 gave me many emotional moments during its story and I absolutely loved the evolved RPG systems. Although I do hope future entries could be more of OG Yakuza story.

PS: Gonna work on NG plus since I bought the premium pack.

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Finally finished.

All went smoothly except the end game bosses.

The game suggests levels and equipment throughout the story except for the end game!

I reached the final boss with a party of 44-47 level and almost cried. After 10 tries I solved it!

What a game! This and zero are the best Yakuza easily.

Still I am not sure if I prefer the turn based battles. They are fun but there is no depth for such a long game. Midway I started to use auto battle except for the bosses.


Finished main story. Not as good as the story from 7 but still good. The nostalgic stuff with Kiryu…I’ve been playing all the games as they came out since 2005/6. So wild, to look back with the games flashbacks. Too surreal. The team making this series puts love into these games it shines through.
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Loved the game as well, but I agree that the story was a bit weak. Playing in Japanese, Bryce engrish didn't really help. LAD story setup was amazing. It had me hooked from the intro with Arakawa and the theater and restaurant scenes. This game never reached those heights but it was a great deal of fun nonetheless.

I only played Yakuza 0, LAD, The Man Who Erased His Name before this. For me the amount of fan service with Kiryu and bits from his story didn't give me that much and was a bit boring, but might have been different if I had played through more of them.

Loved the characters, combat, Hawaii and general weirdness. Blasted through it, played 100h in two weeks, that doesn't happen often for me. Think it might be GOTY for me when all is said and done.
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hide your water-based mammals
Yea they never explain it, the last game was like that as well

So I’m at the end of Chapter 11 and at levels 40+ so decided fuck it grind out the dungeons and get everyone their best in class weapons starting with the Hero bat for Kasuga
I recall the game explaining it. It was in Ch.3 or 6. Or one of the ones after the first few. I definitely remember the game pointing that out.
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Damn, I must have missed it the whole game! Need to check it out later.
Yeah, everybody missed it. I also found out about it in 7's dungeon has random rule to get the reward. One of the rules is to not change party members lol

I recall the game explaining it. It was in Ch.3 or 6. Or one of the ones after the first few. I definitely remember the game pointing that out.
I'm currently at chapter 6 and still can't change party members because I only have 4 people. Probably later on
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Gold Member
Currently on chapter 7 and when Kiryu handshakes Kasuga on the taxi, before going back, man what a beautiful moment. He kind of passed the mantle on the previous game but this scene alone just elevates it to another level, specially because Hawana explained why Kiryu was so fixated in helping Lani and Akane. Pretty neat.

Also, what classes are you guys mainly running?


Gold Member
Currently on chapter 7 and when Kiryu handshakes Kasuga on the taxi, before going back, man what a beautiful moment. He kind of passed the mantle on the previous game but this scene alone just elevates it to another level, specially because Hawana explained why Kiryu was so fixated in helping Lani and Akane. Pretty neat.

Also, what classes are you guys mainly running?
Samurai, chef, tennis ace, maid, and Desperado are the ones I use most. When getting to the end games having all skills and weapons, then you are able to build some powerful builds.


91 hours. Just started premium adventure. Love the game. Spent an enormous amount of time doing pretty much every side quest, drink link, completing dondoko, catching sujimon… loved every bit of it. The only thing that would have made it perfect is hostess management. Bring back my Y0/2 management game!!!

The weakest part for me was probably the story. It feels like … RGG had a bunch of gameplay ideas and locations they wanted the player to engage with but didn’t know how to do that, so they wrote a story around the gameplay elements they wanted to introduce.

Some stuff doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. I did the drink links with date and Kiryu reaffirms his vow to Daidoji to disappear and never see anyone again and maintain his “dead” status. Then you complete the game, beat up Bryce and Ebina- also why did Kiryu cry over Ebina? Seemed out of character. Can count on one hand the number of times Kiryu has openly cried and he’s doing it for this dipshit he doesn’t even know? Mm. Flash forward one month later and Kiryu uses his real name in the hospital and you get an achievement called the man who regained his name or something like that. Then the gang is in survive talking about how Jo, Bryce, and Ebina all just “disappeared” - what? Where did they go? Didn’t they get arrested? Why did Kiryu suddenly decide to go back on his word when he JUST SAID he would maintain his oath ?

I loved the game. I can’t wait to play more, tackle the dungeons, and do new game plus. Loved the combat system. Really fast and fluid. Beat downs were a great addition. That said, the story was easily the weakest part. No idea where yakuza 9 is going to go but I can’t wait to find out.


So nearly done with Chapter 11 and I hate to say it, the Kiryu parts are dragging the story down at the moment, this whole part with him could easily have been its own game, like I'm glad its here in a sense, but I kinda wanna get on with the main story and I'm being blocked from that to do random stuff again
All done. Overprepped for the easy final boss of the big swell, whoops. Gonna take the disc out or I'll just keep coming back over and over to keep s-ranking crazy taxi or ride around hawaii on a segway dressed like a samurai lol
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F31 Leopard

I'm really confused why RGG used 2 different English VA's for both JP and ENG audio. Without giving spoilers there's a character who speaks normal English to Americans then Japanese to Ichiban meaning he's bilingual in JP audio. In the English dub same character speaks in Hawaiian Pidgin English with a totally different VA.


I'm really confused why RGG used 2 different English VA's for both JP and ENG audio. Without giving spoilers there's a character who speaks normal English to Americans then Japanese to Ichiban meaning he's bilingual in JP audio. In the English dub same character speaks in Hawaiian Pidgin English with a totally different VA.
Yeah, that's a weird decision. And also some character that are native from Hawaii is still using the Japanese VA like Tomizawa and Bryce when speaking English.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Because they prefer awkward English from the non english speaking VA over having them as completely different people and voices when speaking one or the other language, duh.

It's better this way even if they could have found folks that speak English better. It's not used that much anyway, mostly the sage only speaks enough for it to start affecting the presentation.
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F31 Leopard

Because they prefer awkward English from the non english speaking VA over having them as completely different people and voices when speaking one or the other language, duh.

It's better this way even if they could have found folks that speak English better. It's not used that much anyway, mostly the sage only speaks enough for it to start affecting the presentation.
The character in question doesn't have awkward English in the JP audio. They could have used him in the ENG audio as well. It's not a big deal just thought it was weird they decided to give him a pidgin accent in the ENG dub.
JP audio in the video.
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Just now hit the 40 hour mark, still on Chapter 6. My wife wouldn't let me play this game without her watching - but she finally admitted that watching it's been making her a bit motion sick. I tried tweaking some of the settings, but no luck.

So now, I'm just playing this while she's watching KDramas on her laptop, and I'm keeping her up to speed on the major story points. :)

No way in hell I'm finishing this before Final Fantasy comes out though.


Gold Member
Started chapter 8 and I was not expecting they would make you play as Kiryu. I'm starting to get a feeling they won't kill him off. Also Engrish Bryce is so damn bad :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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