Pre-ordered the collectors edition, my wallet can hate me later. I wish there was a normal version since I don't like having collectors editions with statues, but if its the only physical release here then Ill take it.
This post is just speculation, but I'll be curious to see if Dusk Golem's theory is proven correct
You can read it here:
NOPE, unfortunately it's basically half of that.
As I wrote in my review, I completed the game in two sittings, for a total lenght of something above 3-3.5 hours of total playtime.
Yup, it's definitely not a long game, but it's still absolutely worth it.
And also, the beginning is IMHO the weakest part: after(it's not a real spoiler, it's really a setting that has always been shown) it really keeps growing and growing, to a very powerful epilogue.the kitchen
If you guys have other questions, feel free to ask!
I have an abstract question but does Six ever talk, even to the monsters or other people? I know the developers said no dialogue and story, but I'm still wondering if Six ever makes comments to herself about the environment or whatever. Or is she completely mute like Sack Boy?If you guys have other questions, feel free to ask!
I have an abstract question but does Six ever talk, even to the monsters or other people? I know the developers said no dialogue and story, but I'm still wondering if Six ever makes comments to herself about the environment or whatever. Or is she completely mute like Sack Boy?
And I thought the kitchen part was already pretty cool from what I played at conventions, so this is only more encouraging to hear.
I'll be honest, I expected a solid buy rating from the body of the review, was surprised by the wait for sale rating at the end of the video.
No, she doesn't talk. Yet believe me, you will definitely get to know something about her inner nature throughout the game...
Supersampling @1080p on the Pro?? Please please. Anybody knows?
The game will run at 1080P and 30 FPS on a regular PlayStation 4 console, while the native resolution will be bumped to 1620P (75% of 4Ks 2160P) on PS4 Pro where the frame rate will be close to 60FPS (70% of the time it will be stable at 60FPS, for the remaining 30% it will vary between 50 and 60FPS).
What else has this art style?Am I the only one who gets sick from this kind of art style?
I don't know what it is really... But this art style makes me feel ill.
What else has this art style?
Pre-ordered the collectors edition, my wallet can hate me later. I wish there was a normal version since I don't like having collectors editions with statues, but if its the only physical release here then Ill take it.
What else has this art style?
Considering the review embargo was up a week before launch (that's big for an indie game) and they're doing a retail push, it seems like they have pretty high expectations. I think Inside being such a hit last year pushed them to go all out with this, since there's clearly an audience who really likes these kinds of gamesReally ecstatic to hear the positive praise seeping through in the early reviews. After "Gravity Rush 2," "Yakuza 0," and "Nier: Automata" managed to consume about 60 hours of my life for each round, it's finally nice to have something like a dainty bite in comparison to all the meatier meals in the gaming delicatessen, especially with "Horizon" and "Persona 5" still glaring at me from across the counter. Side scrolling platformers reminiscent of "Little Big Planet," like "Puppeteer" for example, didn't exactly light up the sasle division so I was partly worried this would be a solid digital exclusive given the short length back when it was still under a working title. I'm still rather surprised Namco opted to roll out the retail carpet for the game, but I'm deeply appreciate of the move as a collector and I wish I found find the creepy arms picture for express my anticipation. Next week can't roll around soon enough! I'll probably pay off my order sometime this evening, too.
I actually can't think of many off the top of my head, The Fire Fly Diary is probably the closest, but there are a lot of indie horror games that do it to... I think its the dark edges of the screen that do it.
I know it sounds dumb, but for some reason it gets to me.
Inside is definitely horrorFor those who played and reviewed the game, what type of "horror" game is this? Does it rely on jumpscares, is there a lot of violence and stuff? Or is it more like Inside, which i assume isn't considered a horror game?
Its precisely the kind of horror game I love grotesque but not gross, and interested in thoughtful pacing and escalation rather than jumpscares and shocks.
Little Nightmares is frightening, in a way that gets under your skin. A way that whispers in your ear that you won't sleep well tonight...It was one of the most unsettling experiences of my life.
Little Nightmares is everything you may have loved about LittleBigPlanet thrown into a sausage grinder with everything you may have dreaded in Silent Hill.
If first hours of RE7 were scary for you, this is what it feels like. It's much more scary than Inside (and yes, Inside isnt really a horror)For those who played and reviewed the game, what type of "horror" game is this? Does it rely on jumpscares, is there a lot of violence and stuff? Or is it more like Inside, which i assume isn't considered a horror game?
If first hours of RE7 were scary for you, this is what it feels like. It's much more scary than Inside (and yes, Inside isnt really a horror)
No cheap jumpscares. You just feel uncomfortable most of the time and always expect something bad.
For those who played and reviewed the game, what type of "horror" game is this? Does it rely on jumpscares, is there a lot of violence and stuff? Or is it more like Inside, which i assume isn't considered a horror game?
If first hours of RE7 were scary for you, this is what it feels like. It's much more scary than Inside (and yes, Inside isnt really a horror)
No cheap jumpscares. You just feel uncomfortable most of the time and always expect something bad.
See, this kind of description makes me hard to see how people can say Inside isn't horror. Horror doesnt exclusively mean scaring you. You dont have to be "scared" for something to be horror. Horror can unsettle and disturb; often the best horror is the subtle kind, not making you jump and scream but get a chill when your mind registers what you're seeing or makes you feel uncomfortable when you think about what just happenedNo jumpscares, I'd say at all.
No gore, no blood, no explicit violence (yet there's a twisted and macabre carnality to it, with meat and the whole theme of hunger being dealt in a way that reminded me of the scary archetype of the ogres from fairy tales, always so voracious and ready to devour the main character).
It's a game that dwells in the grotesque, one that unsettles you with small details like unnerving sounds here and there, deep black shadows where horrible creatures might be lurking, the camera that slightly bends in a contorted way or the absurd proportions of the environments (like when a kid looks up from his small height and sees the furniture inside a room that's far too big and menacing).
It's really pretty incredible in the way it makes you feel lost, vulnerable - after all you're a small girl all alone inside a distorted dimension, armed with a simple lighter that can't even set fire to anything - and just sort of "not in the right place".
So yeah, it's surely horror, but it's not the average horror thing you usually see around, there's quite a unique character to it.
Am I the only one who gets sick from this kind of art style?
I don't know what it is really... But this art style makes me feel ill.
The art direction in this is so so good. Like that last screenshot alone, is some twisted nightmare imageryInteresting reaction, coming from a Silent Hill fan.
I love the lighting in this game.
Supporting this game day one after reading those review excerpts. Not even waiting for a price drop.Inside is definitely horror
And the reviews make it sound like the latter
That is a level you find in the second part of the adventure.The art direction in this is so so good. Like that last screenshot alone, is some twisted nightmare imagery
Where is that last one from?