JareBear: Remastered
For those interested, you can get Locke and Key, as well as Joe Hill's other work, on Humble Bundle this month.
Great deal, it is e-reader versions (ipad, Kindle, etc)
I bought the main Locke and Key volumes after
said they were her favorite, and was blown away by how much I love them. I didn't know Dog Days, Heaven and Earth, and Small World were out there too, gonna buy those now. Need to check out The Cape and The Wraith
I haven't gotten around to watching the show yet. I meant to when it launched but I just got side-tracked and it fell down my backlog
Great deal, it is e-reader versions (ipad, Kindle, etc)

Humble Comics Bundle: Joe Hill's Locke & Key and more by IDW Publishing
Pay what you want for Joe Hill comics and support charity!

I bought the main Locke and Key volumes after

I haven't gotten around to watching the show yet. I meant to when it launched but I just got side-tracked and it fell down my backlog